I will write your market study and complete business plan post covid-19

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Sold by Agence_Emperor 171 total sales Available on ComeUp Direct

Welcome to Emperor Agency

Emperor Agency offers important services. These services can be a great help to you, your partners, and your banks. Emperor will help you do market research so you can have reliable data. These data will without doubt help suggest better deals and gain financial support.

Market research done by professionals is a way to have a better understanding of the market and get innovative ideas for your clients. It is also a way to confirm your position and try to be the best in the market.

However, you will agree with me that ideas only can’t help you gain profit in the long run. That is a fact everyone has to accept today.

Can a study prove it?

The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (INSEE) states that 25% of new businesses went bankrupt within two years and 49.5% within five. For start-up companies, the percentage is higher. We are talking about 80%. APCE states that 70% of businesses went bankrupt because they didn’t study the market or they fail to do it correctly.

The 21st century promotes self-employment. In this era, anybody can have ideas and set up a business. Moreover, technological advancement makes everything easier and connects us to a whole new world. It is very difficult for a new business to succeed in the market without reliable data. That is exactly why, some well-prepared businessman will start by doing market research.

What exactly is market research?

By definition, the purpose of market research is to analyze supply and demand in a given market in order to enable the implementation of the company's commercial strategy or a marketing action plan.

Thus, market studies are very often used by business creators when assessing the viability of their project and making their business plan, and by more established companies when creating the budget for the year next.

Well-done market research will allow you to :

  • Know if your environment is a good place to start your business
  • Weaken your doubt about your project
  • Ascertain the potential of your business
  • Know and diminish the negative outcome
  • Set up a business plan

If you set up your business without a plan you can always do better if you study the data you have after market research.

In that case, market research is a must to understand the market. Market research will help:

  • Underline the reasons your business or a product didn’t bring in the benefice
  • Put together data about your market and your competitors (it is without a doubt data that you deem irrelevant but they are crucial for your business)
  • Have an expert point of view so you can put together a new business plan

Even companies that were on the market for some time still use market research to estimate their new budget.

On one hand, you can use all the information to handle your business efficiently and gain more turnover. On the other hand, the information you acquire and the new business plan can be a reason for more partners and banks to invest in your business.

What is the difference between a market research and a business plan?

The market study validates the project, while the business plan establishes an activity forecast. A market study is carried out to demonstrate a company's potential in the face of a market. If the conclusions of the study are positive, a business plan is drawn up with a view to creating a business.

Market research helps emphasize the potential of a company in a specific market. If the result is satisfactory a business plan is put together before the company is set up. We can all see that market research must be done by professionals if a company wants great results.

Why should I have my market research or my business plan done by Emperor Agency?

Emperor Agency is a start-up specially created for web marketing and business consulting. They work with a team of highly motivated and dynamic young professionals. They are innovative and help clients obtain current trends. They give the best in everything and present suitable work for each client.

How does Emperor Agency work?

Emperor Agency’s goal is to give their clients the best there is on the market. In that sense, they put together four steps to follow. Firstly, they have a meeting about the market they have to work on. Secondly, they collect information. Thirdly, they analyze and select the best information. Finally, they send it to their clients.

Trust us and our team promise you the best

  • A work hundred percent about your demand
  • A work is given in time (see statistic)
  • No copy and paste
  • An analysis was done specially for your market or project
  • Current information
  • Edit possible

What are our services and prices?

Names Prices Pages Format Time limit Edit
Base 5€ 1 - 2 Word -PDF 2 days Limitless
Basic market research 70€ 10 - 15 Word - PDF 5 days Limitless
Optimized market research 135€ 25 -30 Word - PDF 8 days Limitless
Professional Market research 185€ 30 - 45 Word - PDF 12 days Limitless
Business plan 420€ 60 - 80 Word - PDF 15 days Limitless
  • Base

This service is open to presenting your market. We will only work on presenting your market from its general perspective.

  • Basic market research

We will make available to you a database of market research on your industry.

