I will provide top notch english female voiceover for your projects

5.0 (1)

1 sale

Sold by Herculos 19 total sales

Discover versatile voice mastery honed over 5 years! With a wealth of expertise across TV, radio, commercials, gaming, and beyond, I finesse tones energetic, emotive, warm. Precision is paramount I harness advanced AI tools for every concise 150 word script. Struggling with pronunciations or exploring advertising? Let's craft brilliance together!

Welcome to a world of versatile voiceovers! With extensive experience spanning TV, radio, internet commercials, corporate narration, explainer videos, video game characters, eLearning, IVR phone systems, animation/cartoons, audiobooks, and more, I bring a diverse skill set to your project. My voice effortlessly transitions through tones like high energy, conversational, friendly, warm, confident, somber, excited, and more.

To ensure exceptional results in a 150 word script, kindly provide specific project details, especially the desired tone.

For challenging pronunciations, include phonetic interpretations or an audio file.

Enjoy one free revision for a perfect fit. You'll receive a top-tier MP3 or WAV file, ensuring high-quality delivery.

Let's create something exceptional together! Your detailed guidance helps tailor my delivery to exceed your expectations effectively.

I'm excited to begin your project! Could you please provide the document or script you'd like me to work on? Having this material will ensure I deliver a tailored and exceptional voiceover that meets your specific needs.

I will provide top notch english female voiceover for your projects

  • €10.00

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Buyer reviews


5.0 (1)

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thanks <3


it was a pleasure working with you thank you!

About the seller

Herculos 18 minutes ago

“Expert en voix off et en marketing, offrant des services professionnels en plusieurs langues grâce à la technologie AI. Avec ma voix chaude, polyvalente et naturelle, je donne vie à vos projets en publicités, vidéos explicatives, modules d'apprentissage en ligne et livres audio. Grâce à mon matériel et mon logiciel de pointe, je garantis une qualité audio optimale.

En plus de mes compétences en voix off, je suis également compétent en SEO et en création de campagnes marketing. Je suis déterminé à atteindre les objectifs de mes clients et à les satisfaire totalement. Commandez maintenant et laissez mes compétences en voix off et marketing donner vie à votre vision”

  • Average response time 2 h
  • Orders in progress 0
  • Sales in total 19
  • Seller since Feb 2023