I will generate qualified B2B Leads for you on LinkedIn with 100% valid emails

5.0 (2)

Sales 2

Sold by EmailVerifier Total sales 242 Available on ComeUp Direct.

Your LinkedIn file with free email verification is finally available on ComeUp at the lowest rates on the market!

You've probably visited our ad for comparison purposes, and you're right to do so ! The main question on your mind should be why use our service rather than that of one of our competitors ?

I'll leave you to form your own opinion and complete your benchmarking with the help of these purely factual answers :

✅ We have been elected TOP SERVICE by ComeUp in our category ''Sale of 100% valid company files'', please see this link : https://comeup.com/fr/service/291089/vous-fournir-jusqua-5000-emails-valides-dentreprises-francaises-avec-toutes-leurs-coordonnees

✅ We have more than 500 million complete and constantly updated LinkedIn records.

✅ All our databases are STRICTLY RGPD compliant.

✅ We charge the lowest rates on ComeUp in this category.

✅ We have specialised in email verification since 2006 via our own online platform Emailchecker.fr dedicated exclusively to the French market (hence the .FR domain name extension). However, our email verification rates are even more affordable on ComeUp via this link : https://comeup.com/fr/service/370931/remove-all-invalid-emails-from-your-mixed-email-list

100% of our customers are TOTALLY satisfied, we have had NO negative feedback to date.

✅ You will be delivered most of the time within 24 hours if we have all the elements allowing us to process your order immediately.

✅ Our average online chat response time is less than one hour during office hours.

Are you looking to improve your visibility and boost your sales ? But you don't know the best source from which to get quality leads ?

Hubspot found that LinkedIn was 277% more effective at generating leads than Facebook or Twitter. Better still, a recent study found that B2B marketers reported that 80% of their leads on social networks came exclusively from LinkedIn.

To benefit from your tailor-made LinkedIn B2B leads file, we'll take care of everything. All you need to do is provide us with the following informations :

🟢 Country (°)
🟢 Sector(s) of activity (only if you need to target specific industry sectors)
🟢 Job title (only if you need to target specific job titles)
(°) Only 1 country per order

Note : If one or more of these elements are not communicated to us within 12 hours from the time, the validation of your order will be put on hold.

I will generate a list of qualified leads of prospects targeted according to your needs including the following informations :

Last name
First name
Job title
Company name
Personal or company email 100% Valid
Telephone number (if available)
Postcode (if available)
LinkedIn Url
Website (if available)

Each email is VERIFIED before delivery and is therefore 100% VALID to guarantee you Optimal Deliverability.

You can also contact your prospects directly via the LinkedIn profile links mentioned on your B2B file.

Each lead list is unique, as it is tailor-made just for you, based on your selection

🟢I will generate 300 Leads for you for only 15 Euros through my basic offer (.TXT, .CSV or .XLSX format).

Other options are available in the price list at the bottom of the page, allowing you to further reduce the cost per lead by adjusting the quantities.

Our ultimate goal is CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. It is through empathy that we create services tailored to your needs, focusing on these 4 main requirements:

👉🏻QUALITY by providing you with recent and 100% valid emails

👉🏻PRICES mentionned with the lowest prices on the ComeUp market

👉🏻INFORMED ADVICE to offer you the formula best suited to your needs

👉🏻REACTIVITY through our exchanges as well as during the delivery of your tailor-made service.

If you would like more information about this customised service, please do not
hesitate to contact us directly via ComeUp's online chat.

We can also offer you complete packs by country, for example our LinkedIn France Platinium Pack (12 million records including 3,000,000 emails before verification) at 1,595 Euros or our LinkedIn Worldwide Platinium Pack (500 million records including more than 50,000,000 emails before verification) at 14,495 Euros (to obtain this one, please choose the options LinkedIn Worldwide Platinium Pack 1, 2 and 3 at the same time).

These different packages are also available by country or by continent.

It is also possible to purchase these packs without the email verification option. For example, the LinkedIn France Mega Pack would cost just €845, while the LinkedIn Worldwide Mega Pack would cost €5,005.

