I will unblock your facebook advertising account and business manager
Sale 1
Sold by aloyi2 Total sales 104
Truth be told, at some point, every advertiser faces the issue of their advertising account being disabled. It's so common on Facebook that it has become a serious roadblock for people considering advertising on the platform.
And it has finally happened to you. Your Facebook advertising account is banned even though you've followed all the strict rules and policies.
As a Facebook advertising expert, after analyzing, practicing, and managing various techniques for dealing with Facebook bans, I've come to understand the different types of bans that exist on Facebook, along with each solution for effectively unblocking and securing an advertising account and its Business Manager.
If your Business Manager or advertising account is disabled and you want to reactivate it, you can trust me to resolve your issues. Entrust it to me, and I will reactivate it.
With the offer I'm presenting to you for 30 euros, I will:
Conduct a comprehensive analysis of your problem.
Identify the factors contributing to the blockage of your advertising account or Business Manager.
Unblock your advertising account or Business Manager.
Implement a security system for your advertising account or Business Manager.
Provide a tip to avoid Facebook blockages.
How to place an order for the unblocking of your account.
Simply select the option that suits you best and click the "Order" button.
After placing your order, you will be directed to a page where you can provide me with the necessary information about your account.
Note: I cannot guarantee the removal of the block since the final decision lies with Facebook. However, our strategy is very effective.
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About the seller
"Salut" Je m'appelle Athanase Aloyi, je suis un Expert dans le domaine du marketing digital spécialisé dans les tunnels de vente Systèsme io et de la publicité Facebook ADS, Google ADS. Certifié par Google sur les principes fondamentaux du marketing numérique et du Facebook Blueprint Elearning.
J'accompagne les particuliers, entreprises et organisations à la digitalisation de leurs activités en ligne afin de faire croître leurs chiffres d'affaires. Je prends chaque nouveau projet comme les miens et je veille toujours d'être à la hauteur sur chaque projet qu'on me confie en leur offrant toute mon expertise dans ce domaine qu'est le web marketing qui de nos jours est indispensable pour la promotion des produits/services en ligne.
Je suis disponible pour répondre à toutes vos préoccupations et ça sera pour moi un grand plaisir de mettre mon savoir faire à votre disposition tout en vous garantissant un travail de qualité qui sera à la hauteur de vos attentes.
Je suis très impatient de faire connaissance avec vous. À très bientôt et excellente journée à vous.”