I will take care of your cover letter

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Sold by Lionel_CopyPower 0 sales

# Land your dream job with an optimized, error-free cover letter that captures recruiters' attention from the very first paragraph.

Do you want to highlight your past achievements and specific skills to impress recruiters in order to land the job you deserve

Do you want to stand out with a compelling cover letter that reveals your personality and demonstrates your commitment to the position you're applying for

If you answer in the affirmative, then this service will meet all your expectations and fill you with satisfaction.

Here's everything I guarantee if you place an order with me.

Cover letters that grab recruiters' attention from the very first sentence, taking them on a captivating journey through your background and skills.

Hypnotic messages that arouse interest and excitement in recruiters, creating a strong emotional bond and an irresistible desire to meet you.

Striking introductions that intrigue and captivate immediately, arousing recruiters' curiosity and making them want to read your entire letter.

Convincing arguments, backed by a detailed analysis of the company's needs and expectations, highlighting your added value and your perfect fit with the target position.

An expert understanding of recruiters' expectations, enabling you to personalize each letter to meet their specific needs precisely.

A clear and persuasive presentation of your relevant skills, achievements and experience, highlighting your unique value as an ideal candidate.

A solid demonstration of the results you've achieved in your previous experiences, focusing on the quantifiable successes and significant contributions you've made.

Strategic wording to pique recruiters' interest and curiosity, while highlighting your strengths and key skills.

Boundless creativity to make your cover letter memorable and stand out from the competition, using original turns of phrase and innovative ideas.

Unrivalled expertise in the art of cover letter writing, combining the teachings of Gary Halbert, the master of persuasion, and the brilliant intellect of Albert Einstein.

Guaranteed return on investment thanks to cover letters that pique the interest of recruiters, opening doors to new professional opportunities.

Contact me now and discover how my hypnotic writing skills can propel your application to the top of the list. Gain a competitive edge and land your dream job with my unrivalled expertise!

> **ATTENTION** : **This special offer** ( **50% discount** on the price of my services) is **only available for the first 05 orders**.
**So place your order now before the offer disappears**.

I've even written ( free of charge) a real goldmine for you in the FAQ section.

## How I handle each and every cover letter writing project for my prospects?

For every **hypnotic cover letter writing project**, I make sure that the end result lives up to my clients' expectations.

Before I start writing the **cover letter**, I spend time understanding my clients' **professional goals**, their academic and professional background, and the nature of the positions they are seeking.

This step is very important for me, as it enables me to write a cover letter that is well-personalized and meets my client's specific needs.

Once I have a **deep understanding** of the client and the position they are looking for, I start writing a draft of the cover letter.

I use **hypnotic writing techniques** to ensure that the letter grabs the recruiter's attention from the very first lines and maintains his or her interest throughout the reading process. ( The Slippery Toboggan Effect)

I then revise the draft several times to ensure that the text is fluid, free of spelling mistakes and well structured. I also make sure that the letter meets all the **specific requirements** of the company or job in question.

Once the text has been proofread, I finalize it and deliver it to the client on time.

In short, each hypnotic cover letter writing project is managed with **care and expertise** to ensure that the end result lives up to the client's expectations.

My **determination** and discipline are key elements of my work process.

What I offer for 5€(~~10€~~)
word count: 100-300 words
Persuasive, personalized writing of cover letter


word count: 100-300 words
Persuasive, personalized writing of cover letter
In-depth research into the company's expectations
Highlighting skills
Clear and readable content
Tone tailored to recruiters
Complete proofreading
Price 15€(~~30€~~)
Delivery time: 48h

I'm **convinced** that my skills, **experience** and **personalized approach** can help candidates stand out from the crowd and land their **dream job**.

You have two options:

**Option 1**: Place an order for my hypnotic cover letter writing service. If you choose this option, you'll be able to benefit from a number of advantages.

You'll have access to my skills, experience and personalized approach to help you create a good, effective cover letter. This will grab the attention of recruiters and set you apart from other candidates.

**Option 2**: Don't take action and don't take advantage of my services. If you choose this option, you risk losing out on important professional application opportunities.

This could cost you not only additional months of job hunting, but also potential career opportunities and salary growth.

The decision is yours. But remember, inaction can be costly.

I remain at your disposal if you have any questions or would like to know more about my hypnotic cover letter writing services.

FAQs Frequently asked questions

> What are the advantages of entrusting a professional cover letter writing project to you?

The main benefit of working with me on your professional cover letter writing project is that you'll get a compelling professional cover letter that can make the difference in your application.

I'll help you identify your strengths and highlight them in the letter, in addition to formulating a letter that perfectly meets the employer's expectations for a specific type of position.

> Is your service really effective in helping to land a job?

Absolutely. My personalized approach and expertise in writing cover letters can help to considerably increase your chances of getting a job.

> How can I be sure that the professional cover letter will be tailored to my profile?

I'll work closely with you to create a unique and original letter that reflects your profile and career aspirations. I'll also make sure that the letter is adapted to the company and position in question.

> Is my personal information secure?

Absolutely. I am committed to protecting my clients' privacy and respecting their personal information. Your information will never be shared with third parties and will be stored securely.


**Don't let your chance to land your dream job pass you by**.Discover my other [digital marketing services on my profile](https://comeup.com/@lionel-copypower).

I will take care of your cover letter

  • €5.00

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About the seller

Lionel_CopyPower 26 juin 2023

“Bonjour à tous !

Je suis Lionel, jeune dynamique, talentueux et passionné par la rédaction web SEO et le copywriting, doté d'une expertise de 3 ans.

J'insuffle le feu de cette passion dans tous les projets que j'entreprends. De fait, je suis capable de produire un contenu de qualité qui attire les lecteurs et les moteurs de recherche. J'utilise ma créativité pour créer des messages persuasifs qui incitent les consommateurs à agir.

Que ce soit pour des articles, des emails, des publicités, des pages de vente ou des publications sur les réseaux sociaux, je sais comment capter l'attention de votre public cible et les inciter à passer immédiatement à l'action.

Avec mon professionnalisme, ma rigueur et mon honnêteté, vous pouvez être certain que je vous livre des projets de qualité à temps.

Je suis toujours à l'écoute des besoins de mes clients et prêt à coopérer pour m'assurer que les résultats soient à la hauteur de vos attentes.

J'ai fait tellement d'erreurs dans ma vie. J'ai fait de mauvaises choses avec de bonnes intentions. Je dis cela parce que je suis humain. Je ne prétends pas avoir les réponses. J'ai mes propres démons contre lesquels je me bats tous les jours. Mais, malgré mes nombreux défauts, j'ai réussi à devenir très bon dans ce domaine et j'aimerais le partager avec vous.

Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes (oui, vous, celui qui lit ceci). Mais je vous remercie du fond du cœur. Merci de me permettre de faire un travail qui a du sens pour moi. Merci de me donner votre bien le plus précieux (votre attention). Je vous promets de vous rendre très fier de par notre collaboration.

Ma mission ultime est de faire rayonner sur internet les marques ambitieuses.
Mes armes : Une plume expérimentée et persuasive, un esprit marketing affûté et une touche de SEO. La recette idéale pour un impact impressionnant.

Mes promesses : Acquérir plus de trafic, convertir et fidéliser les prospects par le référencement naturel et le copywriting.

Ensemble, faisons en sorte que vous démarquiez (vraiment ) sur le web. Créons une marque puissante qui se démarque grâce au contenu.”

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  • Seller since May 2023