I will turn your articles into videos

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Sold by Anthony_Etche Professional Total sales 111 Available on ComeUp Direct.

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Turn Your Articles Into Videos!

The success of videos is evident everywhere.
... From commercials, Youtube, Twitch, to TikTok.

Creating videos from your existing articles is a good way to get started without having to make significant investments (either in time or money).

However, creating a video takes time and knowledge to be effective and meet the expected goals.

The articles targeted for transformation into videos are those that provide relevant, easy-to-understand advice that can be illustrated with examples.

I offer to take care of transforming your articles into videos so you can enhance your content strategy.

Rates for Transforming Your Articles into Videos

Basic Service
1 video created from the article of your choice
✔️ Handling of your footage
✔️ Addition of royalty-free videos
✔️ Addition of royalty-free images
✔️ Addition of royalty-free music
✔️ Sound editing, color grading, compression
✔️ Dynamic video editing, transitions, cuts, zooms, rotations
✔️ Color correction
✔️ Green screen integration
✔️ Subtitles provided
✔️ Up to 2 minutes of final video length
✔️ Export in the desired format
3 days
Base Service Option Price Delay
🏮 OPTION 1: +2 minutes of final video €25 No additional delay
🏮🏮 OPTION 2: +5 minutes of final video €60 1 day
🏮🏮🏮 OPTION 3: +10 minutes of final video €120 3 days

Have questions about the packages or options?

Ask me using the "Contact" button

Additional Options for Transforming Articles into Videos

You can request a demo associated with your project before adding these options if you want to see what it could look like for your project.

🌐 Voice-Over Recorded and Adjusted
If you need a voice-over, I can handle it or offer some options. If you wish, I can also generate a personalized voice-over from your own voice. This option is designed for videos that require the creation of an audio track and its management in the project
1 day
🌐🌐 AI Avatar
I generate a deepfake of a non-existent person.
Once you have your avatar, I integrate and animate it to serve as your "presenter."
You can decide if you use it as a "mascot" or just briefly appear from time to time so your audience can associate a human face with the voice they hear.
3 days
🌐🌐🌐 Unlimited Revisions
3 days
How does it work in practice?

🔹➽ 1. Choose your "à la carte" order based on your needs...

... Is there an option I haven't thought of that would remove a thorn from your side?

🔹➽ 2. Confirm your order afterward.

Comeup acts as an intermediary. Your money will be debited but safely with them.

🔹➽ 3. It's done. Have a coffee, I'll take care of the rest!
... And a meticulous job. "Chef, please."

To ensure your projects are realized swiftly, I will respond as quickly as possible between 8 am and 10 pm.
If you have a specific request, feel free to share it with me too!

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Other Services: SEO, Web Development (React, API Creation), Google Ads, Writing, Graphic Design, Photography, Video


Perform an SEO Audit

Develop in React for your site/elements

Create the Figma mockup of your site

Create a REST/Crud API

Optimize the loading speed of your site

Manage your Google Ads campaigns

Optimize the SEO / Search Engine Optimization of your site

Write an SEO article

Manage automatic email setup

Create your WordPress site

Edit your photos

Freelance video editor (editing)

I will turn your articles into videos

  • €25.00

Customize service

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

  1. Order
    your preferred service
    from one of our sellers
  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

About the seller


Performance Very good
Professional Orders in progress 0 Total sales 111 Seller since Nov 2019
Professional Orders in progress 0 Total sales 111 Seller since Nov 2019

Anciennes missions et portfolio dispos, envoyez moi un message et je vous les partagerai.
Mes spécialités sont le Développement de site web Sur-mesure et le Webmarketing :

80-100 de vitesse sur Pagespeed Insight, livré avec Dashboard et back-office + SEO technique et On-Site. Création de maquette et de d'assets sur demande. Livraison en moins d'1 mois tout compris.
Le Webmarketing, Génération de leads B2B, SEO, SEA (Google Ads), Community management et Content marketing (Tiktok & Youtube), Mailing automatisé et comportemental pour vos prospects/clients

Je suis en activité dans le marché depuis début 2018. Je travaille encore avec mes plus vieux clients qui sont maintenant avec moi depuis 6-7 ans.
Je mets mes compétences au service de vos projets à travers mes nombreux services.
N'hésitez pas à me contacter directement via Comeup, je ferai tout pour vous répondre aussi vite que possible de 8h à 21h.

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