I will write your SEO-optimized product sheet

0 sales

Sold by Lionel_CopyPower 0 sales

# Boost your sales with SEO-optimized product descriptions that grab customers' attention and entice them to buy.
What if you presented your products so convincingly that your customers couldn't resist buying What impact could this have on your sales

This service is **available** to you if you (really) want :

Increase your sales with highly persuasive product descriptions that grab customers' attention.

Have well-structured product sheets stuffed with relevant keywords to maximize the visibility of your product sheets and thus increase your chances of selling.

If these are (truly) your ambitions, then this service is the answer to all your prayers.

What (really) ticks all the boxes is the FAQ section ( I've concocted free for you, a real goldmine so you can really differentiate yourself from your competitors).

> **ATTENTION** : **This special offer** ( **50% discount** on the price of my services) is only **available for the first 05 orders**. **So place your order now before the offer disappears**.

Here's everything I guarantee if you order from me:

SEO-optimized product sheets to increase your visibility and drive qualified traffic to your website.

A copywriting strategy based on the latest SEO trends and best practices.

In-depth research carried out to understand your target audience and target the most relevant keywords.

Powerful headlines that capture your potential customers' attention at first glance.

Engaging descriptions that highlight the unique benefits of your products and arouse consumer envy.

Persuasive language that drives visitors to take action and buy your products.

Clear, compelling calls to action to maximize your conversion rates.

Guaranteed return on investment with product sheets that generate more sales and increase your revenue.

Adaptation to the latest developments in search engines to stay competitive in an ever-changing environment.

Impeccable writing quality, with no spelling mistakes or grammatical errors, to reinforce your credibility with customers.

Customization of each product sheet to reflect your brand's unique identity.

Regular monitoring and performance analysis to continually optimize your product sheets and maximize your results.

Additional tips and recommendations to enhance your customers' shopping experience and build customer loyalty.

A strong partnership and close collaboration to meet your specific needs and offer a tailor-made service.

Results proven by my satisfied customers, who have experienced a significant increase in traffic and sales thanks to optimized product sheets.

**Contact me today and find out how my SEO-optimized product sheets can turn your business into a selling machine**!


RANGE PRODUCT SHEETS PREMIUM Product Sheet VIP Product Sheet GOLD Product Sheet
Number of words 200 200-300 200-500
Persuasive writing and emotional appeal
Advanced Copywriting Techniques
Clear and readable content
Ton adapted to target audience
In-depth analysis of your customer avatar to create the best possible copywriting
Engaging H1, H2, H3 titles
SEO optimization
Optimization of meta description and meta title
Insertion of royalty-free images (adapted to your graphic charter
Insertion of Gifs
Search for the most relevant keywords
Text layout directly on your store
Price 5€(~~10€~~) 15€(~~30€~~) 30€(~~60€~~)
Delivery time 24h 24h 24h



Number of product sheets PREMIUM product sheet VIP product sheet GOLD product sheet
5 product sheets 25€( ~~50€~~) 75€( ~~150€~~) 150€(~~300€~~)
10 product sheets 50€(~~100€~~) 150€(~~300€~~) 300€(~~600€~~)
20 product sheets 100€(~~200€~~) 300€(~~600€~~) 600€(~~1200€~~)
50 product sheets 250€( ~~500€~~) 750€(~~1500€~~) 1000€(~~3000~~)


If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to **contact me now and see the amazing results you can enjoy**.

My goal is to help you succeed in your business by creating **SEO optimized product sheets** that meet the needs of your target audience.

FAQs Frequently asked questions

> What is a professional SEO-optimized product sheet?

A professional SEO-optimized product sheet is content written to help search engines better understand and rank your product. It is designed to maximize the chances of your product being seen by potential customers.

> How can writing professional SEO-optimized product sheets help my business?

Writing professional, SEO-optimized product sheets can help your business by increasing the visibility of your products on search engines. This can translate into increased traffic to your website, higher sales and improved brand recognition.

> How can I optimize the structure of my product data sheets for SEO ?

The structure of your product sheets should be clear and easy to understand for potential customers. It should also include meta description tags, relevant titles and subtitles, and internal and external links to improve your search engine rankings.

> What role do images play in professional product copywriting?

Images are essential to the creation of professional product descriptions, as they enable potential customers to better visualize your product. They should be of high quality and include detailed descriptions to help search engines better understand the content of your page.

> How can I use bullet points to improve the presentation of my professional product pages?

Bullet points can be used to concisely present the features and benefits of your product. They are easy to read and understand, which can help potential customers make a purchasing decision more quickly.

> How can I include links to other relevant products in my professional product pages?

Links to other relevant products can help potential customers discover other options that might interest them. These links must be well placed and relevant to avoid distracting customers from the main purpose of the product page.

> How can I optimize my product pages for mobile devices?

Product sheets need to be optimized for mobile devices, as more and more customers make purchases from their phones or tablets. Pages must be light, easy to navigate and load quickly to avoid frustration and cart abandonment.

> How can I evaluate the effectiveness of my professional product pages?

You can evaluate the effectiveness of your professional product sheets by using analysis tools and monitoring conversion rates, time spent on page and bounce rate.


Discover all my [digital marketing services](https://comeup.com/@lionel-copypower) on my profile.

**Don't miss this special offer **.**Contact me now **.

I will write your SEO-optimized product sheet

  • €5.00

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About the seller

Lionel_CopyPower 26 juin 2023

“Bonjour à tous !

Je suis Lionel, jeune dynamique, talentueux et passionné par la rédaction web SEO et le copywriting, doté d'une expertise de 3 ans.

J'insuffle le feu de cette passion dans tous les projets que j'entreprends. De fait, je suis capable de produire un contenu de qualité qui attire les lecteurs et les moteurs de recherche. J'utilise ma créativité pour créer des messages persuasifs qui incitent les consommateurs à agir.

Que ce soit pour des articles, des emails, des publicités, des pages de vente ou des publications sur les réseaux sociaux, je sais comment capter l'attention de votre public cible et les inciter à passer immédiatement à l'action.

Avec mon professionnalisme, ma rigueur et mon honnêteté, vous pouvez être certain que je vous livre des projets de qualité à temps.

Je suis toujours à l'écoute des besoins de mes clients et prêt à coopérer pour m'assurer que les résultats soient à la hauteur de vos attentes.

J'ai fait tellement d'erreurs dans ma vie. J'ai fait de mauvaises choses avec de bonnes intentions. Je dis cela parce que je suis humain. Je ne prétends pas avoir les réponses. J'ai mes propres démons contre lesquels je me bats tous les jours. Mais, malgré mes nombreux défauts, j'ai réussi à devenir très bon dans ce domaine et j'aimerais le partager avec vous.

Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes (oui, vous, celui qui lit ceci). Mais je vous remercie du fond du cœur. Merci de me permettre de faire un travail qui a du sens pour moi. Merci de me donner votre bien le plus précieux (votre attention). Je vous promets de vous rendre très fier de par notre collaboration.

Ma mission ultime est de faire rayonner sur internet les marques ambitieuses.
Mes armes : Une plume expérimentée et persuasive, un esprit marketing affûté et une touche de SEO. La recette idéale pour un impact impressionnant.

Mes promesses : Acquérir plus de trafic, convertir et fidéliser les prospects par le référencement naturel et le copywriting.

Ensemble, faisons en sorte que vous démarquiez (vraiment ) sur le web. Créons une marque puissante qui se démarque grâce au contenu.”

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  • Seller since May 2023