I will redesign your shopify store

3.4 (3)

Sales 3

Sold by Eli_Ecomking Professional Total sales 197 Available on ComeUp Direct.

Launch Deal: 🔥 Up to 50% off on your Shopify store audit for the next 5 orders on this service.

Boost your business by taking your Shopify store to the next level.

Integrating your Shopify store with a marketplace can be a great way to reach a wide audience and increase your online sales.

You have hundreds of visitors on your Shopify store but the result is not what you expect?

You don't understand what's holding up your sales despite your multiple interventions?

Do you want to turn your Shopify store into a real branded store?

Are you looking for support to improve your Shopify store?

If you answer yes to any of these questions, then you've come to the right place.

What are my business niches?
✅ Health and Wellness
✅Sports Equipment and Fitness
✅Fashion and Accessories
✅Technology Accessories
✅Furniture (home and garden)

Most dropshippers fail in their Dropshipping career because of wrong settings in their store. You can lose a lot of money if your store looks like the competition. You should make sure you use a unique template for a professional website. Also make sure that your website pages are well optimized otherwise potential customers will not buy from your site.

~This is where my Shopify store analytics services can help you.
As a dropshipper, I put my skills and my expertise in the digital world at your disposal. I will improve the image of your Shopify shop with the latest fine tuning you have never seen before.** My analysis on your website will help you to better understand your customers' needs and improve your conversion rate.

Making a branded Shopify store is the best way to pass the five-figure mark monthly. But it's one of the hardest things because it requires several skills that your various trainers and coaches won't tell you about. To create an e-commerce site that converts, you should have
~ Web design and graphic design skills: design is one of the things that can make your store take off. An e-commerce store with a responsive design is a store that has a real brand image. Believe me it will give your customer more confidence and will make them click on the "buy now" button. That's how a prospect becomes a customer.
Overpriced themes and software: As you probably know, the choice of the theme adapted to your niche is primordial because it will present your product in its general aspect. In addition to that, you need to have the necessary software and marketing tools to follow up your e-commerce site.
~Webmaster** skills: yes, setting up your store like a pro requires advanced web development skills** and **CMS e-commerce (**Prestashop, WordPress, Joomla or Magento). Note that Drop-shippings websites are above all websites, so it requires technical skills in website creation.
Skills in webmarketing: it is crucial to have a solid marketing strategy to succeed in the world of e-commerce. It allows you to improve your digital communication by identifying the most effective marketing channels to reach your target audience. This is one of the most important steps that your site must take into account. I will even say the most important because it is the part that will hook your potential customer. This is where you should actually manage your prospect so that he says "yes, I prefer this seller and not the others". This is done through the use of keywords well known in the field of digital marketing. This is the only way to turn a prospect into a customer.
~SEO skills: the good SEO management of your store will make you gain new customers. The search results of your Shopify store will make it visible on search engines.

My e-commerce solutions can help you have a successful Shopfy store in no time.

Why should you use my Shopify store analysis services?

Trust me and you won't regret it.
|My name is Elias. I have been a graduate of a national digital marketing school for almost 5 years. For the past 4 years, I have been working in a Social Media Marketing agency using my intelligence and passion for the digital world. My expertise has allowed me to design and implement the best strategies to help our clients succeed in a constantly changing environment. There is indeed no Shopify setting that I don't master to my fingertips. Creating flawless Shopify sites with marketing strategies that convert your leads into customers is all I've known how to do for nearly 4 years.
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|I've decided to start doing assignments on ComUp to help individuals and small businesses** who don't have the big budget to invest in e-commerce agencies.~ My main goal is to help you achieve great results with little investment. I will always be available to address your concerns before, during and after our collaboration.
Why should you choose me to analyze your Shopify store? Simply because I am a qualified professional who is dedicated to providing work that pays off.~


Quality service at a low price: I offer you a complete analysis on your store in order to get you to continuously land sales. I put everything, absolutely everything, in order for you to get a complete analysis.

24/7 Service: I am available to accompany you during and after our collaboration. I offer you everything you need after our collaboration without any conditions.

Satisfaction Guarantees: The result of my customers is what matters most to me (rest assured the adventure will be amazing). By planning a custom Shopify e-commerce solution, you can provide a unique user experience to your customers and keep them loyal for the long term.

Unlimited Touch Up: I offer unlimited touch up until you are completely satisfied.


🎖️Basic offer : 10€
✅redesign of your banner

For a complete analysis, you can opt for one of the following PACKS.
In the Sales Page Pack, I only take care of your product page.

✅Improvement of the copywrtiting of the product page ( 250 words maximum)
✅Image enhancement (10 images maximum)
✅Enhanced gifs (5 gifs maximum)

In the ELITE PACK, you will have a thorough and complete analysis of your Shopify store.

🏅** ELITE PACKAGE 30€ 60€**
✅Video analysis of your store + solution proposal
✅Analysis of sales made in the last two months
✅Analysis of your homepage design
✅Analysis of your store performance
✅Analysis of your product page
✅Analysis of your images and Gifs (10 images and 10 gifs maximum)
✅Analysis of your store's copywriting (250 word maximum)
✅` 15 to 30 minutes of video on Comup Direct to offer you the solutions

In the PACK BRANDING I will make changes to your store myself.

✅Change the theme of your store if possible
✅Optimize your homepage content
✅Improve the aesthetics of your shop
✅Improving the homepage
✅Improving the product page
✅Improvement of the images and Gifs of the product page
✅Improved product page copywriting
✅Implementation of business strategies
✅Installation of follow-up mailings for abandoned carts

You may also want to restructure your shopify store for better branding.

