I will create an AI chatbot for your agency or business

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Proposé par WinwebTECH Professionnel 38 ventes au total Disponible sur ComeUp Direct


Do I necessarily need a WEBSITE to benefit from this service ? The answer is NO and NO.

Hello, I'm Djimon, and I will help you develop an intelligent CHATBOT for your business.

In today's digital world, where time is of the essence and competition is fierce, businesses face a significant challenge: capturing and maintaining the attention of potential customers. This is where Artificial Intelligence (AI) comes into play, providing innovative solutions to enhance customer engagement and boost sales.
Among the latest AI developments, AI-assisted chatbots stand out as a powerful tool for businesses eager to adapt to the growing demands of their customers.

▶️ Why choose an AI-assisted CHATBOT ?

The primary reason businesses opt to implement an AI-assisted CHATBOT lies in its ability to provide a highly personalized and effective user experience. Unlike conventional CHATBOTS that follow predefined scripts, AI-assisted CHATBOTS leverage natural language processing and machine learning to interpret customer queries more sophisticatedly.
They can respond to a broad range of questions and tailor their answers based on the context of the conversation, thereby offering a smoother and more relevant interaction.

▶️ What do you gain with our AI-assisted CHATBOT ?

👉🏾 24/7 CUSTOMER SUPPORT : The CHATBOT responds instantly to customer inquiries, without any downtime.
👉🏾 TIME SAVINGS : You won't need any manual interventions. The CHATBOT takes care of answering questions, guiding customers, suggesting offers, collecting information, providing contacts, redirecting customers to specific products on your site, and more.

▶️ In which business sectors should I deploy my CHATBOT ?

My CHATBOTS can be utilized in various domains, including :

◼️ Real Estate
◼️ E-commerce
◼️ Healthcare
◼️ Education
◼️ Training
◼️ HR and Recruitment
◼️ Tourism
◼️ Banking and Finance
◼️ Food and Beverage
◼️ Technology
And many more…

▶️ What tools do I use to create this intelligent CHATBOT ?

For the development of our CHATBOT, I use Botpress. It is an open-source platform designed to simplify the creation, deployment, and efficient management of CHATBOTS.

✅ My choice of Botpress is based on the following advantages :
1- Free and customizable : Botpress being open source, its use is free. And with access to the source code, I can customize and extend the platform according to your needs.
2- User-friendly tools : Botpress offers a set of user-friendly tools for CHATBOT development, including a visual editor for designing conversations and a comprehensive development environment, making the creation process easier.
3- Easy Integration : I can integrate Botpress with other systems and services thanks to its modular architecture and open APIs. This makes it a flexible tool to effectively meet your needs.
4- Advanced security features : Botpress provides robust security features that ensure the protection of data and user interactions, ensuring a safe environment for your CHATBOTS.

▶️ What is the design process for our AI CHATBOT ?

Here is an overview of each step :
Goal Definition : I need to clearly understand what you expect from the CHATBOT and determine the specific business goals it is supposed to achieve.
Target Audience Analysis : I identify and analyze the CHATBOT's target audience to understand their needs, preferences, in order to tailor the CHATBOT accordingly.
Conversation scenario design : I then create a detailed plan for the CHATBOT's interactions with users, focusing on the clarity, relevance, and user-friendliness of the conversation.
CHATBOT Development and Training : I proceed to create the CHATBOT using Botpress and train it with relevant data so that it can respond accurately and meaningfully to user queries.
Testing and Validation : I conduct comprehensive tests to check the functionality and user-friendliness of the CHATBOT, identify potential issues and gaps, and make necessary adjustments to enhance its performance.
Deployment : Once the CHATBOT is operational, I deploy it on the communication channels you have selected, whether it's on your website, mobile apps, or social media platforms.

NOTE: You must remain available during the service. We will have ongoing discussions throughout the service to clarify your needs. This will enable me to respond effectively to your expectations.


