I will remove malware and clean hacked WordPress site

5.0 (1)

Sale 1

Sold by WebLab Professional Total sales 336

Remove malware and fix hacked websites

WordPress is prone to hacking attempts for several reasons. Due to its popularity and wide range of plugins and themes, hackers strive to exploit vulnerabilities and hack websites, including yours.

Hacking often manifests through defacing your website, Japanese keyword hack or third-party sites redirections. However, a website could also be infected by a “sleeping” malware and appears to be perfectly normal.

Has your website been hacked or infected by a malware ? You must act quickly to fix the damage, protect your website reputation, and prevent it from being blacklisted by Google. Therefore, it is necessary to perform a complete cleanup of your WordPress files and database.

⚠️ Most common WordPress hacking methods

Malware : Malicious software seeking to damage a website or steal its data.

Phishing : A scam method to obtain personal data from your customers.

Unwanted Ads : Displaying ads on your site without your consent.

Redirection : Your visitors are sent to a third party website, often malicious.

⚠️What are the security risks of a hacked WordPress site ?

Hackers may collect sensitive data from your customers, confidential information about your website or simply try to make money. If your site is currently infected by a malware or redirecting to a phishing third-party sites, then be prepared for the consequences !

SEO & ranking drop : A drop in your organic traffic because Google will likely penalize you if your WordPress site ends up on their blacklist. Google could even display a warning message “This site may be hacked” next to your site in search results.

Revenue loss : Hacking could harm your image and your customers will lose trust in your site and brand.

Personal data violation : Hacking could result in data loss and customers confidential data violation.

Website suspended : Your host may temporarily suspend your infected website.

⭐ Cleaning your hacked WordPress site

For the basic service, I will take care of cleaning your site (with a maximum of 30 plugins) by performing the following tasks: :

  • Scan your WordPress site files to detect vulnerabilities and malware.
  • Malware removal.
  • Complete cleanup of your website (files & database).

For WordPress sites with more than 30 plugins, please choose the matching option :

✔️ Cleaning a WordPress site with 31 to 45 plugins +45€
✔️ Cleaning a WordPress site with 46 to 60 plugins +80€

🏆 To Secure Your WordPress Site

➡️ Do you want to protect your WordPress site against future attacks ?
➡️ Is your website already blacklisted by Google, and your customers don't trust it anymore ?

I offer reliable solutions to avoid problems and optimize the security of your website :

✔️ Security plugin installation & configuration +60€
✔️ Google’s blacklist removal +75€
✔️ Website backup before and after cleaning +30€

👑 The TOP WordPress Security

To go beyond a security plugin, I offer to set up the ultimate WordPress security practices.

These advanced security rules, often difficult and technical to apply, will be set up on your website to strengthen the security of your WordPress site and protect it from hacking attempts.

🛡️ WordPress ultimate security
✔️ Security plugin installation & configuration
✔️ Enable HTTPS
✔️ Update PHP
✔️ WordPress administration protection
✔️ Change of database prefix
✔️ WordPress security keys update
✔️ WordPress version masking
✔️ Files permissions verification
✔️ HTTP security headers
✔️ HSTS header
✔️ etc.
PRICE : +235€

❓ Got any question ?

Feel free to contact me and ask any questions you may have. I will be happy to answer you as soon as possible :)

I will remove malware and clean hacked WordPress site

  • €125.00

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Buyer reviews


5.0 (1)

Basic order

Je recommande vraiment, un investissement qui dépasse largement mes attentes, un suivi au top pour moi qui était très submerger et qui ne pouvait pas trop suivre au moment de la mission. Weblab a prit les initiative qu'il fallait au bon moment tout en me mettant à jour les infos je suis ultra satisfait et je recommande vivement de travailler avec lui sur votre wordpress en cas de hack ou panne. Merci beaucoup et à très vite ;)


Merci énormément de votre commentaire et de m'avoir confié le nettoyage de votre site piraté. Au plaisir de travailler à nouveau ensemble 😀

About the seller


Performance Top
Professional Order in progress 1 Total sales 336 Seller since Oct 2020
Professional Order in progress 1 Total sales 336 Seller since Oct 2020

WebLab - Bio 🇫🇷 🇬🇧
✅ Vendeur vérifié sur ComeUp
🇫🇷 Consultant Web spécialisé dans la conception de sites internet & référencement naturel SEO.
Diplômé d'un Master 2 en informatique et avec plus de 13 ans d'expérience en développement web, je mets aujourd'hui, à votre service sur ComeUp, ma double expertise web & SEO.
J’ai une réelle passion pour la création de sites web et j’ai le plaisir de travailler quotidiennement sur les projets de mes clients pour les mener à la réussite. Mon bagage technique m’aide énormément aussi à maîtriser le référencement naturel et à mettre en place les meilleures pratiques pour l'optimisation SEO.
Sur ComeUp.com, je vous propose différents services web : création de sites web WordPress vitrine, création de boutiques E-commerce (WooCommerce), la résolution de bugs WordPress, la migration de votre site, le nettoyage de votre site piraté, etc.
N'hésitez surtout pas à me joindre si vous avez des demandes spécifiques ou des questions sur mes services ComeUp. Je me ferai un plaisir d'y répondre.
À très bientôt !
✅ Verified seller on ComeUp
🇬🇧 As a freelance web consultant, I am an expert in both web design & SEO.
With a Masters degree in computer science and more than 13 years of experience in web development, I bring to your service on ComeUp my dual expertise in web & search engine optimization.
I have a real passion for website design and I have the pleasure to work daily on my client's projects to lead them to success. My technical background also greatly helps me to master and implement the best practices for SEO.
On Comeup.com, I offer various web services: WordPress website design, E-commerce store design (WooCommerce), WordPress bug fixing, website migration, hacked website cleanup, etc.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have specific requests or questions about my ComeUp services. I would be delighted to answer you.
Best regards!

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