I will design the 3D mockup of your products
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Sold by niss_ Total sales 31
What is the purpose of a mockup or packaging?
A beautiful product deserves a beautiful packaging. However, creating a practical, aesthetic packaging that stands out is easier said than done. Visual merchandising is important for your shop to convert visitors into customers; you need to showcase your product through good packaging. If you don't have the time or means to take professional photos of your product, improve your logo, or enhance your brand image, a mockup is the perfect solution. And you've come to the right place to showcase your products.
Impeccable visual merchandising to highlight your products and make your shop stand out.
What will you get for €10?
2 mockups of your logo
1 HD image (1280*720)
Formats: jpeg, png, jpg
Up to 3 revisions possible
## What will I need?
1. The product to be packaged.
2. Your professional or commercial logo.
3. The purpose for which you want to create the mockup.
4. The visual to be branded on the product.
> If you want a more customized mockup, I offer a full package for €20.
1 professional mockup of your product (complete packaging design)
1 color variation on demand
1 Full HD image
Formats: jpeg, jpg, png
Up to 2 revisions possible
* If you have multiple products:
° I offer options for the quantity of products.
* If you want to change the packaging of your product:
° I offer revisions.
* If you want to improve the visual quality of your product:
° I offer revisions.
* If you want to create visual merchandising for your product:
° I offer revisions.
* If you want to make some adjustments to your product:
° I offer revisions.
*Starting from two mockups, you will receive four color variations and 4 Full HD images for each mockup, totaling 8 Full HD images for 2 mockups.*
2 Mockups + 10 Additional Revisions +€25
3 Mockups + 15 Revisions +€35
4 Mockups + 20 Revisions +€45
6 Mockups + 25 Revisions +€65
10 Mockups + Unlimited Revisions +€85
20 Additional Revisions +€10
Unlimited Revisions +€60
Source File in (Ai, Psd) format +€10
Promotional Description for your product +€5
~Note: For any modifications to your previously created product mockups, I will need the source file in .Psd or .Ai format.~
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About the seller
Hello 👋, bienvenue dans mon univers !
Je m’appelle Aniss, designer 3D et créateur de contenu depuis 3 ans.
Passionné par le design, j’ai perfectionné mes compétences à travers plusieurs formations professionnelles en architecture 3D, modélisation, animation 3D et création de contenus visuels percutants.
💡 Ce que je peux faire pour vous :
🎨 Modélisation & animation 3D : Des visuels saisissants pour donner vie à vos idées et produits.
📐 Design graphique & identité visuelle : Logos, branding et supports marketing qui reflètent l’âme de votre projet.
📱 Design UI/UX : Interfaces modernes et intuitives pour vos applications ou sites web.
📚 Design éditorial : Création de mises en page professionnelles pour vos brochures, catalogues ou rapports.
J’ai eu le plaisir d’accompagner entreprises et particuliers en les aidant à multiplier leurs ventes grâce à des visuels impeccables et des contenus impactants. Mon objectif ? Vous accompagner dans vos projets pour vous démarquer et atteindre vos objectifs.
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