I will translate your text from English to French
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Proposé par MK_Redac Professionnel Ventes au total 63 Disponible sur ComeUp Direct
⚠️ If you are in a hurry, scroll down to the last section : "Key points to remember".
👉 Need help to translate an article, a song, an official document or an important file to French?
👉 Would you like to post articles in French on your blog?
👉 You are an English speaker and want to translate your website's content to expand your customer base in France?
Stay tuned, I'm on it! 🏃
Don't lose your audience because of inadequate translation! 😨
Have you ever read an online text so badly translated, full of mistakes and incoherencies that you clicked on ✖️ in the blink of an eye?
Improperly translated content can create a very bad feeling, even if your initial content is fabulous. You need a high-quality translation that adapts your content to make a natural, full-fledged text. ⭐⭐⭐
Your final text must be written in flawless French, which is guaranteed by a French translator. If you try to do this translation without absolute mastery of the French language, you run the risk of wasting your time and getting out of breath, without obtaining a convincing result. 🥹
Forget about automatic translators! ⛔
Your audience won't be fooled. If your work reveals its english origin through its poor turn of phrase and word-for-word translation, you can kiss your credibility goodbye.
🤖 I do not need to tell you about the shortcomings of computer-generated translations - they have been proven time and time again. You cannot 100% rely on these uncritical and analytical results.
💫 What I suggest (that an automatic translator will not do) |
▶ Adapt your text reliably, accurately and without approximation to French |
▶ Correct human mistakes in the source language: grammatical or typing errors |
▶ Understand the intention, context and nuances of your text |
▶ Know when to deviate from word-for-word to convey the essence of the text (jokes and puns, for example) |
▶ Preserve the author's writing style: tone, register, flow |
▶ Maintain overall coherence, both in terms of structure and ideas |
▶ Propose a text conceived in French, with impeccable style and syntax, using natural turns of phrase |
▶ Respect the confidentiality of your data |
In addition to all these benefits, a human translator means human support.
👉 I can explain my translation choices and suggest alternative solutions if necessary.
👉 If anything bothers you, I will respond to your feedback so that I can fine-tune the text to your complete satisfaction.
I'm Maeva, your translator and copywriter. Nice to meet you! 👋
🎯 My aim is to improve all texts by offering a full range of services. My main activity is copywriting, but I also offer proofreading/rewriting and CV writing services.
🇬🇧 When it comes to English, I have always been a good student. My secondary school teacher used to reprimand me for my terrible accent, which only increased my focus when I was writing. Since then, my accent has improved slightly (well... I think so!), but my strong point is still writing (both in French and English).
During higher education, the language level went up a gear. The English lessons continued to focus on accurate, high-quality translations. These intensive lessons made me want to offer more than just copywriting on ComeUp. Translating a text no longer held any secrets for me. Of course, in addition to my studies, I continue to practise English through my jobs (in tourism and catering) and my travels.
🇫🇷 French is my mother tongue. Thanks to my studies in literature and my work as a copywriter, I have a perfect command of its grammar and subtleties. And I love the richness of the language...
Why put your trust in me? 🥰
💜 I am a professional, verified and certified seller on ComeUp.
💜 I have always been able to adapt to any request, whatever it may be.
💜 I have a certain love for a well done job! We could almost call it excessive perfectionism, but as long as the customers are happy... I don't blame myself!
If you needed any more reasons to choose me for your text, please take a look at the reviews of my other services. 😉 (Spoiler Alert: all my current customers are 100% satisfied! 💕)
My promises? 🤝
👌 Excellent knowledge of the French language and its subtleties
🪶 Texts adapted naturally and fluently
💎 Accurate and reliable translations
🔒 Respect of your confidentiality
🚀 Quick answers to your messages and questions (before, during and after the job is completed)
How does it work? 🤔
1️⃣ Send me your text to be translated, specifying its purpose.
2️⃣ I confirm your order if it meets your requirements.
3️⃣ You receive your translated document in less than 3 days.
It is easy, fast and efficient!
💸 My quotes and options 💸
⭐ My basic offer, for €15 |
✅ Up to 2,000 words translated |
✅ Study of the meaning and purpose of your text |
✅ Spelling and grammar check in the source document, then in the final text |
✅ Full linguistic documentation when required |
✅ Adaptation of the French text with particular attention to fluency |
Is your text longer? Do you need a more complete optimisation? I offer three options to complement my basic package:
➕ My options |
1. Add words: You can add as many words as you need. If you need even more, contact me and we will put together a custom offer perfectly tailored to your needs. ☺️ |
2. Rewording: If there are any awkward bits in the original text that are difficult to read or understand, I will reword your sentences to make your message clearer. |
3. If you are in a hurry, you can choose 'Express Delivery'. Select your options at the bottom of the page and click on 'Order'. In the next page, you can add Express Delivery to your basket. → 1 day less equals €5. |
✏️ Personalised offer
On ComeUp we all have the possibility to create a personalised offer. I can generate an offer that corresponds precisely to your request. Even if it involves a text that is only 500 words long, for example.
