I will create your website from A to Z using Laravel

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Sold by abyssiniabyssini 16 total sales

Do you need a professional and high-performance website for your business or personal project? Look no further, I am here to help!

I will create your website from A to Z using Laravel, a modern and popular PHP framework that ensures fast performance and high-quality user experience.

Here's what you can expect from my services:

A job well done within the specified deadline,
Clean, easily readable, commented and maintainable code,
Fully responsive pages for an optimal user experience,
Compliance with W3C standards for better compatibility with web browsers,
Simplified queries for increased speed of your website,
Free follow-up after delivery,


Laravel is the best choice for creating modern and complete web applications.

Here are several advantages that come with using Laravel for your site:
> Lightweight site
> Adaptable
> More flexibility
> Easy to use with great performance
> Extensibility
> Easy debugging
> Easy testing

Additionally, Laravel provides various development environments and comes with a panel of tools that help automate ordinary software engineering tasks.

What does my Comeup basic service include?
The basic offer I propose includes setting up a website with a header, a section, and a unique design.
Delivery within 2 days.


Pack: Basic website (10€)
This pack includes:

> Creation of a simple page with one section in HTML
> Delivery within 2 days

Pack: Standard website (€80)

> 1 basic website designed with Laravel
> Design tailored to your business
> 5-page showcase website
> 3 free modifications
> Responsive site compatible with mobile and desktop
> Delivery within 4 days

Pack: Pro website (€100)

> Everything in the Standard pack
> Content writing for your pages, up to 1200 words
> Structure tailored for your site
> Optimization for SEO
> Delivery within 7 days

Pack: Starter E-commerce website (€100)

> 1 starter e-commerce website designed with Laravel
> Basic design tailored to your business
> Up to 10 products added to your store
> Basic payment integration (PayPal or Stripe)
> Responsive site compatible with mobile and desktop
> Delivery within 9 days

=> Don't forget to check out the additional options.

=> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am also available on ComeUp 24h/7.


I will create your website from A to Z using Laravel

  • €10.00

Extra options

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

  1. Order
    your preferred service
    from one of our sellers
  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

About the seller

abyssiniabyssini 3 days ago

“Je m'appelle Gobi et je suis développeur web depuis 4 ans. J'ai une connaissance approfondie de HTML, JavaScript, SQL,Laravel et Reactjs. Combiné à mes compétences en communication et en résolution de problèmes, je suis un excellent candidat pour le rôle de développeur pour la réalisation de vos projets. J'ai travaillé en tant développeur web au sein d'une filiale de MasterCard en concevant des sites webs attratifs et responsive. J'ai enseigné à plus d'une dizaine de personne le métier du développement web. ce qui fait de moi un expert du domaine.

Vous voyez j'ai tout interêt à vous fournir un travail plus que parfait et je m'y engage. Toujours à votre écoute, je fais de votre satisfaction ma priorité.”

  • Average response time
  • Orders in progress 0
  • Sales in total 16
  • Seller since Sep 2021