I will draft your questionnaire, survey, research form, market research, satisfaction survey
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Sold by HARTMAN Total sales 88 Available on ComeUp Direct.
◾ Would you like to launch a product/service and find out what the public will think of it?
◾ Do you want to know what your consumers' expectations are?
◾ Do you want to carry out an anonymous satisfaction survey among your customers or your students and readers?
◾ Are you a student and want to collect data from your target audience online or in the field?
◾ Etc.
If you find yourself in one of these situations, then you've come to the right place.
I offer you the possibility of designing and producing a questionnaire online, and in PDF for your field survey using software tools.
💻 GoogleForm online
💻 Sphinx
🎁 FOR € 15
- A Google Form survey (questionnaire) of up to 10 questions with questions you supply (you must supply me entirely with all the questions to be used for this survey)
- Delivery format: Google Form link
- One retouch only
- Delivery time: 4 days
If you want more for a better experience, I offer additional options
- Questionnaire with more questions
- Use of SPHINX software
- Creation of a survey or questionnaire on a topic of your choice (here, you don't need to propose or provide any questions. You simply propose the theme and I'll find the questions that are relevant to you). I will then develop the entire questionnaire based on your theme of interest.
- Access link** to your shortened form
- Creation of the personalised banner for your form
- Drafting of the description of the questionnaire (introduction to the survey)
- Graphic summary of your data** (PDF) or using EXCEL tables.
**Contact me if you need anything **
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About the seller
✨Je suis Hartman, rédacteur professionnel bilingue (Francais-Anglais) et passionné de lecture, d'écriture et surtout curieux de découvrir les merveilles de la recherche.✨
👨🏿🎓 Actuellement je suis chercheur, préparant une thèse de doctorat PhD.
📙 Je lis et écris depuis l'école primaire.
D’un livre à l’autre, j’ai pu confirmer qu’il est possible de faire le tour du monde sans décoller et de parler à d’éminentes personnalités sans aucun protocole. En effet « le monde est dans le livre, le monde est le livre ».
🏆 Au cours de mon parcours littéraire j’ai été distingué à des Concours Nationaux d’Ecriture : Concours National d’Ecriture Francophone au Cameroun (2020), Concours Mensuel de Poésie René Philombe (2020), Concours National de Dissertation (2019), Prix National du Meilleur Plaidoyer pour la Remunicipalisation du Service de Distribution de l’Eau Potable au Cameroun (2019).
🗞️ J’appartiens actuellement à la ronde des Poètes du Cameroun et je suis par ailleurs Membre de l’équipe éditoriale de « PanAfrican Medical Journal » (PAMJ).
💎 Je vous accompagne dans la rédaction de vos documents intermédiaires, thèses, mémoires et rapports de stages, la relecture et la correction de textes, la mise en page de vos documents, et la réalisation de vos sondages & questionnaires. Je rédige également vos textes (articles SEO, storytelling, histoires inspirantes, résumés & synthèses, poèmes). Je fais de la reformulation, de la traduction (anglais - français - allemand) et des présentations PowerPoint. Certains articles sont spécialisés sur la santé et les animaux, tandis que votre présence sur Facebook ou YouTube peut être soignée. Je vous offre aussi, des recherches documentaires & synthèses optimisées et référencées.
🌀 En Graphisme & Design, vous aurez des affiches & flyers, chemises à rabats, banderoles, plaquettes, roll-up, bannières, cartes de visite, calendriers, dépliants, menus de restaurant, etc. Vous aurez aussi des CV et lettre de motivation, des articles scientifiques, des ebooks et couvertures, des montages vidéos, e-mailing ou e-mail marketing, fiches produits/services, etc.
✨ Service de qualité - Respect des délais.✨
✨I am Hartman, a bilingual (French-English) professional writer with a passion for reading, writing, and most of all, a curiosity for the wonders of research.✨
👨🏿🎓 Currently I am a researcher, preparing a PhD thesis.
📙 I have been reading and writing since primary school.
From one book to another, I was able to confirm that it is possible to travel around the world without taking off and talk to great personalities without any protocol. Indeed "the world is in the book, the world is the book".
🏆 In the course of my writing career I have been distinguished in National Writing Competitions: National Francophone Writing Competition in Cameroon (2020), René Philombe Monthly Poetry Competition (2020), National Essay Competition (2019), National Prize for the Best Advocacy for the Remunicipalization of the Drinking Water Distribution Service in Cameroon (2019).
🗞️ I currently belong to the Cameroon Poets' Round and I am also a Member of the editorial team of "PanAfrican Medical Journal" (PAMJ).
💎 I accompany you in writing your intermediate documents, theses, dissertations and internship reports, proofreading and editing texts, formatting your documents, and conducting your surveys & questionnaires. I also write your texts (SEO articles, storytelling, inspirational stories, summaries & syntheses, poems). I do rephrasing, translation (English - French - German) and PowerPoint presentations. Some articles are specialized on health and animals, while your presence on Facebook or YouTube can be taken care of. I also offer you, optimized and referenced literature searches & syntheses.
🌀 In Graphics & Design, you will have posters & flyers, flap folders, banners, leaflets, roll-ups, banners, business cards, calendars, flyers, restaurant menus, etc. You will also have resumes and cover letters, scientific articles, ebooks and covers, video editing, e-mailing or e-mail marketing, product/service sheets, etc.
✨ Quality service - Respect of deadlines.✨