I design for you a FAQ CHATBOT with 10 conversation steps and with the following features :
Preconfigured responses : Your CHATBOT will be able to handle your customer service with preconfigured responses to specific intentions or requests.
Conversation management : I implement a logical and engaging conversation flow by defining dialogue scenarios and using conditional actions.
Rich responses : I integrate rich responses such as cards, buttons, images, and other multimedia elements to make interactions more visual.
Basic database creation on Botpress : I create a basic database and integrate AI to enable your CHATBOT to generate responses.
2 days of technical follow-up included, ensuring that the CHATBOT operates optimally and meets the needs of your business.
I design for you a INTELLIGENT CHATBOT with 20 conversation steps and with the following features :
Preconfigured responses : Your CHATBOT will be able to handle your customer service with preconfigured responses to specific intentions or requests.
Conversation management : I implement a logical and engaging conversation flow by defining dialogue scenarios and using conditional actions.
Rich responses : I integrate rich responses such as cards, buttons, images, and other multimedia elements to make interactions more visual.
🥇 Creation of an HTML database on Botpress : I create a powerful database using an HTML file and integrate AI to enable your CHATBOT to generate responses effectively.
🥇 Conversation customization : I adapt the conversation based on context and user preferences.
🥇 Integration of the CHATBOT on your website or application, etc.
🥇 5 days of technical follow-up included, ensuring that the CHATBOT operates optimally and meets the needs of your business.
I design for you a INTELLIGENT CHATBOT with 20 conversation steps and with the following features :
Preconfigured responses : Your CHATBOT will be able to handle your customer service with preconfigured responses to specific intentions or requests.
Conversation management : I implement a logical and engaging conversation flow by defining dialogue scenarios and using conditional actions.
Rich responses : I integrate rich responses such as cards, buttons, images, and other multimedia elements to make interactions more visual.
🏅 Creation of an HTML database on Botpress : I create a powerful database using an HTML file and integrate AI to enable your CHATBOT to generate responses effectively.
🏅 Creation of a database with data from your website : This database allows the CHATBOT to use information directly from your website to respond to user queries.
🏅 Conversation customization : I adapt the conversation based on context and user preferences.
🏅 Integration of the CHATBOT on your website or application, etc.
🏅 5 days of technical follow-up included, ensuring that the CHATBOT operates optimally and meets the needs of your business.
🥉 Use of Variables : I use memory variables to store information during the conversation. This information can be used for specific purposes or to personalize the user experience.
🥉 Creation of an additional database on Stack AI : This expands the response capacity to cover a wider range of questions. In case of no response in the Botpress database, the second database automatically takes over.

It's heavy, isn't it ? And you probably have some questions. I remain available to answer all your questions and concerns. Send me a message, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

I will create an AI chatbot for your agency or business

  • 100,00 €

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Tous les prix sont H.T et hors frais bancaires. Le prix définitif est calculé sur la page de paiement.

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À propos du vendeur

WinwebTECH Il y a 4 minutes

“Bonjour et bienvenue chez WinwebTECH, votre partenaire idéal pour propulser votre présence en ligne !⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Je suis Djimon, membre de l'agence WinwebTECH, spécialisée dans le marketing digital et l'Intelligence Artificielle. Notre mission est de vous accompagner dans la réalisation de vos objectifs commerciaux grâce à des stratégies innovantes et efficaces.
Avec plus de 3 ans d'expérience dans le domaine du numérique, nous avons eu le privilège d'accompagner divers acteurs du web, des e-commerçants aux start-ups en passant par les sites de formations.


◼ Audit et Référencement naturel SEO.
◼ Référencement local : Fiche Google My Business.
◼ Rédaction d'articles optimisés SEO avec l'IA.
◼ Rédaction de fiches produits à fort taux de conversion.
◼ Email marketing sur MailChimp ou Klaviyo
◼ Conception de landing page efficace
◼ Automatisation de taches avec make.com
◼ Conception de CHATBOT assisté IA.


Nous sommes une équipe dynamique et passionnée composée de développeurs web, consultants SEO, rédacteurs-copywriters, graphistes et spécialistes en automatisation IA. Chaque membre de notre équipe apporte une expertise unique pour vous offrir des solutions sur mesure, adaptées à vos besoins spécifiques.

✅ Avec notre professionnalisme, notre dynamisme et notre engagement, nous vous garantissons des solutions sur mesure répondant à vos besoins spécifiques.
✅ Nous privilégions une approche partenariale et une transparence totale pour un succès mutuel.
✅ Confiez-nous vos défis SEO et vos projets en automatisation IA, et nous mettrons tout en œuvre pour les mener à bien et vous offrir entière satisfaction.
✅ Nous sommes là pour concrétiser vos objectifs et transformer vos visions en réalité.
✅ Disponibles 7j/7, nous sommes réactifs et à l'écoute de vos besoins.

Prêt(e) à vous lancer avec l'équipe la plus dynamique ? Démarrez la conversation avec nous dès maintenant et recevez une réponse rapide.
Nous sommes impatients de collaborer avec vous pour atteindre et dépasser vos objectifs en ligne. 📈

Nous vous souhaitons plein de succès !
🔥 Cordialement, L'équipe Winweb TECH !”

  • Vendeur professionnel
  • Temps de réponse moy. 5 h
  • Commande en cours 1
  • Ventes au total 38
  • Vendeur depuis Oct. 2023