Shovon Kormokar


  • Performance

  • Positive reviews 2
  • Negative reviews 0

Response time: 1 hour

Hi I am shovon from Bangladesh, I am a professional graphics designer, I have 8 years experience on graphic design, I think it takes a lot of intelligence and eye choice to do graphics work, not everyone can do this because it is the work of skilled people, billions of people now depend on graphics For her business acquaintanceship , do you also want to make something for your business with a skilled designer? Do you want your business reputation to grow? If so, you can contact with me. I am always ready to serve you. You just give me a message, then leave the rest in my hands. Thank you, Regards: shovon

My services

Orders in progress 0

Total sales 2

Seller since Oct 2023


  • Adamsel

    “Thank you Shovon. Nice to meet you. Our paths will cross again. Thank you for the excellent work”

  • Adamsel

    “Ma première expérience avec un dessinateur et j'avoue que je suis satisfaite. Il m'a fourni un résultat au-dessus de mes attentes. Merci bcp et à très vite”