I will create mathematics interactive 20 slides quiz using articulate storyline in lms or storyline format

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Sold by bilalmursaleen Total sales 0

My expertise includes:
Mathematics Content creation, creation of Interactive quiz/content using articulate storyline, Quiz/assessments worksheets, Question bank, Solution guides, Past math Papers solution guides and other math related content. I also teach mathematics online as well, up to grade 12.

Recent experience:
Creation of interactive quizzes using Articulate Storyline for J & J Educational Bootcamp (Ongoing)
12,630 math questions creation from grade 7 to grade 12, to be uploaded on Moodle, Australia.
Past Math papers of A levels solution guides creation for the use of students and PowerPoints for teachers/instructors for Invictus International Schools and random past math papers solution guide for Frankel Tutors, both Singapore-based institutions.
Grade 3 Math worksheets (TEKS), Texas.

Tools I use:
Articulate Storyline, MS Publisher, Word, PowerPoint, Canva, Desmos, Geogebra etc. I am a fast learner so I can learn to use any application.

My Qualification is in mathematics.


I will create mathematics interactive 20 slides quiz using articulate storyline in lms or storyline format

  • €29.07

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Orders in progress 0 Total sales 0 Seller since Dec 2023
Orders in progress 0 Total sales 0 Seller since Dec 2023

Mathematics Content Creator and Tutor | Articulate Storyline | SAT/GMAT/GRE

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