I will create your ClickFunnels landing page or capture page

0 sales

Sold by Mr_Gantua 63 total sales Available on ComeUp Direct

ClickFunnels, the N°1 tool for designing optimized landing pages and boosting your business 🚀

🎯 Increase your conversion rates, boost sales, generate qualified leads.

🎯 Capture e-mails, build up an information base, promote events, launch your online store...

Why a ClickFunnels landing page for your marketing objectives ?

1/ ClickFunnels landing pages offer a conversion rate of 20% to 30%, compared with just 3% on your website.

2/ Benefit from precise segmentation of your customer database.

3/ ClickFunnels offers a page builder, e-mail autoresponder, affiliation and detailed analyses.

Build your sales tunnel with ClickFunnels, simplify your growth and boost your results X10 💥

Why work with us for your ClickFunnels sales tunnel ?

For the simple reason that we don't just offer you a SERVICE we offer you support for your business, with our 14 years of experience filled with mistakes and successes. Of course, when you work with us, you'll also benefit from our digital marketing insights and, above all, the vision you need to grow your business.

We've been on the platform for nearly 3 years now, and we're dedicated to providing quality services for our partners to ensure the success of their business.

You lose, we lose, you win, we win, and that's the vision we share.

Working with us means waking up one morning after a graceful morning, your heart at ease because you've got a thriving business, running even when you're asleep. Yes, it's possible when you're on the right team.

📞 We're available 7 days a week 📥🔻


PACKS Landing Page Short Landing Page Long
Number of sections 2 to 3 sections 5 to 7 sections
Max. number of words 150 words 300 words
Price €140 €240
Deadline 3 Days 5 Days
Unlimited rework Yes 💪 Yes 💪
Express delivery possible Yes ✅ Yes ✅


✅ Customized landing page + Thank-you page

✅ Professional design adapted to your corporate colors + Insertion of your logo

✅ Insertion of images to represent your offer

✅ Copywriting of your page's content (persuasive copywriting)

✅ Insertion of conversion rate enhancement tools (Live Social Proof tool)

The size of your landing page varies according to the density of content needed to convert your target into qualified customers/prospects.

Here are the different sections that make up a Landing page :

1- Title and subtitle : Catchy, they present the greatest benefit of your offer.

2- Form : Visitors fill in the necessary information to subscribe to your offer.

3- Identity : Presentation of you or your company to inspire confidence.

4- Benefits presentation : Details on the advantages of your offer/product/service.

5- Social proof : Testimonials to inspire action.

6- Bonus or value : Extra points to convince visitors.

Optimize your Landing page according to your business sector. I'll guide you as a specialist.


👉 A SHORT LANDING PAGE can have *3 sections : "Title" + "Form" + "Social proof ".

👉 And a LONG LANDING PAGE can have all 6 sections : "Title" + "Form" + "Identity" + "Benefits" + "Social proof" + "Bonuses ".

🚀 If you are in E-commerçant, you must choose the LONG LANDING PAGE. The form section will not be necessary.

This is the last crossroads⚠️ you're about to place your order ! 👇

💬 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q/Are you ready to work in the short, medium and long term ?
A/Of course we are. A successful collaboration paves the way for a lasting relationship.

Q/Can I have an overview of your recent achievements ?
A/ Yes, once I've understood your needs, I can show you my Landing pages created for Partners.

Q/ I don't know which options to choose for my situation.
A/ Take advantage of a 15-minute strategic call from ComeUp direct for personalized advice on the best Landing page to set up.

Q/ Are you available to carry out this order ?
A/ I'm available 7 days a week, just like on the comeUp.com platform.

Q/ Do you offer unique, high-quality work ?
A/ Absolutely. With each delivery, you'll receive a detailed report of the order completed.

Place your order now to benefit from my services 😋👇 !

I look forward to working with you. 🔻

I will create your ClickFunnels landing page or capture page

  • €140.00

Extra options

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

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  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
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  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

About the seller

Mr_Gantua 2 hours ago

“💥💥Profitez dès maintenant de nos offres promotionnelles sur l'ensemble de nos services.💥💥

🏆 + 14 ans d'expériences cumulées en Webmarketing

🏆+ 3 ans de spécialisation en publicité en ligne (Google ads, Facebook ads, Taboola et Outbrain ads)

🏆 Vendeur vérifié sur ComeUp.com (anciennement 5euros.com)✅

🎯 Niches ou marchés d'expériences 🎯

▶ Magasins de meubles (E-commerce)

▶ InfoProduits - vente de formation - affiliation (ClickBank, Systeme.io)

▶ Energie Solaire (PV) (Génération de leads Google & Facebook)

▶ Immobilier (génération de leads pour agents et agences)

▶ Thérapeutes Indépendants (Génération de leads google Ads)

▶ Machine Agricole et jardin (E-commerce)

Véritable passionné du marketing digital, je crée pour vous des stratégies de vente sur-mesure afin d'exploser la rentabilité de votre entreprise.


Dans le but de garantir le succès de tout projet, je me suis entouré d’une équipe de spécialistes, aussi obsédé les uns que les autres par les résultats et la satisfaction de nos Partenaires (Personnes qui prennent nos services)

⭐️Nous avons acquis de l'expérience en:

▶ La création et la propulsion de boutiques E-commerce
▶ La mise en place de stratégies d’acquisition de trafic qualifiés, et de leur conversions en client récurrents pour la vente de vos Formations et Coaching
▶ Le développement de processus d’automatisations pour augmenter votre productivité et la croissance de votre Entreprise

⛔ Nous devons notre polyvalence à un travail d’équipe acharné, et la dévotion de toujours personnaliser nos stratégies pour répondre à vos besoins en particulier ✅

⭐️ Notre Mission :

▶ Promouvoir et faire connaître vos contenus auprès de votre cible,

▶ Vous démarquer de la concurrence,

▶ Vous positionner en tant que leader de votre marché,

▶ Rendre vos produits/services viraux et irrésistibles

▶ Pousser les internautes à acheter vos produits/services de façon récurrente

▶ mesurer les progrès réalisés dans la propulsion de votre projet

Travailler avec nous, c’est vous réveiller un matin après une grâce matinée, le cœur serein car vous avez un business florissant, qui tourne même quand vous dormez.

Oui, c’est possible quand vous êtes dans la bonne équipe

⭐️ Les autres services que nous proposons.

▶ Création d’identité de marque et Branding
▶ Création de site internet Professionnels et Boutique en lignes
▶ Conception des tunnels de vente
▶ Création de vidéo publicitaires virales
▶ Copywriting
▶ CRM & Automatisations

📞 Nous sommes disponibles 7j/7 📥

Vous avez un projet dont vous cherchez un spécialiste en la matière, contactez nous pour bénéficier d’un audit en 360° afin de booster vos résultats dans les jours qui suivent 🚀

Au plaisir de collaborer avec vous ✅

Mr_Gantua ❤️”

  • Average response time 1 h
  • Orders in progress 2
  • Sales in total 63
  • Seller since Mar 2021