I will make your posters and flyers

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Sold by Lucie022 0 sales

**Are you looking for a flyer or poster with a contemporary, innovative and striking design? Then you've come to the right place!**

**Why do you need to use valuable advertising media such as flyers?**

Flyers are an effective way of reaching a wide audience by conveying your message in a tangible, visual way. Through targeted distribution, whether hand-delivered, dropped in letterboxes or posted in busy places, you can reach your audience directly. In this way, flyers become ambassadors for your brand, conveying its image.

They also offer great flexibility in terms of formats, weights and finishes, enabling optimal personalization. Whether you want to present your products in detail, tell a captivating story or promote an event, the various printing and paper options let you bring your creativity to life.

The choice of paper weight and type is important to convey the image and quality of your brand. For example, a glossy coated paper confers a professional and refined appearance, while a recycled paper underlines your commitment to the environment. Finishes, such as selective varnish or lamination, add a touch of elegance and sophistication, attracting attention and reinforcing visual impact.

In addition to their flexibility and customizability, flyers are also cost-effective compared with other advertising media. They enable you to reach a wide audience at low cost, while offering excellent value for money. What's more, professional printers ensure fast delivery times, enabling you to react quickly to marketing opportunities.

In short, flyers are a powerful and versatile tool for promoting your business. Their visual impact, targeted distribution and personalization help you engage your target audience and stand out from the competition. Whether you're an emerging business or an organization looking to increase your visibility, flyers remain a wise choice for effective and memorable communication.

Don't hesitate to bring unique flyers to life, reflecting the values and aspirations of your company or project. With these valuable media, you have a powerful communication tool to captivate, seduce and attract new prospects to your brand.

** Who am I?**

I'd like to introduce myself as Lucie, a seasoned professional in the field of graphic design. My rich career path has enabled me to collaborate with various entities, both national and international, in order to put my skills at the service of visual creation.

I'm deeply convinced that graphic design should be accessible to everyone, everywhere. It's with this in mind that I deploy my creativity to support young entrepreneurs in their quest for differentiation within the complex competitive landscape that surrounds them.

From the design of your logo to the development of a complete graphic charter, I'll help you create professional communication tools. My aim is to help you easily attract a wide audience by conveying a meaningful message. To achieve this, I'm committed to getting to know you in depth, so as to enhance your identity.

Thanks to my expertise, I'm able to design powerful communication tools that will capture your audience's attention. I create attractive, coherent visual elements in perfect harmony with your brand image. My attention to detail is reflected in the quality of my creations, because I know that every element counts in generating interest and commitment.

When you choose to work with me, you'll benefit from a personalized approach and an attentive ear for your needs. I strive to understand your vision and values so that I can best translate your message into impactful visual communication.

My ultimate goal is to help you stand out significantly in a competitive environment. Drawing on my skills in graphic design, I offer creative and unique solutions to ensure that your communications live up to your ambitions.

Don't hesitate to take advantage of my expertise in graphic design. Together, we'll create professional communication tools that will attract attention and strengthen your market presence.

**Why choose my flyer services?**

Calling on my services for flyer design and printing is a wise choice if you're looking for top-of-the-range services. I'm fully aware of the crucial importance of flyers as a communication tool, and I'm committed to offering you customized solutions that meet your specific needs.

One of the main advantages of working with me is the diversity of formats on offer. Whether you prefer a conventional or more compact format for easy distribution, or an imposing format for a high-profile presence, I can meet all your expectations. What's more, I offer a wide range of finishes to give your flyers the look you want. Whether you opt for gloss or matte lamination, selective varnish, hot foil stamping or a silky touch, every detail counts to ensure the quality of your communication medium.

Print quality is an essential concern in my work. I use offset or digital printing techniques to guarantee exceptional sharpness and color fidelity. Working with different types of paper such as glossy coated paper, recycled paper or offset paper, I can meet your requirements in terms of rendering and durability.

Personalization is also at the heart of my services. I'll listen to you to understand your needs and objectives, and design unique flyers that perfectly match your corporate identity. Whether you want to showcase attractive visuals, punchy text or clear information, I'll put my graphic design expertise at your disposal to help you stand out from the crowd and grab the attention of your target audience.

When you call on my services, you'll also benefit from fast, reliable delivery times. I understand the importance of respecting your time constraints, and I'm committed to delivering results of exemplary quality, on time. What's more, my rates are competitive and designed to fit different budgets, so you can benefit from professional communication at a great price.

When you call on me for flyer design and printing, you're choosing excellence and expertise in the field of graphic design. I put my design skills, in-depth knowledge of advertising media and attention to detail at your disposal to guarantee results that will exceed your expectations.

