I will design an original and professional logo for your business
Sales 5
Sold by HLabs Professional Total sales 158
Your logo is the essence of your brand. It should be captivating, memorable, and timeless. Whether you're starting a business or refining your professional image, a logo is essential. Our digital agency specializes in crafting the ideal logo, guaranteeing your satisfaction.
A logo speaks volumes about your brand's identity, setting you apart from the competition. We bring creativity, expertise, and attention to detail to create visually striking logos that resonate with your target audience.
Our collaborative approach ensures your logo reflects your values and establishes an authentic brand presence. We believe a great logo evokes emotions and tells a story.
Trust us to create a logo that stands the test of time, whether you're starting out or rebranding. Let's embark on this creative journey together and make your brand shine!
# **II. Why trust us?**
We're not just a Freelance, we're a set of labs, an agency specializing in coaching, branding and digital communication.
All our work is aimed at improving our customers' brand image
Each of our projects can be submitted to the assessment and even the intervention of different specialists in various fields of expertise (developers, graphic designers, marketers, etc.).
At HLabs, satisfaction is our number-one guarantee.
# **III. Pricing table**
**Number of proposals** 1 2 3 4
**Quality** 300 dpi 300 dpi 300 dpi 300 dpi
**Image dimensions (Resolution)** 4000x4000 4000x4000 All sizes All sizes
**Delivery of PNG / JPG original image files**
**Delivery of PNG / JPG image files with transparent background**
**Delivery of PNG / JPG image files with reverse option**
**Delivery of high quality printable PDF file**
**Delivery of files needed for social networks and website**
**Delivery of SVG vector files**
**Delivery of logo application previews (Mockups)**
**Delivery of Ai / EPS source file**
**Delivery of a simplified Graphic Charter**
**Number of reworkings** 2 4 4
**Delivery time** 2 days 3 days 4 days 7 days
**Price** **20€** **50€** **90€** **110€**
# **IV. Description of offer contents**
**o BASIC OFFER :** Looking for a quick and easy solution? This offer could be for you. It includes 1 logo proposal with basic deliverables such as: PNG / JPG image files in their original version, with transparent background and reverse option, as well as a high-quality printable PDF file.
**o STANDARD OFFER :** This offer is for small businesses, startups or individuals looking for a fast, affordable logo solution, with a choice of 2 proposals.. The deliverable will contain all the files from the **basic offer ** plus optimized files for social networks and website (favicon) as well as SVG vector files.
**o ESSENTIAL OFFER :** This is the bare essentials. This offer is suitable for those looking for more options and personalization : companies that want to start their business with a professional logo. The offer therefore includes the creation of 3 high-quality logo proposals, and its deliverable will contain all the files of the **standard offer ** as well as 2 preview images on communication media (caps, T-shirts, etc...).
**o FULL OFFER :** Are you a medium-sized or large company, an agency or a professional looking for a high level of personalization and flexibility for your logo creation? This complete offer is designed for you. The offer includes the creation of 4 high-quality logo proposals, and its deliverable will contain all the files of the **essential offer **, the Ai / EPS source file accompanied by a copyright assignment attesting to your authorship of the logo, as well as a simplified graphic charter (a 1-page document, specifying the logo's fonts and the flagship colors of your brand's identity).
# **V. Extra services**
~*You can combine the options to add them as extras to the package you have chosen, which will increase the price of the service and optimize the service provided. Prices for **STANDARD, ESSENTIAL and FULL** packages are shown as options*~.