The diagnostic will highlight the points undermentioned:

  • Introduction

  • Establish a strategic questionnaire on Google Forms or survey Monckey to survey your market

  • Presentation of your market

  • Market regulations

  • Analysis of market demand

  • Analysis of market offer

  • Lifecycle of your market

  • The key figures of your market

  • Optimized market research

The Emperor Agency team will give you optimized market research. The study will supply information on the points mentioned below :

  • Basic market research

  • List your competitors

  • Prices of competitors

  • POTER analysis

  • PESTEL analysis

  • Supply chain

  • Distribution channel

  • Target market

  • Catchment area

  • Professional market research

Our team will provide a complete market study. We will give you information on :

  • Optimized market research

  • Designing your customer avatar

  • SWOT analysis

  • 4P analysis

  • Test Optimisation Representation (TOR)

  • Impact of covid-19 on your market

  • Plan out your web marketing strategy

  • Innovation you can bring out

  • Key Success Factors

  • Managerial recommendations

  • Conclusion

  • Business plan

Emperor Team will pull out a complete business plan for you. A plan you can show your partners and your banks. Your business plan will include professional market research and a classic business plan.

In the classic business plan you have:

  • Presentation of the project leader
  • Project summary
  • Genesis of the project
  • Presentation of the founding team
  • Presentation of the project implementation environment
  • Project progress status
  • Legal status of the company’s Project
  • Model of a business plan
  • Various financial forecast tables related to your project.
  • Complete the layout of the business plan.

How should I place an order?

Go through three steps to place an order with the Emperor.

1- Read our informational page, choose a service that suits you, and press the blue button below.

2- You will then be presented with a questionnaire. Fill in the form so we can get an overall picture of your company.

3- Decide on the format of your order.


I want to write a personalized business plan. Can you do that?

Yes, of course. You can give us your template and we will work accordingly.

I want to work with you but none of your services suit me. Can I have a one-time offer?

Yes, you can. Press the white button to contact us.

Can I call and talk to you before placing an offer?

Yes, you can call us.

I want my job completed as quickly as possible. Can you make it?

Of course, we can. If so, select express delivery.

I want to place a command. Can I get an example from your prior work?

I'm afraid we can't. We must abide by the privacy rules of our customers.

In which countries are you most involved?

We are active in France, Belgium, Canada, Switzerland, Luxemburg, and the United States.

Is there anything else you'd like to ask or recommend?

Contact us

Be blessed with fewer failures in your business if you do market research and career planning.

A professional project is also proposed by the Emperor Agency. Find out more in the following link.

Have you read the whole thing? Please trust us and place your order. Your order will be in the best hand with us. Our team is always ready to perform at its best.

We'll be expecting you.

I will write your market study and complete business plan post covid-19

  • €5.00

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  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
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About the seller

Agence_Emperor 1 hour ago

“💼 Salut, je suis Arafath, le fondateur de Agence Emperor. Je suis passionné par le monde du business consulting et mon objectif est de faire une réelle différence dans le succès de votre entreprise.

⭐ Avec des années d'expérience dans l'analyse statistique, l'étude de marché et le conseil stratégique, je m'engage à vous offrir des solutions sur mesure qui font progresser votre entreprise vers de nouveaux sommets.

Mon approche est simple : je mets votre succès en première ligne. Je crois fermement que le travail bien fait est la clé et je m'efforce constamment de dépasser vos attentes. Mon engagement envers l'intégrité et l'éthique est au cœur de tout ce que je fais. Lorsque vous travaillez avec mon équipe et moi, vous pouvez vous attendre à une collaboration honnête, transparente et axée sur les résultats.

Mon histoire est celle d'un visionnaire du consulting qui ne cesse de chercher des solutions novatrices pour faire prospérer votre entreprise. Je suis là pour vous guider à chaque étape de votre parcours vers le succès. Avec Agence Emperor, vous avez un partenaire de confiance pour atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux.

Mon équipe et moi serions ravis de participer à la croissance de votre projet.


🎙️ Des prestations de haute qualité à des prix à la portée de tous
🎙️ Des missions toujours livrées à temps
🎙️ Des réponses rapides à chacune de vos préoccupations.
🎙️ + De 100 avis positifs

N'hésitez pas à nous contacter à n'importe quel moment. Nous sommes disponibles 24h/7.”

  • Average response time 17 h
  • Orders in progress 3
  • Sales in total 171
  • Seller since Nov 2021