I will write a killer copywritten sales page in french

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Sold by Aona 1,183 total sales Available on ComeUp Direct

The Francophonie.

88 countries and governments. 321 million of potential customers. And revenues that make your head spin. Overall, the Francophonie represents 14 % of global population, 16 % of global GDP and 20 % of world trade in goods (source: francophonie.org).

Just for a second, pause your reading. Now, imagine all you can gain by expanding to the french-speaking world.

But, there’s a problem. No, maybe two problems.

Firstly, despite knowing your product on the fingertips, you have a hard time finding the right words to sell it.

Secondly, your audience speak french. You don’t.

At this point, stress and fear of missing out a great opportunity give you nightmares.

No more worries. You just find the perfect french-speaking copywriter. French is my mothertongue and copywriting is my gift.

Trust me with your project and I will write a french killing copywritten sales page which honors your brand while generating revenues.

However, I’m not expecting you to believe me based solely on my words. That’s why I will tell you a story. My story.

1. From nameless author to word’s samurai

Let's go back in time.

In November 2018, I'm just another french-speaking copywriter. As a regular author on TextBroker, I wrote tasteless texts all day long for little more than minimum wage.

In March 2019, I heard about Come Up and created an account there.

What can I say... It took me three months to get my first client. Then, I had a few orders in June before seeing customers again in August 2019.

Yes, I know: impossible to live decently with such irregular cash flow.

Because I'm not a woman to let myself down, I studied the profiles of those with better numbers than me. I noticed that they were telling stories. Beautiful stories that spoke to the hearts and whose logical arguments shattered any reluctance.

Yes... They had mastered copywriting and I had not. So, they were making thousands of dollars and I wasn't.

It was at that very moment that I came out of the shadows and took the first step on the path of Bushido.

Meaning "the way of the warrior", this nipponese term designates the moral principles that Japanese warriors were required to observe. I like to describe myself as a samurai of words, and therefore, I take example from the strength of character of these soldiers without fear or dread.

My bushido can be summed up in three points: emotion-filled texts, unique content and 100% verified information.

And let me warm you: if you take this path, you will be overflown by high-paying customers.

2. The one who walked in the footsteps of the samurai

You and I don't know each other.

You and I will probably never meet in person.

But you and I can make your dream come true.

Because my respect for my clients' privacy prevents me from listing their sites, I'm going to use another argument: my stats.

As of this writing (May 1, 2023), my take-up and completion rates are 98% and 100% respectively. What does this mean? When I take on a project, I put my heart and soul into making it a success.

I will not let you down. I won't throw your need away on yet another pile of virtual requests. Just as the Samurais were willing to give their lives for their Shoguns, I will do everything to make sure your needs are fulfilled.

At the same time, I am punctual. The proof: on-time delivery = 100% and that over 1 041 sales made. The numbers speak for themselves.

And wait, there’s another proof.

Open another tab in the french-version of Come Up. In the search bar, type "rédiger article de blog". Look at the rates and the number of orders. And now look at the ones for my service called “Je vais rédiger un article de blog premium de 200 mots”.

While my prices are three to five times more expensive than the average, I have almost three times more orders than my colleagues.

And that's only because of the copywriting techniques I use in the description of my services.

If I've been able to do this for my services and those of my clients, why make you think I will disappoint you?

Oh… I know: maybe you are afraid that language will be an obstacle.

It won’t be the case.

Perfectly bilingual, I grow up talking french and english, as they are both the official languages of my country.

French is the language I use on a daily basis. Whether it's when I buy my groceries, take a taxi or jus wander in the streets, I speak french fluently and without any mistakes.

Actually, I’m pursuing an international MBA dispensed in english and I’m thriving. Cherry on the cake: my love of travel has led me to live in english-speaking countries.

Due to my mastering of english, I will be able to fully understand the spirit of your brand and the values you stand for.

And because, Moliere’s language has no secrets for me, I will then write a copywritten sales page which perfectly convey your ideas, tone of voice and create real emotions.

However, note that my sales page writing services are not for everyone. If you fit into any of the three boxes below, I'm afraid I can't do anything for you.

3. Copywritten sales pages are not for you if...

3.a. ... your product is available since a while but has never make a sale.

This is proof that your product doesn't have a market or doesn't meet the current demand. And unfortunately, as much of a wordsmith as I am, there's not much I can do about it.

If you are in this situation, I suggest you take a step back and rethink your proposal.

3.b. ... your customers' feedbacks are negative.

I know it's hard to admit, but chances are the quality is not there. And unfortunately, an unhappy buyer will tell at least 10 people about their frustration. Soon or later, your bad reputation will push you towards bankruptcy.

Even the best sales page in the world cannot compensate for poor quality. If you fit into this category, I highly recommend you to upgrade your product.

3.c. ... you are one of the lucky ones who are not interested in selling more.

One word: congratulations! Or, like they say in french: “bravo”.

If you've reached this point, I bow down, prostrate myself and urge you to give some advice to the humble Padawan that I am.

4. The next step towards your success

Are you still here? This is the proof that we are meant to get along.

I'm a fan of simplicity. Neither you, nor your customers, nor I like complex offers that can be at the center of philosophical debate. That's why I have only two proposals for you:

=> 250 €: this is the price of my basic service. For this price, I will conduct an analysis of your product/service and write a 1,500-word sales page (in french). This page will be formatted in Word, SEO optimized and revised by a professional proofreader.