**Option** **Additional cost** **Additional delay**
_Delivery of logo vector files in SVG format_ **+10€** +0 day
_Delivery of logo files for social networks and website (favicon)_ **+10€** +1 day
_Application of (3) retouches / revisions / modifications_ **+10€** +2 days
_Add one (1) new logo proposal_ **+20€** +2 days
_Creation of one (1) simplified graphic charter_ **+30€** +2 days
_Addition of (4) mockups_ **+40€** +2 days
_Delivery of source file + assignment of logo copyright_ **+60€** +1 day
# **VI. Note**
~Please take into account all the instructions, answer all the questions when placing the order and specify all your suggestions..~
# **VII. Other services**
Supporting companies on the digital plan is our first mission. In this hand, we put our skills to serve our customers with a range of services in different areas to bring them satisfaction through solutions tailored to their needs.
Here are some of the services we can also provide:
*o---[Create your complete graphic charter or a visual identity that will match your logo.](https://5euros.com/service/170248/creer-la-charte-graphique-sur-mesure-de-votre-entreprise)*
*o---[Design UI/UX Interfaces for your mobile applications and websites.](https://5euros.com/service/223729/concevoir-les-maquettes-ui-ux-de-votre-site-web-ou-application-mobile)*
*o---[Create your online store and sell your products efficiently.](https://5euros.com/service/150151/creer-votre-boutique-brandee-et-professionnelle-shopify-cle-en-main)*
*o---[Design 3D models for your real estate or architectural project.](https://5euros.com/service/225668/concevoir-les-maquettes-3d-de-votre-projet-darchitecture-ou-immobilier)*
*o---[Design your professional website and get new customers online.](https://5euros.com/service/232242/creer-votre-site-web-vitrine-wordpress-professionnel)*
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Buyer reviews
Le résultat est l'œuvre d'une bonne écoute et d'un travail professionnel. Je suis totalement satisfaite. Je vous remercie et n'hésiterais pas à faire appel à vos services ultérieurement.
Nous tenons à vous exprimer notre gratitude pour votre retour. C'est un plaisir de savoir que notre travail a répondu à vos attentes et que vous êtes satisfaite. Vous avez souligné l'importance de l'écoute et du professionnalisme dans notre approche, et nous sommes ravis que cela se reflète dans le résultat final. Nous apprécions votre confiance en nos services et serions ravis de vous assister à nouveau dans le futur. En attendant nous vous souhaitons bonne continuation dans votre activité :) Next to you, HLabs.
Despite the efforts made to ensure customer satisfaction, this collaboration proved difficult. We have indeed provided the work requested of the client. But the latter was not satisfied. She expressed her dissatisfaction without providing the details necessary to complete the edit. In accordance with the platform's recommended policy, we repeatedly requested additional information, but our attempts went unanswered. The client allegedly worked with other providers without telling us what was wrong with our work. And yet we reassured ourselves to maintain open communication with her... We remain committed to the quality of our service and are always open to discussion to resolve any misunderstandings.
C'est toujours un plaisir de collaborer avec vous. Merci pour le professionalisme dont vous faites preuve.
Nous avons été enchantés de travailler avec vous. Merci de la confiance accordée. Au plaisir de vous revoir bientôt espérant que vous connaitrez un franc succès dans votre activité :) Next to you, HLabs
About the seller
HLabs est un ensemble de laboratoires de recherche et de développement pour les entreprises digitales.
Spécialisés dans l'accompagnement, le branding et la communication digitale. Nous offrons des prestations sur le web à travers les réseaux sociaux et sur des plateformes de freelance. Nos domaines de compétences sont donc très variés :
Graphic & Web Design (logos; affiches; cartes de visites; identité visuelle; UI & UX design...);
Web & Mobile Development (conception des sites; applications web; applications mobile);
Business & IT Consulting
Marketing Digital
Copyrighting ...
Consultez nos services
HLabs is a set of research and development labs for digital companies.
Specialized in coaching, branding and digital communication. We offer services on the web through social networks and freelance platforms. Our areas of expertise are therefore very diverse:
Graphic & Web Design (logos; flyers; business cards; visual identity; UI & UX design...);
Web & Mobile Development (website design; web applications; mobile applications);
Business & IT Consulting
Digital Marketing
Copyrighting ...
Consult our services