I will write your company's professional job description

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Sold by Lionel_CopyPower 0 sales

# Attract more qualified, committed and like-minded candidates with professional job descriptions.


So, do you (really) want to :

Eliminate the stress associated with the **recruitment** process by using **professional job descriptions** to quickly find the ideal candidate with the perfect profile
Attract the best people with compelling job descriptions that generate enthusiasm
Gain a competitive edge by recruiting the **best talent** with professional job descriptions that highlight your company's benefits and values

If your answer is yes, then this service is the answer to all your prayers.

Here's everything I guarantee if you place an order with me.

Professional job descriptions that immediately captivate candidates' attention, encouraging them to read carefully and apply for your vacancy.

Powerful introductions that highlight the unique benefits and opportunities offered by the position, generating excitement and the desire to find out more.

Detailed descriptions that highlight key responsibilities, stimulating challenges and development prospects, captivating the interest of talented candidates.

Strategic wording to clearly express expectations and required skills, while creating an impression of exclusivity and stimulating candidates' ambition.

A thorough understanding of your company's needs and the job market, enabling you to write accurate and attractive job descriptions to attract the most qualified candidates.

Skillful use of words and phrases to create an engaging and inspiring atmosphere, making candidates want to join your team and contribute to your success.

Accurate information about the benefits, rewards and professional development opportunities offered by your company, creating a positive and motivating vision for candidates.

Unrivalled expertise in the art of persuasive professional job description writing, combining the teachings of Gary Halbert, the master of persuasion, and the brilliant intellect of Albert Einstein.

Guaranteed return on investment with job descriptions that attract highly qualified and motivated candidates, reducing recruitment time and costs.

Contact me today and discover how my hypnotic writing skills can help you attract the most qualified candidates and build an elite team. Maximize your recruitment potential with my unrivalled expertise!

> ATTENTION : This **special offer** ( **Discount of 50%** on the price of my services) is only available for the **first05 orders**. **So place your order now** before the offer disappears.


## How I organize myself to work on my prospects professional job description projects.

First, I take the time to talk with the client to understand in detail the needs, the candidate profile, the employment contract and the requirements for the job description.

I ask questions to find out more about the company, company culture, job tasks and responsibilities, skills required, qualifications, short- and long-term objectives, etc.

Once I've understood the client's needs, I carry out **in-depth research** on the company, the position and the market to write a **relevant and attractive job description**.

I also gather information on the skills and qualities sought in the ideal candidate for the position.

Based on the information gathered, I create a professional and captivating job description. I focus on the benefits of working for the company, the company culture, the specific tasks and responsibilities of the position, the skills and qualifications required, growth opportunities, benefits and salary.

Once I've finished writing the job description, I reread it carefully to make sure it's consistent, accurate and **free of spelling or grammatical errors**.

If necessary, I also have the description proofread by an editor for further revision.

Finally, I deliver the job description to the client in the format they require. I also follow up with the customer to ensure that the job description meets their expectations, and make adjustments if necessary.



Number of words 100 100-200 100-300
Number of cards written 1 3 5
Competitive research
Responsibilities and duties
Tone appropriate to the profile of the ideal candidate
Job description
Persuasive and catchy title
Engaging call to action
Revision 0 1 2
Delivery time 24h 48h 72h
Price 10€(~~20€~~) 20€(~~40€~~) 30€(~~50€~~)


My **objective** is to provide you with a superior service that exceeds your expectations and helps you achieve your recruitment goals.


**Of two things** :

If you choose to work with me, you'll benefit from a **professional** job description, optimized to attract the best candidates, a smooth** and efficient **collaboration process.

Or, you don't take this opportunity, and you risk continuing to struggle to find the **right candidates**. You also risk wasting time and resources on inefficient recruitment processes, and never achieving the results you're looking for.

At the same time, your competence and **leadership** will be called into question. Inaction can be costly, both in terms of time and money.

FAQs ( Frequently asked questions )

> Q: Why should I work with you on professional job descriptions?

A: I can help you attract the **best talent** for your company. The professional job descriptions I create are persuasive, captivating and tailored to your target audience. What's more, I bring a fresh, outside view of your company, which can help you describe the job more attractively and set you apart from your competitors. As a result, candidates are more inclined to apply, which in turn increases your chances of finding the right person for the job.

> Q: How do you take my company's specific requirements into account when writing professional job descriptions?

A: I take into account the specific requirements of your company by discussing with you the objectives and details of the position in question. I also learn about your corporate culture, values and target audience to create a persuasive professional job description tailored to your needs.

> Q: How can you guarantee that my persuasive professional job description will stand out from those of my competitors?

A: I can **guarantee** that the persuasive professional job description will stand out from those of your competitors by creating unique, persuasive content that highlights the strengths of your company and the position in question. I also use **hypnotic copywriting** techniques to prompt the reader to take a **specific action**, which can help your company stand out from the crowd.

> Q: How can you help my company find the best candidate for the job?

A: I can help your company find the best candidate for the job by creating a persuasive, professional job description that attracts the best candidates and encourages them to apply.


If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me or visit [my profile to discover my other services](https://comeup.com/@lionel-copypower).

**Don't miss this special offer**.**Contact me now**.

I will write your company's professional job description

  • €10.00

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About the seller

Lionel_CopyPower 26 juin 2023

“Bonjour à tous !

Je suis Lionel, jeune dynamique, talentueux et passionné par la rédaction web SEO et le copywriting, doté d'une expertise de 3 ans.

J'insuffle le feu de cette passion dans tous les projets que j'entreprends. De fait, je suis capable de produire un contenu de qualité qui attire les lecteurs et les moteurs de recherche. J'utilise ma créativité pour créer des messages persuasifs qui incitent les consommateurs à agir.

Que ce soit pour des articles, des emails, des publicités, des pages de vente ou des publications sur les réseaux sociaux, je sais comment capter l'attention de votre public cible et les inciter à passer immédiatement à l'action.

Avec mon professionnalisme, ma rigueur et mon honnêteté, vous pouvez être certain que je vous livre des projets de qualité à temps.

Je suis toujours à l'écoute des besoins de mes clients et prêt à coopérer pour m'assurer que les résultats soient à la hauteur de vos attentes.

J'ai fait tellement d'erreurs dans ma vie. J'ai fait de mauvaises choses avec de bonnes intentions. Je dis cela parce que je suis humain. Je ne prétends pas avoir les réponses. J'ai mes propres démons contre lesquels je me bats tous les jours. Mais, malgré mes nombreux défauts, j'ai réussi à devenir très bon dans ce domaine et j'aimerais le partager avec vous.

Je ne sais pas qui vous êtes (oui, vous, celui qui lit ceci). Mais je vous remercie du fond du cœur. Merci de me permettre de faire un travail qui a du sens pour moi. Merci de me donner votre bien le plus précieux (votre attention). Je vous promets de vous rendre très fier de par notre collaboration.

Ma mission ultime est de faire rayonner sur internet les marques ambitieuses.
Mes armes : Une plume expérimentée et persuasive, un esprit marketing affûté et une touche de SEO. La recette idéale pour un impact impressionnant.

Mes promesses : Acquérir plus de trafic, convertir et fidéliser les prospects par le référencement naturel et le copywriting.

Ensemble, faisons en sorte que vous démarquiez (vraiment ) sur le web. Créons une marque puissante qui se démarque grâce au contenu.”

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  • Seller since May 2023