✅Implementation of checkout parameters
✅Set parameters for free delivery
✅Theme translation
✅Importing your domain name
✅Improve your store back-office
✅Respecting RGPD standards
✅Implementation of an adapted graphic charter
✅Implementation of an outstanding visual identity
✅Implementation of color palette
✅Implementation of the design using a Template adapted to your product
✅Insertion of logo and favicon
✅Responsive design
✅Redesign of images and Gifs
✅Insertion of royalty-free images
✅Import your products (7 products maximum)
✅Implement a product catalog
✅Perfect showcase set-up
✅Optimized products sheets
✅Liaison of products with their suppliers
✅AIDA-optimized presentation for Adwords referencing
✅Setting up keywords for search engine optimization
✅Trust badge implementation
✅Optimizing your sales tunnel
✅Creation of Faq page
✅Create order tracking page
✅Create about page
✅Proposal of legal page template
✅Order tracking application
✅Application for customizing customer reviews
✅Application for store speed optimization
✅Application for linking products with suppliers


My approach to analyzing your store is optimized to help you quickly identify the areas with the greatest potential for improvement.


**How do I place an order?

Simply click on the option that interests you and best meets your expectations. You should provide me with additional information if possible so that the collaboration is perfect.

You can also contact me on Comup for an in-depth discussion about your expectations.

**Is it possible to customize my order?

Yes, it is possible. Just contact me and tell me about your project and your expectations so that together we can create a personalized offer for your order.

**What do you need to get started?
I will need the link (Url) to your Shopify store.

**Can I contact you after the order is completed?

Of course, the idea is to accompany you until you reach the thousands of euros mark. That's why I've created a complementary service where I'll accompany you step by step to realize your Facebook ADS campaign.

**How will you audit my store?

As an expert in Shopify store creation, I am able to provide an in-depth analysis of every aspect of your site. This will be done by examining each page of your Shopify store to identify areas of your site that need improvement and optimization. On the other hand, I will analyze each product listing on your Shopify store to ensure that each product is presented in an attractive and relevant manner for your target audience. I will also examine the footers.

**Is it possible to get a long term contract?

Long story short, the majority of those who have used my services in the past have come back a little later with the idea of securing a long-term contract. If this is your wish, I will be happy to become your personal Shopify expert and execute medium and long term missions.

I will redesign your shopify store

  • €10.00

Customize service

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

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  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

Buyer reviews


3.4 (3)

Custom order

site web shopify sur mesure boutique à la hauteur de grande marque. Merci Eli le roi de l'E-commerce.

Custom order


Custom order

ça a pris beaucoup de temps pour finalement n'avoir que la moitié de la prestation effectuée. J'ai finalement fait moi la partie traduction.


Merci pour votre avis. Honnêtement madame vous m'avez demandé de traduire le site en anglais, ce que j'ai fais. Après avoir livrer la commande vous avez fait une demande de retouche sois disant de remettre ça en français à nouveau. J'aurais pu refuser car ce n'était pas ce qui était convenu au départ dans le bref. J'ai pris patience et remettre le site en français puis vous demandez à nouveau que le site sois traductibles en anglais-français( ce que vous devez dire dès le départ). De toutes les façons bonne chance à vous

About the seller


Performance Excellent
Professional Orders in progress 4 Total sales 197 Seller since Feb 2023
Professional Orders in progress 4 Total sales 197 Seller since Feb 2023

✅ +100 Clients Satisfaits
✅ Vendeur professionnel recommandé par ComeUp
✅ Création de boutiques Shopify/E-commerce de haute qualité
✅ Optimisation complète pour augmenter vos conversions
👋 Je m’appelle Élias, expert Shopify et fondateur de Ecom_king. Avec plus de 5 ans d’expérience dans la création de boutiques e-commerce sur mesure, je propose un service complet pour transformer chaque projet en succès commercial en ligne.
🚀 Aujourd’hui, je ne travaille plus seul ! J’ai réuni une équipe d’experts spécialisés dans chaque domaine clé du e-commerce. Ensemble, nous créons des boutiques Shopify non seulement belles, mais aussi ultra-performantes, conçues pour maximiser vos ventes.
Nos atouts :
➡️ Conception et développement Shopify sur mesure : chaque boutique est unique, faite pour refléter votre marque et répondre à vos besoins spécifiques.
➡️ Optimisation des ventes et des conversions : votre boutique ne sera pas seulement esthétique, elle sera aussi rentable.
➡️ Stratégie e-commerce complète : analyse de niche, SEO, marketing – tout ce qu’il faut pour que votre boutique performe.
➡️ Personnalisation des thèmes et intégration d’applications Shopify : nous exploitons les meilleurs outils Shopify pour booster vos performances.
Pourquoi choisir Ecom_king ?
🎯 J’ai créé Ecom_king pour m’entourer des meilleurs talents du e-commerce, chacun expert dans son domaine. En collaboration, nous vous proposons une solution globale pour chaque aspect de votre boutique :
✔️ Chef de projet : gestion de votre projet, avec un suivi rigoureux pour assurer le respect des délais et objectifs.
✔️ Développeur Shopify : création de boutiques sur mesure, avec une navigation fluide et une expérience utilisateur optimisée.
✔️ Designer UX/UI : conception d’une interface attrayante et ergonomique pour un parcours client sans friction.
✔️ Copywriter : création de fiches produits engageantes et contenu optimisé pour le SEO afin de maximiser votre visibilité.
Chez Ecom_king, nous croyons fermement que le succès d'une boutique Shopify réside dans une combinaison d'expertise technique, d'un design soigné et d'une stratégie marketing efficace. C’est cette synergie que nous offrons à nos clients : des boutiques visuellement impressionnantes, performantes, et prêtes à vendre dès leur lancement.
🤝 Prêt à passer à l’action ? Collaborons ensemble pour faire de votre projet e-commerce une réussite totale !

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