=> + 250 € (a total of 500 €): choose this additional option to have a sales page of maximum 3,000 words. Of course, the sales page will be in french.

Your sales page will meet the following standards:
=> 100% organic writing for the highest emotions (I don’t use AI nor copy-paste texts on the internet);
=> a Word layout including an h1 title and hn subtitles;
=> no spelling, grammar or syntax errors;
=> URL anchors redirecting to the sources (if necessary);
=> a 100% editable file for an easy integration on CMS.

I would like to specify that I do not write about gambling, CBD, tobacco and e-cigarettes.

The document will be sent in Word or Google Doc format within a week. If you're in a hurry, kick me in the rear by opting for express delivery. As soon as you will opt for an express delivery, I will make you my absolute priority.

Well... There's only one question left: what are you waiting for? If you really need a sales page that actually converts your prospects, just click on “order” and let a Samurai take care of your e-branding.

I will write a killer copywritten sales page in french

  • €250.00

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About the seller

Aona 8 hours ago

“Rédactrice web professionnelle depuis novembre 2018, je manie les mots tel un samouraï et contrôle le SEO avec la dextérité d’un marionnettiste aguerri. Inscrite sur 5euros depuis mars 2019, j’ai à mon actif plus de 300 commandes bouclées dans les délais et un taux de satisfaction de 100 %.


Écrire pour le web est un art à part entière. Au moment où je pose mes doigts sur mon clavier, la stratégie éditoriale de votre site web prend un tout nouveau départ. Via ma plume, je suis capable de donner une âme à votre e-commerce et de rendre vos produits uniques pour les lecteurs.

Tout ce dont j’ai besoin, c’est du nombre de mots et de quelques directives de rédaction SEO. Thèmes, charte éditoriale, type de pages web, … Exercer le métier de rédacteur web implique de connaître aussi bien les moteurs de recherche que la psychologie humaine.


Diplômée en marketing digital, certifiée en communication des industries du luxe et de la mode, c’est avec plaisir que je mettrais ma plume à votre service.

Ayant débuté dans le blogging en 2015, mon parcours m’a naturellement poussé à devenir rédactrice web freelance en 2018. En l’espace de quelques années, j’ai eu à rédiger du contenu dans presque tous les domaines. Beauté, immobilier, entrepreneuriat, … Être prête plume littéraire m’a permis d'écrire plus de 4 000 textes aux formats variés (articles de blogs, fiches produits, pages de ventes, etc.).

Cependant, en tant que blogueuse, la rédaction de billets reste mon domaine phare. Mes sujets de prédilection sont le blogging, le marketing digital, l’entrepreneuriat (trois compagnies à mon actif), le lifestyle, les relations amoureuses et le développement. Eh oui… Polyandre par nature, je papillonne d’un sujet à un autre avec une grâce naturelle.


Pourquoi me faire confiance ?

La réponse tient en un mot : Bushido.

Signifiant "la voie du guerrier", ce vocable nippon désigne le code des principes moraux que les guerriers Japonais étaient tenus d’observer. Aimant à me décrire comme un samouraï des mots, je prends exemple sur la force de caractère de ces soldats sans peur, ni craintes.

Mon bushido peut être résumé en trois points :

1- Émotion : plus que des mots, chaque texte que vous recevrez sera chargé d’émotions. Les articles de blog que je rédige n’ont pas vocation à passer inaperçus. Au-delà du référencement SEO ou de la stratégie éditoriale, ils s’adressent aux cœurs de ceux qui les lisent.

2- Unicité : pas de plagiat, ni de traduction. Oui, je sais… C’est dommage de devoir le mentionner dans un service de rédaction web. Sincère dans mes actes, je mets un point d’honneur à lutter contre le duplicate content et le low content.

3- Vérité : des informations réelles. Le moyen le plus sûr de perdre toute crédibilité est de rapporter des propos fallacieux. Véritable rat de bibliothèque, j’écumerais la toile à la recherche de sources littéraires, artistiques et scientifiques d’une rare pertinence.

Du fait de mon suivi assidu de "La voie du guerrier", mes statistiques sur 5 euros affichent des scores élevés. Et surtout, mes clients perçoivent tous les retombées de mes textes. Augmentation du temps passé sur le site, hausse du taux de conversion, … laissez mes textes murmurer à l’oreille de vos lecteurs.


Êtes-vous un restaurateur qui aspire à faire connaître son art ? Laissez-moi décrire vos plats gastronomiques et par la même occasion, mettre l’eau à la bouche de votre audimat. Envie de vous positionner comme un expert du marketing digital ? Je vous écrirais des articles de blog de qualité pendant que vous domptez le code binaire.

Indispensable à l’équilibre de tout un chacun, le bienêtre est une thématique dans l’air du temps. À l’heure où j’écris ces lignes, mon micro service feel good est ma deuxième prestation la plus demandée. Peut-être est-il temps que les chakras de vos lecteurs s’ouvrent…

Tantôt vif, tantôt apaisant, mon style d’écriture s’adapte à la charte éditoriale de votre marketing de contenu. Il n'y a qu'une étape qui vous sépare de textes de qualité, et c'est me confier votre rédaction. Qu’attendez-vous pour commander l’un de mes micro services ?

Aona, samouraï des mots.”

  • Average response time 13 h
  • Orders in progress 3
  • Sales in total 1,183
  • Seller since May 2019