I will automate your Excel activities

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Sold by TommyR Professional Total sales 798 Available on ComeUp Direct.


Seeking QUALITY of service, customer SATISFACTION and SPEED of execution, I offer services on Excel, a tool very widely used in business today.


Automate redundant and time-consuming processes to make you more efficient on a daily basis (financial, administrative and accounting aspects).
Create multi-parameterizable models, automate the generation of scenarios according to a set of hypotheses at your convenience (financial, strategic and economic aspects).


Engineer by training, having completed a second Master's degree in Corporate Finance, with a cumulative 6/7 years of experience in start-ups, environments in which I have implemented a large number of models, automated documents and evolving with the growth of the company. The expertise that I wish to bring to you is on the implementation of documents in fast-growing companies, whose needs are changing rapidly, all on financial, strategic, administrative and accounting aspects.


Basic FORMULA (100€)

Basic formula = Complete modeling of a SIMPLE need. Summary dashboard of results viewable at a glance and in a few clicks.


Basic formula +
Complete, automated and personalized modeling of a need. Multi scripting possible via a set of modular hypotheses. Summary dashboard of results and table of parameters grouped and configurable at a glance and in a few clicks.


Basic formula +
Complete VBA programming of a complex custom need (up to 3 features). use of a simple macro button or a VBA userform allowing a practical and intuitive user interface.


For a large-scale project that requires the implementation of more than 3 macros and/or 3 different Userforms with a number of functionalities ranging from 3 to 5 --> the ULTIMATE formula for a tailor-made project of the integrated software type .


For a large-scale project that requires the implementation of more than 7 macros and/or 7 different Userforms with a number of functionalities ranging from 5 to 7 --> the ULTIMATE formula for a tailor-made project of the integrated software type .


For a large-scale project that requires the implementation from 10 to 15 macros and/or 10 to 15 different Userforms with a number of functionalities ranging from 10 to 15 --> the ULTIMATE formula for a tailor-made project of the integrated software type.

As indicated above, any need for automation on financial, strategic, administrative, accounting and economic aspects will find an answer in the services I offer. These services are at a very low cost despite the work it represents in order to prove to you, for a low level of investment, that you can TRUST me.


All you have to do is contact me, if you are convinced that the services I offer can meet your needs. From my professional experience in business, as well as the many entrepreneurs I have already accompanied elsewhere, I will be able to listen to you and quickly provide a solution to your problems.

My service INCLUDES post-delivery support for the document(s) to facilitate handling, and make alterations if necessary.

Looking forward to working together :)

I will automate your Excel activities

  • €100.00

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About the seller


Performance Top
Professional Orders in progress 2 Total sales 798 Seller since Feb 2019
Professional Orders in progress 2 Total sales 798 Seller since Feb 2019

👉 Tommy Rigault
🚀 Expert Excel 🚀
👉 Fondateur de la structure excel-addict 😊
Je m'appelle Tommy, je suis Ingénieur de formation, et j'ai réalisé un Master en Finance d'entreprise par la suite.
Passionné de modélisation et d'automatisation, j'ai créé un grand nombre d'outils dans les différentes structures où je suis passé.
Je suis à mon compte depuis 2019 et je développe la structure excel-addict, avec laquelle je propose des prestations sur-mesure (+700 projets réalisés), des formations et des documents automatisés sur Excel.
N'hésitez pas à consulter mes services et à passer commande, je vous répondrai avec plaisir 😊

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