
Last login: 7 févr. 2024

My Story

Hello, I'm Trinity, and I'd like to share my journey as a yoga teacher with you. It's been an incredible path filled with growth, self-discovery, and the profound transformation that yoga has brought into my life.

Early Beginnings:
My journey into the world of yoga began in 2004, a time when I was deeply immersed in the world of breakdancing and Brazilian dance. These high-energy pursuits were my passion, but they also took a toll on my body, leading to frequent injuries. It was a wise doctor who suggested that I explore yoga as a way to heal and nurture my body.
Initially, I viewed yoga as a way to incorporate a few exercises into my group fitness classes. Little did I know that this introduction to yoga would set me on a path to discovering my true self and uncovering the profound depths of this ancient practice.

The Journey Unfolds:
In 2006, I embarked on my first yoga teacher training program, a 200-hour Hatha Vinyasa/Ashtanga Yoga certification. This experience marked the beginning of my teaching journey and laid a strong foundation for my practice. It was in this training that I learned the power of breath, movement, and meditation to transform not just the body but also the mind and soul.
Determined to deepen my knowledge and expand my teaching repertoire, I completed a 108-hour Sivananda Style teacher training in 2009. This training introduced me to the spiritual and holistic aspects of yoga, which became an integral part of my practice and teaching philosophy.

Jivamukti: A Path of Liberation:
The pinnacle of my teacher training journey came in 2010 when I completed the rigorous 300-hour Jivamukti Teacher Training program. Jivamukti yoga is known for its dedication to ethical principles, compassion, and deep spiritual awareness. This training allowed me to delve even further into the profound philosophy that underlies yoga and shaped my teaching style into one that emphasizes liberation and self-realization.
Today, I teach Jivamukti, Hatha Vinyasa, and Kundalini yoga. My approach to Kundalini is based on the teachings of Hatha Yoga Pradipika by Reinhard Gammenthaler, distinct from Bhajan's Kundalini. I firmly believe that yoga is a path to inner peace, a journey that leads us to uncover our true selves and experience profound transformation.

Teaching yoga for nearly two decades, I've been blessed to witness countless students experience their own growth, transformation, and inner awakening. The practice of yoga has not only mended my body but has also mended my soul, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to share this gift with others.
May your journey through yoga be as enriching and fulfilling as mine has been, and may you find the inner peace and self-discovery that yoga offers.

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