I will link your book to your Amazon KDP author page

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Sold by JohnG1 Professional 1,438 total sales Available on ComeUp Direct

I will link your book to your author page on Amazon KDP starting at 10 euros.

Your book is not linked to your author page? 😮

Help readers find your works more easily. Books registered in your Library are listed on your Amazon Author page, new release notices are sent to your subscribers, and more! Is a book missing? 😒

When you click on your author name, are you not redirected to your Amazon Author page? If yes, then there is a problem, and it may come from several causes;

1 - You have written your author name differently from the name on your Amazon Author page
2 - The author name indicated in your Amazon KDP interface is different from your other works (space, capitalization, other)
3 - Your book is simply not yet attached to your author page and I will request its attachment...

We will help you!

The service for 10 euros for 1 book

✅ Access to your existing Amazon KDP account | you must have your credentials (email + password)
✅ Communication of Amazon Author account credentials
✅ Access to your Amazon Author central account
✅ Analysis of the problem
✅ If the problem is due to a non-attachment to your Author page, we will solve it.
✅ If the detected problem comes from another cause, we will explain the problem and propose other solutions.
❌ We do not solve exploitation rights and/or conflicts related to author rights
❌ We do not contact your publishing house to obtain rights

We are the only ones offering this on Comeup.com
Interesting, isn't it?


✅ Very easy, here, a simple click is enough at the bottom left or right of this service
on "ORDER", below this text, or at the top right now, and
then check the options that interest you.

I have all the precise data, I will ADVISE YOU AND ABOVE ALL GUIDE YOU THROUGHOUT THE execution of the service.
✅ You will never be alone, since I am here to accompany you from A to Z throughout the process. I promise.

If you have any questions, contact me directly!

I will link your book to your Amazon KDP author page

  • €10.00

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

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  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
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  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

About the seller

JohnG1 1 hour ago

“🔸 Expert Amazon KDP 🔸
☑️ Amazon Advertising ☑️
⭐ Déjà + 1426 clients satisfaits ⭐
👇 Contacte-moi pour tes projets ! 👇

22 collaborateurs permanents sur un plateau de travail en présentiel.
Et moins d'une 10 d'agents mobilisés pour les appels entrants & sortants

Loi de Pareto|Tim Ferris|Scrum & Kanban
Au-delà du pognon, l'oseille et la tune, de l'attention, de l'énergie et de la bienveillance ! Chaque lundi en fin d'après-midi, c'est activité physique pour tout les collaborateurs avec le boss !

John, français, superviseur de la génération 1981 (moi-même) EXPERT de l'outsourcing, externalisation, l'organisation, les process et le suivi qualité. Nous sommes à l'écoute de vos besoins et nous faisons tout pour que vous soyez toujours satisfait ! 🙂”

  • Professional seller
  • Average response time 11 h
  • Orders in progress 23
  • Sales in total 1,438
  • Seller since Oct 2020