I will facilitate communication at your online conferences with seamless simultaneous interpretation

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Sold by Roy_Dumont 0 sales

You're in the middle of a crucial online meeting, international conference, or strategic presentation on Zoom or any other platform, and every word counts. But what do you do when the language barrier threatens to block communication? That's where my simultaneous interpreting service comes in, removing language barriers so you can focus on what's important: your ideas, your objectives, your message.

Imagine discussing in English with a French-speaking business partner, or presenting your research to a diverse audience. With my expertise in conference interpreting, I can offer you a smooth, professional solution. My commitment to perfect mastery of English (my second language) and French (my native language) guarantees seamless communication, while my active listening captures every nuance and intention.

Why choose my services? Because I understand your need for clear, effective communication. Because I'm passionate about communicating with precision and empathy. Because I'm dedicated to delivering an interpreting experience that exceeds your expectations every time.

Discover my tailor-made packages:

1. **Lightning Pack (50€ per hour)**:
- Ideal for quick meetings, phone calls, or situations where immediate interpretation is required.
- You get real-time interpreting, enabling you to communicate effectively with French speakers without delay.
- Perfect for small businesses, one-to-one consultations, or informal discussions where you need fast, accurate language assistance.

2. **Essential Package (175€ per half-day)**:
- Perfect for longer events such as conferences, seminars, or team meetings.
- You benefit from the constant presence of a professional interpreter for half a day, guaranteeing smooth, uninterrupted communication.
- Ideal for situations where mutual understanding is crucial and you want to concentrate on the content of the event without worrying about language barriers.

3. **Premium Package (350€ per full day)**:
- The ultimate choice for large-scale events such as international summits, important business negotiations, or prestigious conferences.
- You benefit from top-level linguistic expertise throughout the day, with a dedicated interpreter at your service.
- This option offers total peace of mind, allowing you to concentrate entirely on your objectives and your message, safe in the knowledge that communication will be perfectly managed in both languages.

Each package is designed to meet specific interpreting needs, offering a professional and reliable service. These prices are competitive while reflecting the quality and expertise I offer as a professional interpreter. Of course, they are subject to adjustment according to the complexity of the subject matter, the duration of the event, and other specific factors.

Upon request, I can provide a high-quality audio file of the interpreted session. The file will be delivered in MP3 format for easy playback and distribution.

*NB: Interpreters generally work in periods of 30 minutes to 1 hour, after which they can take a break to rest and maintain their concentration. For longer events (over an hour), several teams of interpreters may be needed to take turns. Please bear in mind that the above packs are personal and do not commit any other interpreter I may be called upon to work with.*

Don't let language stand in the way of your success. With my simultaneous interpreting service, cross linguistic boundaries and open up new horizons. Contact me today to turn your next event into an unparalleled experience.

I will facilitate communication at your online conferences with seamless simultaneous interpretation

  • €50.00

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About the seller

Roy_Dumont 4 days ago

“Enseignant, coach de langues et interprète de conférence, je suis un jeune francophone, cultivé et grand passionné des langues (le français, l'anglais, le chinois et le portugais). Pour avoir moi-même appris l'anglais, que je parle aujourd'hui presqu'aussi parfaitement que le français, je suis nettement conscient des difficultés d'apprentissage, des frustrations et des pensées négatives qui peuvent traverser l'esprit à des moments donnés du processus d'apprentissage et je me suis résolu depuis mes 18 ans à aider toute personne intéressée à les surmonter. A cette date, j'ai déjà formé près d'une centaine d'écoliers, d'élèves, d'universitaires et de professionnels. Ma présence sur ComeUp est donc une opportunité pour moi d'élargir mes horizons.
''Traite les autres comme tu voudrais être traité'' Ceci représente un principe de vie pour moi que j'applique dans tous les domaines de ma vie. A tous ceux qui choisiront mes services, je les rassure qu'ils peuvent d'ores et déjà avoir confiance (je ne prends que les marchés que je peux exécuter) et je leur garantis un service de qualité, à moindre coût et livré dans les meilleurs délais. Particulièrement à ceux qui choisiront mes services de coaching et de ''Conversation Practice'', je leur garantis une écoute attentive, des heures supplémentaires non rémunérées si nécessaire (soit parce que je serai trop entré dans des détails qui auront pris du temps ou encore parce que l'apprenant en aurait besoin pour un peu plus de pratique,...) et par dessus tout de vrais moments de fun.”

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  • Seller since Apr 2024