I will give you the perfect Welcome Airbnb Kit for travellers

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Sold by MikeConciergerie Professional 39 total sales Available on ComeUp Direct

🌟 Personalised Hosting Documents Pack : Transform Your Traveller's Experience. Hi to all you passionate hosts out there!

I'm Mike, your short-term rental accomplice, and I've got a gift for you: a bespoke welcome pack that will revolutionise your guests' experience. With this kit, you'll leave an unforgettable impression on every traveller who walks through your door.

The welcome kit is designed for owners or managers of short-term rentals, such as flats, holiday homes or B&Bs. It is designed to be made available to travellers who book and stay in such accommodation.

The main aim of the welcome pack is to improve the overall experience of travellers by providing them with useful information, practical advice and little touches to make their stay more comfortable and enjoyable. It also aims to help hosts communicate effectively with their guests, respond to their needs and questions, and enhance customer satisfaction.

In short, the welcome kit is designed to be used by owners or managers of short-term rentals to offer an exceptional and memorable welcome to their guests, helping to build customer loyalty and promote positive reviews.

What is the purpose of offering a professional welcome kit? The traveller welcome kit is designed to enhance the overall experience of travellers staying in your short-stay rental. It is designed to provide a warm and professional welcome as soon as guests arrive, giving them all the information they need for a comfortable and hassle-free stay. Here are some of the main uses of the Traveller Welcome Pack:

Facilitating arrival: The kit provides clear instructions on how to access the property, arrival formalities and house rules, allowing travellers to settle in quickly and peacefully.

Provide practical information: It includes details of the property's facilities, such as WiFi, air conditioning, heating, etc., as well as local recommendations for restaurants, shops, tourist attractions, etc.

Encourage satisfaction: The kit may contain incentives to leave positive reviews or comments, which will help to boost your rental's reputation on booking platforms.

Promote sustainability: It can offer advice on how to reduce your environmental impact during your stay, encouraging environmentally-friendly practices.

Express gratitude: The kit can include gestures of appreciation, such as a personalised gift card or local treats, to show travellers that their stay is precious to you.

In short, the traveller welcome kit aims to create an exceptional hospitality experience that leaves a lasting positive impression on your guests, encouraging loyalty and referrals.

**How to use the Welcome Kit"
To highlight the welcome kit and offer a memorable experience to your guests, here are some suggestions:

Professional printing: Have the welcome kit documents printed on high quality paper for a neat and professional presentation. Choose bright, attractive colors to attract the attention of guests.

Sleek Frames: Frame key documents, like the personalized welcome message or equipment operating instructions, to make them look sophisticated and highlight their importance. Place them in matching frames that complement the style of your home.

Plexiglass or plastic supports: Use clear plexiglass or plastic supports to protect documents and make them water and tear resistant. These stands also offer a modern, stylish presentation that suits all types of decor.

Lamination: For documents you want to keep flexible and easy to clean, like information cards about local attractions or tips for an eco-friendly stay, consider laminating them. This will make them durable and resistant to wear.

Strategic arrangement: Place the welcome kit documents in strategic locations in your home, such as the entryway, living room or kitchen, where guests are likely to see and consult them easily. Make sure they are prominent and easily accessible.

Personalization: Add a personal touch by including unique items, like local postcards, regional treats or small gifts, to warmly greet your guests and make them feel welcome.

By following these tips, you can showcase your hospitality kit and create a memorable hospitality experience that will leave a lasting positive impression on your guests.

Here's what you'll get:
Detailed Description: A set of 8 personalized documents to download in PDF format, designed to meet the needs of your guests around the world.

Commitment to Quality: Each kit is designed with impeccable attention to detail to ensure superior quality and maximum customer satisfaction.

🏡 What our Welcome Kit includes:
Hassle-Free Internet Access: Simplify WiFi connection as soon as your guests arrive with a clear and aesthetic design.

Personalized Welcome Message: Start on a warm and welcoming note to make your guests feel at home from the first moment.

Clear and Aesthetic Instructions: Elegant visual instructions to facilitate the use of your space and ensure the comfort of your guests.

Encourage Positive Reviews: Practical tips to encourage your guests to share their positive experience and strengthen your online reputation.

Promotion of Ecology: Suggestions for an environmentally friendly stay, aligned with sustainability values.

Gesture of Appreciation: A special touch with a personalized gift card to reinforce the loyalty and satisfaction of your guests.

Collecting Feedback: Effective ways to collect authentic feedback and continually improve your welcome.

Overall Summary: A summary document so that your guests have all the necessary information at a glance.

The story behind our success:

I am the founder of co-host concierge, an adventure started with passion and a desire for innovation. My self-taught journey taught me the importance of listening, adaptation and surpassing myself. Today, my concierge manages more than 60 accommodations, but what really makes me proud are the smiles of our guests and the positive reviews that testify to the quality of our service.

