I will create your 2D and 3D industrial drawings

3.4 (3)

Sales 4

Sold by Yannick_FOSSOUO Total sales 26

You wish to have the 3D modeling of an object (mechanical part, a mechanism, a machine or a production unit)?

You are carrying out design projects and you need an expert for the realization of your 3D drawings?

Or maybe you want to improve the 3D rendering of your drawings on solidworks.

Don't look any further, you've found the one you need.


For 10€, I will model up to three simple mechanical parts that I will assemble at your convenience.

Among these simple mechanical parts you have the following parts:

- cylindrical parts with maximum 3 material removals (including groove and drilling)
- Cubic parts with maximum 4 material removals
- Rotating shaft with maximum 02 fillets and 02 chamfers

NB: all my 3D drawings are made on Solidworks software

I make your 3D drawings from 2D plans, images, videos or hand-made sketches containing the necessary dimensions. The more precise your instructions, the faster your order will be processed.

I provide you with your 3D model in different formats (Sldprt, Step, Stl, Pdf, Jpeg, dwg, etc... according to your convenience.

For complex drawings like for example: welded parts, assemblies of several parts, parts requiring advanced functions (threads, repetitions, smooth boss, piping, electricity, smap 3d, etc...), or for more requirements (simulations, 3D animations) options are available below.


With this option, you can have the 2D drawings of your 3D design (definition drawings and overall drawings) respecting the standards with a layout containing the parts list if you wish.

The document that I will provide you will be exploitable by any manufacturer or technician, it will contain the following points: front view, right view, top view, sectional view, parts list, material hatchings, functional dimensions, a personalized cartridge according to the standards.

I provide you with your 2D model in different formats (Slddrw, Dwg, DXF, pdf, etc... according to your convenience.

For this option the maximum number of parts to be drawn is 10 (bolts, washers not included)

Prices for this option are available below.


With this option, you can have the results of simulation of your parts to the mechanical solicitations (static solicitations, dynamic and test of fatigue on solidworks) to which, they will be subjected in reality.

NB: the maximum number of requests to simulate is 02
mechanical stresses per order.

These results will be provided to you in pdf, sldprt, jpeg, etc... formats according to your convenience.

The prices for this option are available below.


With this option, you will have the 3D animation of your mechanisms.
Among these 3D animations, the types that I propose are the following:
- gear movements
-Transmission pulley - belt
-Chain sprocket
-video of assembly/disassembly of assembled parts
-video of articulated mechanisms operation, etc....

NB: for this option you can only have one type of animation per command

the video will be sent to you as a vlc, MP4, MFV file, etc...

Prices for this option are available below.


With this option, you can have the results of the calculation of the maximum stresses according to the type of solicitations to which your system will be subjected, calculation of the transmission ratios, calculation of the rotation frequencies, torque and power of the motor. All this from a 2D modeling

for standard stresses (bending, compression, traction, shear), I will check the calculations using RDM 6 and ROBOT STRUCTURAL software

these results will be provided to you in pdf, Word, Jpeg, etc...formats according to your convenience

Prices for this option are available below.


With this option, you can have the functional specifications of a mechanical or electrical product.

From the description of the operating process you want, I can provide you with the following deliverables related to the product:

- Horned beast diagram
- Octopus diagram
- Functional specifications
- FAST diagram (VISIO software)

NB: you will have the choice between 04 of these deliverables per order

These results will be provided to you in pdf, Word, visio, etc... formats according to your convenience

Prices for this option are available below.


With this option, you can have 3D drawings of complex parts. As complex parts we can quote: molded parts, welded parts, tanks, drawings with logos, patterns etc...

I provide you with your 3D model in different formats (Sldprt, Step, Stl, Pdf, Jpeg, dwg, etc... according to your convenience.

For this option the maximum number of parts to be drawn is 10 (bolts, washers not included)

Prices for this option are available below.


With this option, you can get the 3D of your complex assemblies such as a conveyor, an agricultural machine, a press, a forming machine, etc...

I provide you with your 3D model in different formats (Sldprt, Step, Stl, Pdf, Jpeg, dwg, etc... according to your convenience.

Prices for this option are available below.

NB: This option is only valid for one system at a time such as an agricultural machine or any independent system. For this option the maximum number of parts to be assembled is 10 (bolts, washers not included)


If you have any doubts, do not hesitate to contact me, I will answer with pleasure because your satisfaction is my priority


I am Yannick FOSSOUO, Design Engineer in Mechanical Engineering for over 04 years.

I have mastered several design software such as Solidworks, AutoCAD and Kisssoft. I worked on the realization of several industrial machines among which those requiring the complete simulation of the machine for presentation to the customer that I realized successfully.

My skills and expertise are at your service, see you soon I hope.