So if my options do not meet your precise needs, contact me to work out the right package together.
Just remember that EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE. 🥳
💡 Key points to remember:
- A fluent, well-translated text will hold your readers' attention.
- As a French language expert, I can guarantee you a flawless, error-free and natural result.
- My translation service includes a text of 2,000 words for €15. More of that, I can create a personalised offer that corresponds exactly to your requirements.
- The length of the text may differ depending on the language. When adapting your content, I focus on quality, not quantity. If the ideal adaptation of your text requires more words, the translated version will be longer. (A French text is often longer than an English one).
- ❌ I do not translate sensitive or official legal documents.
- If you have any questions, please contact me. You can explain your requirements to me to be sure I am the right translator for the job. 😉
🚀 You are only two clicks away!
If you have realized that your text translation deserves the best, I invite you to place your order now. 👇 Your readers will thank you.
You will save time and earn credibility! What more could you ask for? 🚀
See you soon,
Maeva 🌞
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À propos du vendeur
🏆 Vous et moi sommes animés par la même priorité : votre succès sur le web. Pour y arriver, vous devez réussir à plaire aux algorithmes des moteurs de recherche, mais aussi à votre audience. 😉
🌟 Je propose divers services liés à la rédaction de contenu de qualité. Quels que soient vos besoins, je peux tout rédiger à votre place : article de blog optimisé SEO, page de présentation de site web, CV ou lettre de motivation, transcription d'audio, correction ou reformulation de texte, etc. ✍️
❓ Si vous avez la moindre interrogation, contactez-moi et je vous répondrai dès que possible.
🚶♀️ Vous hésitez à dépenser pour les services d’une inconnue ? Laissez-moi me présenter plus en détail (à lire si -et seulement si- vous souhaitez en savoir davantage).
📚 J'ai grandi dans la librairie toulousaine de mon père, éprise de littérature depuis mon plus jeune âge. Assise dans les rayons pendant des heures, j'ai appris à lire toute seule à 4 ans, déjà familiarisée avec ces suites de lettres.
🎓 À la fin du lycée, j'ai naturellement obtenu un bac L avec mention, puis j’ai suivi une prépa littéraire, option cinéma. C’est cet univers-là que j’ai décidé d’explorer à la fac, en m’inscrivant à une licence Arts du spectacle - Études cinématographiques, à Paris. Passionnante ! Néanmoins, je n’avais toujours pas la moindre idée du métier que je voulais réellement exercer, perdue devant une multitude de possibilités.
🦋 Papillonnant dans le vaste monde professionnel qui s’offrait à moi, j'ai forgé mes compétences actuelles dans de nombreux secteurs. J’ai progressé dans la restauration, posé en tant que modèle vivant, appris à être masseuse bien-être en spa, j'ai aussi travaillé en tant qu'hôtesse événementiel, vendeuse, baby-sitter, matelot, guide touristique... Au sein de ce parcours éclectique, j’ai su mettre à profit mon appétence pour l’écriture et la création de contenus, même quand ces compétences ne figuraient pas sur ma fiche de poste.
✍️ Un jour, j'ai enfin pris conscience que je pouvais aider les autres en faisant ce en quoi j'excelle : rédiger. Bien sûr, il m'a fallu quelques mois pour apprendre toutes les spécificités du web, notamment l'optimisation SEO. J'ai achevé ma formation théorique par la pratique, sur le terrain de ComeUp, en tant que rédactrice freelance depuis octobre 2023. Bien entendu, je continue d'apprendre au quotidien : écrire pour le web, c'est aussi rester à la page dans le monde du digital.
Aujourd'hui, je suis prête à booster votre visibilité sur le web grâce à des textes professionnels, conçus selon vos besoins. 💪
😱 « Pfiou, quelle tchatche ! Elle a pris au pied de la lettre le mot "Biographie" celle-là ! » Eh oui, je suis prolixe. Tant mieux pour les affaires ! Blague mise à part, je vous remercie d’avoir lu l’intégralité de ma prose.
💻 Dorénavant, mon éloquence peut devenir votre outil de communication digitale, mon clavier devenir le vôtre le temps d’un article (et plus, si affinités). 🤝
👀 Je vous invite à jeter un œil (ou deux) à mes offres de services, afin de trouver la formule qui vous convient le mieux.
🥳 J’ai hâte de m’investir dans un nouveau projet : le vôtre !
👋 À bientôt sur ComeUp.