🌟 Exclusive Offer:
Order now and receive your Welcome Kit within 48 hours, always ready to impress your guests.

Pricing and Options:

1 Language: 50€

2 Languages: €85

3 Languages: 110€

4 Languages: €130

Personalized Company Logo option: Add your logo for an additional €15

Ready to transform your guest experience and stand out in the hospitality world? Order your Pack of Personalized Welcome Documents now and create unforgettable stays for your guests!

To your success,


I will give you the perfect Welcome Airbnb Kit for travellers

  • €50.00

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About the seller

MikeConciergerie 4 hours ago

“⭐ Bonjour, je suis Mike, un coach et consultant spécialisé reconnu en stratégie, optimisation, et automatisation pour la location courte durée sur des plateformes telles qu'Airbnb et Booking.com. Passionné par l'idée d'aider mes clients à augmenter leurs revenus et à simplifier leur gestion au quotidien, je mets en œuvre mon expertise pour transformer votre activité de conciergerie et de location.

Mes Succès, Votre Avenir

Au fil des années, j'ai transformé les défis en succès, non seulement pour moi-même mais aussi pour ceux avec qui j'ai travaillé. En tant que gérant de conciergerie, j'ai catapulté ma collection de plus de 60 logements à des sommets inégalés, en témoignent les avis élogieux des voyageurs et la fidélité des propriétaires. En tant qu'autodidacte, j'ai prouvé que la passion et l'engagement pouvaient déplacer des montagnes.

Des stratégies d'optimisation de revenus implémentées avec succès à l'automatisation des tâches les plus fastidieuses, chaque étape de mon parcours a été marquée par des victoires significatives. Imaginez ce que nous pourrions accomplir ensemble. Votre succès est mon objectif, et avec mon expertise, je suis prêt à vous guider vers de nouveaux horizons de prospérité et d'efficacité dans la gestion de votre location courte durée.

Pourquoi rester dans l'ombre quand vous pourriez briller ?

⭐ Expertise et Spécialisations :

Je me spécialise dans l'accompagnement des loueurs en courte durée et des conciergeries, offrant des solutions sur mesure pour répondre efficacement à vos besoins spécifiques sur Airbnb, Booking.com, et d'autres plateformes. Mon expertise en optimisation de revenus et automatisation des tâches chronophages est votre alliée pour une gestion efficace et rentable.

⭐ Expériences Passées :

Fort de six ans d'expérience en tant que gérant d'une conciergerie gérant plus de 60 logements dans le sud de la France, et formé par des spécialistes de premier plan, j'applique maintenant mon expertise en tant que coach. Depuis trois ans, je guide les loueurs et conciergeries vers des résultats exceptionnels sur Airbnb, Booking.com, et Abritel, garantissant un retour sur investissement rapide.

⭐ Engagement envers les Clients :

Je m'engage à offrir un service exceptionnel, en m'assurant que chaque client gagne à la fois du temps et de l'argent grâce à mes techniques, conseils, et compétences adaptés aux plateformes Airbnb, Booking.com, et autres. Mon objectif est de dépasser vos attentes, en respectant scrupuleusement les délais et en vous fournissant des stratégies personnalisées pour la gestion de votre conciergerie et de vos logements.

⭐ Touche Personnelle :

Ma passion pour le domaine de la location courte durée et la gestion de conciergerie est née de mes expériences en tant que voyageur et hôte sur Airbnb et Booking.com. Je suis convaincu que des ajustements stratégiques peuvent transformer significativement votre activité. Laissez-moi vous guider à travers les subtilités de la location courte durée et ensemble, réalisons le plein potentiel de votre entreprise.

⭐ Ensemble, Transformons Votre Activité de Location Courte Durée et de Conciergerie

Rejoignez-moi dans cette aventure vers le succès. Avec mon aide, découvrez comment des stratégies d'optimisation et d'automatisation sur mesure peuvent non seulement accroître vos revenus mais aussi révolutionner la manière dont vous gérez vos logements sur Airbnb, Booking.com, et au-delà. Transformez les défis en opportunités et voyez votre entreprise s'épanouir sous un nouveau jour.

⭐ Prêt à propulser votre conciergerie et vos activités de location au niveau supérieur ? Contactez-moi dès maintenant et ensemble, explorons le plein potentiel de votre entreprise. Votre succès dans la location courte durée et la gestion de conciergerie commence ici.

J'ai hâte de vous aider à atteindre les sommets ... A très vite,


  • Professional seller
  • Average response time 6 h
  • Order in progress 1
  • Sales in total 39
  • Seller since Jan 2024