Wishing you excellent prospecting

I will generate qualified B2B Leads for you on LinkedIn with 100% valid emails

  • €15.00

Customize service

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

  1. Order
    your preferred service
    from one of our sellers
  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

Buyer reviews


5.0 (2)

Custom order

dans l attente de vérifier la delivrabilité de ces emails

Basic order

verry good job !

About the seller


Performance Top
Orders in progress 2 Total sales 242 Seller since Jul 2022
Orders in progress 2 Total sales 242 Seller since Jul 2022

🏆 Agence de Marketing Digital n°1 sur ComeUp
20 ans d'expérience à votre service et plus de 2 000 clients satisfaits !
Création et Développement de Sites Web en CMS ou entièrement codés Sur-Mesure :
✅ Sites Carte de Visites
✅ Sites Vitrines
✅ Sites E-Commerces
✅ Sites Communautaires
🎖️ Certification WIX / Wordpress / Prestashop / Shopify / Woocommerce / Laravel et Joomla!
Vente de Fichiers Complets avec Emails 100% Valides provenant d'Annuaires Officiels :
✅ Pages Jaunes (France)
✅ Pages d'Or (Belgique)
✅ Local (Suisse)
✅ Editus (Luxembourg)
✅ Yellow Pages (USA)
✅ Pages Jaunes (Canada)
✅ Plus de 86 Pays disponibles
Scraping de Données Sur-Mesure :
✅ LinkedIn
Vérification de vos Listes d'Emails :
✅ Elimination des doublons
✅ Vérification des syntaxes
✅ Vérification des DNS
✅ Elimination des Hard Bounces
✅ Détection des Full Inbox
✅ Elimination des Emails temporaires
✅ Détection des Catch-All
✅ Elimination des Spam Traps
✅ Détection des Bots
Création et Envoi de vos Campagnes Emailing :
✅ Garanti à 90% minimum en Boite de Réception
✅ Newsletter Personnalisée et Responsive
✅ A/B Testing : Envoyez 2 messages pour comparer leurs résultats
✅ Optimisation des horaires d'envoi assistée par IA
✅ de vos pages web et suivi comportemental
✅ Formulaires d'inscription personnalisables
✅ Données de Géocalisation de vos clients
✅ Statistiques relatives aux Appareils utilisés
✅ Carte de chaleur pour visualiser où vos contacts ont cliqué
✅ Statistiques complètes de votre campagne
✅ IP dédiée pour contrôler pleinement votre réputation d'expéditeur
Augmentation de vos Scores de Netlinking :
✅ Domain Authority (DA)
✅ Domain Rating (DR)
✅ Trust Flow (TF)
Création de Trafic 100% Naturel :
✅ Visiteurs 100% réels donc Trafic naturel garanti du SERP.
✅ 1 à 5 mots clés seront inscrits par les visiteurs dans le moteur de recherche avant de parcourir les différents résultats jusqu’à parvenir sur votre site internet afin de le visiter.
✅ Visites ciblées géographiquement par pays (Google favorise les visites provenant du même pays d’hébergement que celui de votre site web).
✅ Nombres des visites réparties aléatoirement dans le temps (Google n’accepte que les visites 100% naturelle).
✅ Durée des visites aléatoires avec une durée minimum de 10 secondes afin d’améliorer favorablement vos statistiques auprès de Google.
✅ Différentes IP sont utilisées ainsi que différents Navigateurs et OS.
✅ Taux de rebond très faible puisque chaque visiteur visitera plusieurs pages de votre site web (option Mots-clés uniquement).
✅ Augmentation naturelle des positions dans le classement de Google.
✅ Evolution haussière du CTR du mot-clé.
✅ Possibilité de suivre l’opération via Google Analytics, si ce dernier a été correctement paramétré.
✅ Pas de Proxies utilisés, d'Adblock, ou d'Iframes.
✅ Garanti 100% SEO compatible.

Learn more