I will crape a website and extract the data into a CSV file
5.0 (1)
Sale 1
Sold by GillesLegrand Total sales 32
The web's primary purpose is to serve as a platform for exchanging and storing this information, which can then be used by you or your business.
But what should you do with this information?
As a business, you could analyze the purchasing behavior of your customer segments and create accurate sales forecasts using big data techniques. As an individual, you can extensively research a specific topic using a search engine. Regardless of who you are, the first step is to retrieve information from websites.
What is data scraping?
Data scraping is about "scratching" web pages to extract the desired information. It's similar to copying and pasting content from a web page, but scraping is typically done by bots that perform this task periodically.
However, a bot that can only scrape data from a single web page is limited. The bot needs to be capable of "crawling" from one page to another to gather all the data from a website. This is much faster than manually scraping web pages one by one. Crawling is systematically handled by scraping bots, where they visit a web page, retrieve its internal URLs, queue them up, and then visit those pages, continuing the process.
What you will get with the basic service for €5
I will scrape a website and extract the data in a structured CSV file, limited to 100 entities and 3 fields max. For example:
Blog articles with fields like (title, content, image link)
I offer several options for extending this limit.
Please send me a message before placing any order so we can discuss the details related to your web source.
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5.0 (1)
2ème commande et toujours satisfait.
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About the seller
Développeur et propriétaire de site web depuis 2009
j'ai acquis beaucoup d'expérience dans le web et plus précisément dans le développement et le référencement naturel