I will configure your CI/CD Github/Gitlab with SSH/FTP deployment on your server
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Sold by lionel_okpeicha Total sales 40 Available on ComeUp Direct.
Are you tired of deploying your changes manually to the production environment? Or even copying files to the server by FTP with FileZilla or other?
Then GitOps is for you!
In case you're wondering what GitOps is, it's an approach to managing development environments that involves defining the desired state of the environment in a Git repository. Then a CI/CD tool will take care of deploying the changes to the environment. It's an approach that allows changes to be deployed in a repeatable and predictable way.
## How does it work?
1. You give me access to your git project
2. You give me access to your FTP/SSH server or your deployment account (Heroku, Netlify, Vercel, etc.)
3. I create a configuration file for your project that is compatible with GitLab CI/CD or GitHub Actions
4. I create a fork of your project (a copy of your project on my account for testing deployment)
5. Once everything is ready, I create a pull request on your project to integrate the configuration file
6. Once the pull request is accepted, I delete the fork of your project
7. From now on, every time you make a commit to your project, the deployment will be automatically performed on your server
## Offers and options
Here's the base price for GitOps service:
**Basis offer**
I configure GitOps on your project to automatically deploy your changes to your server via FTP/SSH or to a deployment account (Heroku, Netlify, Vercel, etc.) using GitLab CI/CD or GitHub Actions up to 3 maximum deployment steps. (simple steps)
The base plan does not cover topics such as: Terraform, Jfrog, Docker, Kubernates, Ansible, Jenkins.. (Any external complex technology)
### Deployment steps
A deployment step is simply a step in the deployment process in your configuration file. For example, if you want to deploy your project to an FTP server, you will have 2 deployment steps:
- Build step (Dependency installation, Project compilation)
- Deployment step (Sending build to server)
Or if you want to add the test step, you will have 3 deployment steps.
### Custom options
If you want to customize the deployment steps, I offer:
Option Description Price
Additional deployment steps Up to 5 deployment steps 50€
Additional complex technology 1 complex technology (Terraform, Kubernetes with Azure or AWS, etc.) 70€
2 additional complex technologies 2 additional complex technologies (Terraform, Kubernetes with Azure or AWS, etc.) 150€
3 additional complex technologies 3 additional complex technologies (Terraform, Kubernetes with Azure or AWS, etc.) 230€
If you have any questions or want to know which option is best for your project, feel free to contact me.
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About the seller
Je suis un Développeur Fullstack avec plus de 5 ans d'expériences -
Développeur de solutions OPENAI/ChatGPT/DALL-E et plus -
Développement, lancement et maintenance de dizaines d'applications web et mobiles, frontend et backend. - Je travaille en collaboration directe avec les propriétaires de produits, les concepteurs d'interface utilisateur, les utilisateurs finaux et les entreprises clientes pour atteindre leur objectif.
Je suis compétent en : Javascript et Node.js (TypeScript, React + Redux, React Native, Angular, Vue), Docker, configuration CI/CD. Fan des langages fonctionnels et fortement typés.
J'ai une passion sérieuse pour les effets d'interface utilisateur, les animations et la création d'expériences utilisateur intuitives et dynamiques.