I will do LinkedIn lead generation using sales navigator,500 prospect email list

0 sales

Sold by Shahid_ujjaman 0 sales

Why should you buy my service?
Extensive experience in building LinkedIn Lead lists.

With the help of popular sites such as Linkedin Sales Navigator, Crunchbase, and Google searches, I can be your lead generator to build contact list in any industry and location.

I can provide the following types of leads for this project:

LinkedIn Email List
LinkedIn Lead Generation
B2B LinkedIn Leads
Email Contact List Building
Business Contact List
LinkedIn Sales Navigator List

►Here are the data points you'll receive

> First & Last Name
> Job Title/Position
> Work Email
> LinkedIn URL
> Company Name
> Website
> Location

Data can be provided on special note

> Employee Count
> Company LinkedIn Profile
> Industry Type

► Tools I use to find leads & verify

○ LinkedIn Sales Navigator
○ SalesQL
○ Snov.io
○ Hunter
○ name2email
○ Mailtester
Project will be delivered excel or csv file

Any questions? Please feel free to contact - 24/7 available.
Thank you

I will do LinkedIn lead generation using sales navigator,500 prospect email list

  • €41.45

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

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About the seller

Shahid_ujjaman 3 mai 2024


My name is Shahid. 5 years of experience, I have an incredible work ethic, and I am committed to providing value for my clients. I am available to work up to 8-10 hours per day, and I consistently complete projects before deadlines. I possess strong communication skills, and I can quickly analyze instructions.

I have extensive experience in the following areas:
Lead Generation
B2B Lead Generation
Web scraping
Data Mining
LinkedIn Researcher
Contact List Building
Contacts List Cleanup
Database Building.
Email List Generation
Data Mining and Extraction
Lead List Building.
Prospect List Building
LinkedIn Prospecting
Data Scrape
Data Extraction
Data Collection
Email Sourcing
Valid and Verified Email Addresses.
Social Media links Discovery (Such As Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook etc.)
Product listings

I am also an expert in Data Scraping. I can provide your scraped data -CSV, Excel, spreadsheet

I am available more than 40 hours per week. Also able to start your project as soon as possible, according to you. I will give you full support until your final satisfaction.

My aim is to provide excellent and cost-effective services to my clients. I assure you that I will provide the following.

Please check my Portfolio here and also check the Client's feedback for my completed projects.”

  • Average response time
  • Orders in progress 0
  • Sales in total 0
  • Seller since Mar 2024