I will be your professional social media content creator

0 sales

Sold by jonasbeidar 0 sales

Join us in the world of content creation, where we strive for excellence, focus on results, and understand our audience deeply. We exceed expectations by crafting captivating designs that tell extraordinary stories.

I'm Jonas, a Senior Designer, Content Strategist and Marketing Director. I've been in the industry for over 6 years and have helped over 500 brands with their content needs.

How can I help?
Whether you're looking to boost brand visibility, share your unique story, or introduce an innovative product, you've come to the right place. We're here to help you create content that will engage and inspire your audience.

I help businesses of all sizes enhance their social media presence with visually appealing and cohesive designs that resonate with their target audience. My services include tailored design solutions and comprehensive management services.

What will you get with this gig?
- 5 visuel posts (600px*600px)
- Original images & design
- 5 hashtag suggestions
- Unlimited revisions
- PNG Files

NB: I don't provide captions with the visuels.

I will be your professional social media content creator

  • €15.00

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

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  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
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  3. Sellers only get paid
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About the seller

jonasbeidar 3 days ago

“Typomaniac. Graphic designer. Digital Creator // Explorer.

Vous aspirez à dominer les réseaux sociaux ? Besoin d'un magicien des mots pour faire briller vos blogs ? Ou encore, des visuels qui claquent pour sublimer votre entreprise ? Ne cherchez plus, vous m'avez trouvé !


- Maîtrise totale de Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin & TikTok
- Des contenus blog et copywriting boostés pour un SEO au top
- Des stratégies sociales taillées sur mesure / Recommandations infaillibles (audience / contenu)
- Un calendrier éditorial fait sur mesure
- Configuration du Business Manager
- Réalisation des Plannings éditoriaux
- Design graphique / Photos / GIFs / Immersions 360° / Carrousels et plus encore
- Animation et modération de votre communauté
- Rapports d'activité mensuels ultra-complets
- Campagnes publicitaires
- SEA (Référencement payant : Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn)
- Gestion experte de projets existants (Suivi / Optimisation selon KPIs)

Prêt à propulser votre présence en ligne vers de nouveaux sommets ?


  • Average response time
  • Orders in progress 0
  • Sales in total 0
  • Seller since May 2022