I will setup cookie consent banner ga4 with gtm
Sale 1
Sold by Jahidul_Islam Total sales 10 Available on ComeUp Direct.
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is legislation that updated and unified data privacy laws across the European Union (EU). GDPR was approved by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016 and went into effect on May 25, 2018.
Why you need this service?
Also known as non-essential cookies, they are used for things such as collecting personal data for marketing, remarketing and analytical purposes. To ensure compliance, you need to obtain consent from a user before you can legally begin to track them with the use of non-necessary cookies. And by adding a cookie consent popup to your website, It requires a configuration on the Google Tag Manager side in order to apply the consent.
What will you get?
**I will implement a cookie consent management platform (CMP) of your choice using GTM to your website
**I will ensure to adjust how your tracking tags behave based on the consent status of your user
** I will implement Google Consent Mode to your Google tags (Google Ads) that recovers up to 80% of ad-click-to-conversion journeys lost due to user cookie consent choices
What should you expect from me?
**A simple-to-install Cookie Consent Banner, customizable to fit your website's style.
**Options for a monthly subscription or a one-time fee for lifetime maintenance of the banner.
**A Comprehensive Cookie Policy service, ideal for sites without an existing policy or needing to verify current policy compliance.
**Regular website scans to ensure the banner remains up-to-date as your website evolves.
**Access to Cookie Consent Logs for transparency and record-keeping.
What do I need from you?
**A link to your website.
**Any specific requirements or preferences for the banner's appearance or placement.
**If you're interested in the Comprehensive Cookie Policy, inform me if you have an existing policy for me to review.
Cookie Consent Platforms I've Worked On
Quantcast Choice etc
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Buyer reviews

I had the pleasure of working with Jahidul Islam on GDPR. From the very beginning, he demonstrated impeccable professionalism, excellent communication, and genuine expertise in GDPR. Jahidul Islam understood our needs with precision and delivered high-quality work within the agreed timelines. Thank you !
J'ai eu une expérience fantastique en travaillant avec Godelieve Djonga. La communication a été claire et rapide tout au long du processus. Ils ont été professionnels, courtois et décisifs, ce qui a rendu la transaction fluide. Le paiement a été effectué rapidement et leurs attentes étaient raisonnables et équitables. C’est toujours un plaisir de traiter avec quelqu’un qui valorise la qualité et entretient une attitude aussi positive. Je serais ravi de travailler à nouveau avec Godelieve Djonga à l'avenir. Fortement recommandé!
About the seller
Gracias por su seguridad con respecto a la política de reembolso. Proporciona tranquilidad sabiendo que la satisfacción del cliente es una prioridad.
Lo configuraré a través de Google Tag Manager y enviaré todos los parámetros con valor dinámico según la recomendación de Facebook o GA4. Cada parámetro tiene un formato de tipo de datos específico, pero la mayoría de las personas no siguen las reglas. Por este motivo, el píxel de Facebook o GA4 no puede optimizar el seguimiento de anuncios y datos.
Está buscando comprender verdaderamente a sus clientes y mejorar sus resultados de marketing online? Ahí es donde entro yo. Soy Jahid, su socio de marketing digital, comprometido a aportar claridad a su caos de datos. Al perfeccionar su Administrador de etiquetas de Google, establecer eventos GA4 precisos y optimizar su píxel de Facebook, lo ayudo a liberar todo el potencial de los datos de su sitio web.
✔️ I have the following knowledge & and experience ✔️
✔️ Google Tag Manager (GTM).
✔️ Google Analytics Custom Reporting.
✔️ Google Analytics 4 Implementation.
✔️ Google Analytics 4 - GA4 events setup.
✔️ Google Analytics 4 Enhanced E-commerce Tracking.
✔️ GA4 E-commerce Tracking.
✔️ Facebook Pixel Setup.
✔️ Facebook Conversion API Tracking Setup.
✔️ Google Ads enhanced conversion tracking.
✔️ Dynamic remarketing setup.
✔️ Lead Form Submission Tracking.
✔️ Download tracking.
✔️ Booking Form Registration.
✔️ Complete Registration.
✔️ Website Phone Call Tracking.
✔️ Website Email Click Tracking.
✔️ HubSpot Form Tracking.
✔️ Contact Form Tracking.
✔️ Celendly Booking Tracking.
✔️ Any Custom Events.
✔️ Platforms where I have worked ✔️
✔️ Prestashop
✔️ Shopify
✔️ WordPress
✔️ Wix
✔️ Magento
Why Me?
Just inquire with one of my recent clients, who endured the frustration of unclear data and ineffective tracking. They had been entangled in a week-long cycle of unproductive fixes with a previous expert. Upon switching to my services, I revamped their analytics setup in just one day, resulting in immediate and tangible outcomes.
Top 3 Benefits you’ll Experience:
Clear Insights: With a proper GTM setup, you'll precisely discern where your customers originate and what they engage in on your site, enabling you to make well-informed decisions rather than relying on assumptions.
Marketing Precision: A well-configured Facebook Pixel ensures your ads consistently hit the target, enhancing ad performance and amplifying your return on investment.
Seamless User Experiences: I eradicate any unnecessary code and streamline configurations, not only accelerating your site but also enhancing the user journey, ensuring your audience remains content and engaged.
Let's collaborate to navigate the digital marketing terrain together. With my expertise, your marketing strategies will be driven by reliable data, leading to more astute spending and improved performance. Ready to elevate your business? Reach out to me today!