I will carry out your project on Excel and VBA

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Sold by negocyfr Professional 105 total sales Available on ComeUp Direct

Our team is multidisciplinary and includes Microsoft Excel specialists who are certified and capable of efficiently meeting all your requirements. Whether it involves basic, intermediate, or advanced level work, automation, VBA programming, or complete custom application design on Excel, we have you covered.


Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet software in the Microsoft Office suite developed and distributed by Microsoft. The latest version is Excel 2019. It is designed to work on platforms such as Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Android, or Linux (with the use of Wine). Excel integrates numerical calculation functions, graphical representation, data analysis (including pivot tables), and programming capabilities using macros written in the VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) language.

Excel has become an essential tool used in most public and private administrations. It is a multitasking tool that provides exceptional functionalities, making it a true companion for any worker.

Regardless of the field you work in, Excel can be used as a spreadsheet for simple or complex calculations, as a database to store and manage information, or as an application for professional management of your activities.

Our expertise covers all the possibilities offered by this extraordinary tool, including:


This service is aimed at all professionals who use Excel in their daily activities or for whom having an Excel tool would be an asset.


You need Excel to:

Create summary tables of your data
Store your information
Create pivot tables
Perform calculations or create documents using formulas
Automate your tasks
Create dashboards
Format your documents
Design professional applications for managing or tracking your activities
And much more

## BASIC OFFER (5 euros)

Integrate a formula into your data sheet
Analyze a formula
Create a chart for a data table
OR choose one basic functionality from the list below

## STANDARD OFFER (20 euros)

Includes integrating three basic Excel functionalities as specified in the list below, for a maximum of one data sheet.

## PREMIUM OFFER (50 euros)

Create two pivot tables for two summary tables
Create a dashboard with up to four indicators
OR choose two advanced functionalities from the list below

This offer does not include VBA programming.

## PREMIUM PLUS OFFER (100 euros)

This offer includes the PREMIUM offer with the possibility of automation through VBA programming for up to two macros (procedure or function).



Create and save an Excel document
Manage cell formatting (numbers, dates, text...)
Format cell content: font type and size, bold and italic, borders, color...
Modify row and column height and width
Align and orient cell content
Manually format a table
Automatically format a table (predefined templates)
Use basic calculation functions: sum, subtraction, multiplication, division, average, max, and min
Copy/paste data and use formula autofill
Use the "Home" tab in the ribbon: clipboard, font, alignment, number
Excel function library
Manage cell ranges
Relative and absolute references
Insert columns or rows
Sort/filter data
Name cells
Add comments
Create a chart
Page setup (print area, margins, orientation)
Organize data effectively for calculations
The "Page Layout" tab


The IF function
The COUNTIF, SUMIF, and COUNTA functions
The AVERAGE, STDEV, and MODE functions
The VLOOKUP function
The SUBTOTAL function
Logical operations AND, OR
Conditional formatting
Data input control
Data validation
Split a text column into multiple columns
Remove duplicates in a data range
Import data
pivot tables
Complex functions and VBA programming for task automation
Creating nested functions
Designing dashboards (combining multiple pivot tables, slicers, timelines, advanced spreadsheet functions, etc.)
Automating Excel using VBA programming
Creating macros, forms, etc.
Designing custom management or activity tracking applications

We have the expertise and skills to deliver high-quality results in any of these areas. No matter your requirements, we can provide effective solutions tailored to your specific needs.

If you choose our services, you can expect:

* Experienced professionals: Our team consists of certified Microsoft Excel
* specialists with expertise in various aspects of the software.
* Customized solutions: We will adapt our services to meet your specific requirements, whether it's basic tasks, advanced functionalities, or complete application development.
* Efficient and timely delivery: We understand the importance of meeting deadlines, and we strive to deliver your project on time.
* Professionalism and reliability: We take pride in delivering high-quality work and maintaining clear communication throughout the project.

If you are looking for Microsoft Excel and VBA experts to realize your project, our team is ready to assist you. Feel free to contact us and discuss your project requirements in detail

I will carry out your project on Excel and VBA

  • €5.00

Extra options

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About the seller

negocyfr 2 days ago

Nous somme une équipe composée de spécialistes dans les domaines du digital, de la programmation VBA sur Excel, WinDev et bien d'autres, comme détaillé ci-dessous.

Notre expert est Statisticien de formation, Ingénieur BIG Data, il a plus de 10 années d'expériences dans la mise en place d'outils automatisés en Excel grâce à la programmation VBA, d'applications professionnelles et personnalisées en WinDev ou en Excel VBA.
Formateur en Excel avancé sur des plateformes de formation comme Udemy et même sur YouTube (plus de 16000 abonnées, 300 vidéos et 2 millions de vues), il cumule des centaines de réalisations et est outillé pour identifier clairement votre besoin et le traduire en application concrète.
De plus il met à votre disposition ses capacités d'analyse et de traitement des données pour vous fournir des analyses statistiques pertinentes, des tableaux de bord dynamiques regroupant vos indicateurs clés, et des rapports de synthèses adaptés à vos besoins et attentes.

Notre expert cumule une dizaine d'années d'expériences et dispose des outils les plus moderne pour réaliser des vidéos et des logos qui répondent effectivement à vos attentes.

Pour les sites internet nous utilisons des technologies modernes et intuitives comme WIX, Wordpress, Mobirise, etc. Pour la réalisation.

En plus de ses différents services, nous effectuons le référencement SEO de vos sites, la promotion et le sous-titrage de vos vidéos YouTube.”

  • Professional seller
  • Average response time 9 h
  • Orders in progress 0
  • Sales in total 105
  • Seller since Sep 2021