Don't hesitate to call on my services to give your communication a lasting impact. Together, we'll create top-quality, personalized materials that match your brand image and attract the attention and interest of your prospects.

**My offers **

For the modest sum of €5, you can enjoy the following benefits:

- Design of a personalized visual according to your size preferences.
- Optimum resolution of 72dpi for superior visual quality.
- Choice of up to 2 colors to reflect your identity.
- Integration of a background image for an attractive visual touch.
- Delivery of the visual in two distinct formats: PNG and PDF, offering versatility of use.
- You can request up to 2 adjustments to fine-tune your design.
- This offer focuses exclusively on single-sided design.

Thanks to this attractive offer, you'll benefit from an attractive visual tailored to your requirements, all at a very affordable price. Don't miss this opportunity to get a professional design that fully meets your expectations.

In order to benefit from visuals of outstanding excellence and maximize the impact of your flyers, I'm delighted to present our advanced premium packages:

- Bronze package (from €10):
- Carefully crafted design proposal for your visual.
- Formats available: A4, A5 or custom size according to your requirements.
- Up to 3 modifications included to perfect your creation.
- 150 dpi resolution for optimum visual quality.
- Exclusive front design, respecting the canons of elegance and distinction.

- Silver Pack (from €20):
- Proposal of a visual concept to meet your requirements.
- Choice of prestigious A4 and A5 formats, with size customization option.
- Up to four possible adjustments for impeccable results.
- 300 dpi resolution for outstanding image quality.
- One-sided printing to enhance your message with elegance.

- Gold Pack (from 35€) :
- Creative and excellent flyer design proposal.
- Choice of distinguished A4 and A5 formats, with size customization option.
- Unlimited modifications to guarantee your satisfaction.
- 300 dpi resolution for exceptional clarity and subtle detail.
- Search for royalty-free images to enrich your design.
- Double-sided printing to maximize the impact of your message.
- Professional-quality AI or PSD source file delivered for future use or adjustments.

We do our utmost to provide you with outstanding visual media. Opt for our advanced packages and give your communication a remarkable dimension.

**How do I place an order?**

To place your order with elegance and simplicity, please follow the steps below:

1. Select the "Acquire now" button to take full advantage of our top-quality service, dedicated to the meticulous production of your advertising media.

2. You'll then be directed to a platform dedicated to quality exchanges, specially designed to bring your project to fruition with remarkable excellence.

I will make your posters and flyers

  • €10.00

Extra options

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

  1. Order
    your preferred service
    from one of our sellers
  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

About the seller

Lucie022 19 juil. 2024

“Bonjour chers clients potentiels. Je me présente, je suis Lucie, développeur web freelance titulaire d'un Master en Analyse informatique et Programmation. Grâce à mes compétences en rédaction et en développement, je suis en mesure de proposer un service complet à mes clients.

Ma solide expertise englobe plusieurs langages de programmation tels que PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, et bien d'autres. De plus, je suis à l'aise dans l'utilisation de frameworks tels que ReactJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, Laravel, ce qui me permet de concevoir des applications web à la fois performantes et esthétiquement attrayantes.

Outre mes compétences en développement, j'ai également acquis une grande expérience en tant que rédacteur web. Je me spécialise dans le référencement et le marketing digital, ce qui me permet de rédiger du contenu optimisé pour les moteurs de recherche (SEO) tout en étant attrayant pour les utilisateurs. Je suis capable de créer du contenu de qualité pour les sites internet, les blogs, les boutiques en ligne, et je peux même rédiger des fiches produits convaincantes.

Grâce à ma double expertise, je suis en mesure de vous aider à concevoir un site web complet, depuis la phase de conception initiale jusqu'à la rédaction du contenu et au développement technique. Je suis prêt à collaborer étroitement avec vous afin de comprendre vos besoins, définir une stratégie éditoriale et développer un site web fonctionnel et esthétiquement plaisant. Mon objectif ultime est de vous aider à accroître votre visibilité en ligne et à offrir une expérience utilisateur optimale.

Que vous ayez besoin d'un développeur web pour créer un site responsive, intégrer des fonctionnalités spécifiques ou optimiser votre site pour les moteurs de recherche, je suis en mesure de vous offrir mes services. Ma polyvalence me permet de m'adapter à différents projets et d'utiliser les techniques et bonnes pratiques les plus récentes en matière de développement web.

N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour discuter de vos besoins spécifiques en développement et en rédaction web. Ce serait un réel plaisir pour moi de collaborer avec vous afin de concrétiser votre projet et de vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs en ligne.”

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  • Orders in progress 0
  • Sales in total 0
  • Seller since May 2023