I will create your 2D and 3D industrial drawings

  • €10.00

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Buyer reviews


3.4 (3)

Basic order


Basic order


Custom order

Je suis fabriquant d'outils avec structure freelance. Mon expérience avec ce vendeur est particulièrement négative. Dans une première commande pour modifier les cotes d'une pièce existante, je me suis faussement déclaré satisfait pour faciliter la perspective collaboration. Une deuxième commande, aussi pour modifier les cotes d'un autre des 3 pièces de mon outil, j'ai souhaité l'annuler en raison d'erreurs repétés introduits dans la pièce pourtant bien documentée. Il a refusé. Finalement, il a livré le dessin qui semble bon. Par contre, il a refusé de modifier 3 cotes sur la 3e pièce de mon outil. C'est son droit, mais j'ai à dire ceci: un "simple" dessinateur 3D, aurait modifié les 2 pièces en 20-30 minutes. J'ai accepté de payer 42,30 € puis 73,80 € en raison du profil tapageur de ce vendeur qui laisse entendre sa capacité de conseil, non requise ici mais que je cherche en réserve chez les freelances. Or, décalage impréssionnant entre l'expertise présumée par le profil les difficultés pour exécuter un travail de routine 3D. I am a tool maker with a freelance structure. My experience with this seller is particularly negative. In a first order (modify the dimensions of an existing part), I falsely declared myself satisfied to facilitate the collaboration perspective. A 2nd order (to modify the dimensions of another of the 3 parts of my tool), I wanted to cancel it due to repeated errors introduced into the part, although it was abundantly documented and illustrated. He refused. Finally he delivered the drawing which looks good. On the other hand, he refused to modify 3 dimensions on the 3rd part of my tool. It's his right, but I have to say this: a "simple" 3D designer would have modified the 2 parts in 20-30 minutes. I agreed to pay €42.30 then €73.80 because of his flashy profile which suggests consultancy skills, not required here but which I look for in reserve among freelancers. However, there is an exasperating gap between the expertise declared by the profile and the difficulties in carrying out routine 3D work.


Cher BioTest, J'espère que vous vous portez bien. Je tiens à aborder la situation concernant notre récente interaction, en particulier le commentaire négatif que vous avez laissé suite à notre dernière commande (BC23000011B5EA). Je comprends que vous ayez eu des attentes spécifiques pour cette commande, et je m'efforce toujours de satisfaire les besoins de mes clients. Cependant, nos échanges ont été quelque peu tendus, et je regrette sincèrement si vous avez ressenti de la frustration. Cependant, vous ne pouvez me contraindre à traiter un tout nouveau besoin de votre part sous l'action de la ménace de me laisser un commentaire négatif en espérant que j'y cède. Pour résoudre ce différend de manière équitable, je vous propose un compromis. Je suis prêt à effectuer la modification demandée sur la dernière pièce que vous avez fournie pour un montant de 15 euros, bien que cette demande soit en dehors du cadre initial de la commande. Cela me permettrait de vous fournir le service que vous attendiez et de maintenir la qualité de mon travail. J'apprécierais également si vous pouviez reconsidérer votre commentaire négatif, étant donné que nous cherchons à trouver un terrain d'entente pour résoudre ce différend. Mon objectif principal est de vous satisfaire en tant que client, et je suis persuadé que nous pouvons trouver une solution qui réponde à vos attentes. Si cette proposition vous convient, veuillez me le faire savoir, et nous pourrons poursuivre la modification de la pièce selon vos spécifications. Je suis ouvert à toute suggestion ou commentaire que vous pourriez avoir pour que nous puissions conclure cette affaire de manière positive. Je vous remercie pour votre attention à cette question et j'espère que nous pourrons résoudre ce désaccord de manière satisfaisante pour tous les deux. Cordialement, Yannick F.

About the seller


Orders in progress 0 Total sales 26 Seller since Dec 2021
Orders in progress 0 Total sales 26 Seller since Dec 2021

Pourquoi me choisir ?
Je suis Yannick Fossouo, ingénieur en génie mécanique avec plus de 5 ans d'expérience dans la conception et la simulation industrielle. Maîtrisant SolidWorks, AutoCAD, et Kisssoft, j’ai réalisé des projets complexes et innovants, notamment des machines complètes pour l’industrie.
Votre satisfaction est ma priorité : chaque projet est traité avec rigueur, précision et professionnalisme.
Comment procéder ?
Fournissez-moi vos besoins (plans 2D, esquisses, photos ou vidéos).
Je vous propose une solution adaptée.
Votre projet est livré rapidement avec un suivi constant.
Contactez-moi dès maintenant pour discuter de vos besoins ou clarifier vos doutes. Ensemble, donnons vie à vos idées !

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