I will convert your figma xd sketch psd template to a web page HTML / CSS / Javascript
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Sold by sofiane_dev Total sales 74
With my professional experience of several years as a front-end web developer, I have a perfect mastery of HTML, CSS and Javascript, which will guarantee you to have a very good job and the best results.
If you want to know more about me, contact me to discuss your project in more details and identify how my skillset will work best for you and provide immense value to your organization as well.
I am looking forward to hearing more about your exciting project.
My work will be :
=> Clean html css code
=> Sementic html and css code
=> Responsive website on all devices
=> W3C valid
=> SEO Friendly On page
=> Faster Load Time or great performance
=> All modern browser compatible.
For the basic service, I can convert a short page with up to three sections for a price of 10€.
PS : A long page contains between three and ten sections and a short page contains a maximum of three sections.
The size of a section is equal to the height of the window on computer
This is what I suggest as options:
=> A long page (Up to ten sections) 20€.
=> Three short pages (Up to three sections per page) 25€.
=> Three long pages (Up to ten sections per page) 50€.
The maximum delivery time is 5 days.
The site will be delivered as a ZIP or RAR file.
For all your questions and more explanations do not hesitate to contact me.
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About the seller
=> Plus de 50 projets menés à bien sur comeup.com
=> Aucun avis négatif ou litige
=> Développeur web professionnel
=> 5 ans d’expérience à votre service
Développeur web depuis 2017, je suis spécialisé dans l’intégration (conversion de maquette XD, FIGMA, PSD, etc... en HTML, CSS, Javascript, ...), création de toutes sortes d'animations de sites web ou votre boutique shopify (animations css et javascript, animations GSAP, animations canvas, ...) , correction de bugs des sites web et bien d'autres compétences dans le domaine du développement web.
Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur moi, n'hésitez pas de me contacter afin de discuter de votre projet plus en détail et déterminer comment mes compétences vous seront utiles et apporteront une valeur ajoutée a votre projet.