I will create your illustrations with originality

5.0 (3)

3 sales

Sold by k_sandra 95 total sales Available on ComeUp Direct

Welcome 💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥

➡️Do you want unique illustrations ?

➡️Illustrations that translate your ideas or illustrate your projects ?

➡️Are you looking for a professional illustrator ? You are in the right place !!

Illustration and drawing, as we all know, are real vectors of communication. They are therefore increasingly used as a means of dissemination in different fields. The image makes it possible to convey messages, sensations and emotions than words.

🔵The illustration and these contributions

The illustration helps to capture the reader's attention. A communication medium including illustration attracts the eye. It appeals to our imagination and sends us back to our childhood. In a world where we are immersed in textual and photographic information, illustration stands out. It makes it more visible. At a glance, without even reading a word, you can guess what it may be. You are then more likely to attract your target.

⚪️The illustration creates an emotional relationship.

In graphic design, advertising, communication, we seek to provoke emotion to arouse the desired act (purchase, contact, visit...). The illustration helps this, being more attractive to look at. We see this a lot with major brands and their mascots, which sometimes encourage more to buy than the product itself. It is easier to identify with an illustrated character than a real person photographed. Our imagination can be put in the place of this character when it is more difficult on a human being that we will consider as a specific person.

🔴Facilitates understanding

The illustration makes it possible to be understood more simply than with only text. She tells a story. At a glance, we can know where it can happen (with a setting), who it is for (with characters or a style)... The reader of the image can then identify much more quickly.

With the illustration, it is possible to visually put all your desires (or almost). Choose a setting, an angle of view, characters in such a position, with such an object, in a certain style etc. It allows you to make complicated and long stagings to take in photos with hours of staging, shooting, retouching...

🟢Illions for which media?!!

They can be adapted to all types of supports. They can be used on flyers, posters, leaflets or any other paper medium. But also on the web, in a site banner or social networks, in a site to illustrate a service, in an article...

Calling on a graphic designer/illustrator to have illustrations in total consistency with your support, your text, your identity, is the best solution.

So stand out, get out of the crowd and be original. Simply order drawings that represent your ideas and tastes.

And if you trust me for your projects, I am committed to producing original and professional illustrations for you.

And may we talk about illustration, I present you my offers.

Get a FREE retouching for any order!

For 10€, I give you an illustrated sketch in black white. This offer takes into account:

•An illustration in black white, simple sketch, sketch

•A character

•Neutral background

•Low resolution quality: 350dpi

•Format: JPEG

Want to dream your life in color ? Choose the formula below and receive a better quality drawing (ideal for prints).

A color illustration
• A character
• Portrait
• Neutral background
• HD quality, 600 dpi
• Format(s): JPEG and PNG
One free touch-ups
Price: 40€
• A color illustration
Up to 2 characters
• Detailed or neutral background
• HD quality, 350 dpi
• Fomat(s): JPEG and PNG
One free touch-ups
Price: 60€

To make a gift that pleases the whole family, what could be better than an illustration that, in addition to looking like you, brings you together?

You probably have a holiday photo that represents a very pleasant memory shared by several.

• A color illustration
Up to 4 characters
• Neutral background or decor
• HD quality, 350 dpi
• Fomat(s): JPEG, PNG, PDF
• Two free touch-ups
Price: 100€

You would like to evolve your characters in different settings, for an even more "Wow! "?

• 2 color illustrations
• Up to 6 characters
• Detailed background, different on each drawing
• HD quality, 350dpi
• Format(s): JPEG, PNG, PDF
• Two free touch-ups
Price: 130€

The one who associates with incredible ambitions and gives life to the wildest dreams... The one that declines the staging and backgrounds on several illustrations... But also the one that multiplies the heroes according to your desires !

• Up to 5 color illustrations
• Number of characters to be defined according to your project
• From head to toe
• Detailed background, different on each drawing
• HD quality, 600dpi
• Format(s): JPEG, PNG, PDF
• Two free touch-ups
Price: 280€
1️⃣ Choose a formula and place your order
2️⃣ Describe your expectations if possible with visual support
3️⃣ Wait for the delivery time

⭐️In case you can't find the option that suits your needs, let me know so that I can create a personalized option for you and don't hesitate to contact me first if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer you. ☺️

**Here it is!!! We are at the end and it will be a pleasure to work with you. **😊😉


I will create your illustrations with originality

  • €10.00

Extra options

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    your preferred service
    from one of our sellers
  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

Buyer reviews


5.0 (3)

Basic order

Très bon travail. Je recommande ce prestataire.


Merci beaucoup !! Ravie que vous soyez satisfait(e) !! 😇

Custom order

Bonjour, c'est super, merci beaucoup ! J'aime beaucoup l'air apeuré sur Carchacrok, c'est parfait ! Merci à vous !!


Merci !!! Je suis ravie que vous aimiez ! À très bientôt !

Custom order

Excellent travail merci 😊


Je vous en prie. Ravie que vous soyez satisfait. À bientôt !😇

About the seller

k_sandra 11 hours ago

“Bonjour et bienvenue à vous sur mon profil 5euros.

À ma naissance, mon père passionné par les histoires et la mythologie gréco-romaines à eu comme illumination de me nommer Cassandre. Comme la célèbre princesse du royaume de Troie. Si vous ne la connaissez c’est pas grave 🙂. La princesse Cassandre est la fille du roi Priam et de la reine Hécube. Elle est une prophétesse qui prédit l’avenir et qui a joué un rôle dans « la guerre de Troie ». Son histoire est tout aussi longue que passionnante, mais on se limitera à ça. Pour le moment passons à l’essentiel. Comme vous le devinez je n’ai pas eu le don de prévoyance des événements futurs, mais au contraire j’arrive à prédire les visuels qu’il vous faut pour votre projet😁.
MDR je rigole…ou pas😐
Moi je suis passionné par tout ce qui est dessin, manga et comics. Naguère quand j’étais enfant, je me souvenais que le dessin et la mode étaient mes hobbies et les programmes fashion TV et les dessins animés mes repas quotidiens.

Aujourd’hui je m’y consacre en tant qu’illustratrice professionnel car j’ai fait mes études dans les beaux arts et pendant ces années j’ai fait mes preuves en tant qu’illustratrice mais aussi en tant qu’artiste en participant à des expositions thématiques et en travaillant dans un studio de dessin. Sans oublier que j’ai un e certaine tendance à toucher à tout( tant au traditionnel qu’au numérique).

Ma mission? C’est de donner vie aux idées qui germent dans vos esprits tout en créant pour vous des visuels uniques et inédits.
Mes plus grands atouts ? Ma rapidité et ma polyvalence. Pour satisfaire les attentes des gens qui me font confiance, tout en produisant des visuels de qualités. Alors si vous souhaitez avoir des dessins de tout genre ( illustration, chibi ou autre) ou obtenir des visuels fidèles à vos produits, pour votre boutique e-commerce, contactez-moi et je vous répondrai avec plaisir. 🙂

Comme le dit Salvador Dali : «  N’ayez pas peur de la perfection vous ne l’atteindrez jamais » Donc lancez vous dans votre projet. Je serais ravie de vous accompagner tout au long 😁.

Merci et à très bientôt 😊
Votre prophétesse préférée 🙃💕💕”

  • Average response time 8 h
  • Orders in progress 2
  • Sales in total 95
  • Seller since Jun 2022