I will fix bugs/issues Prestashop
Sales 9
Sold by Yuuc Total sales 2,076 Available on ComeUp Direct.
I am Yuuc, and I specialize in providing Prestashop services, I am adept at promptly and effectively resolving any Prestashop related issues you may have. With over 5 years of hands-on experience working with Comeup, I have honed my skills to ensure smooth and efficient solutions for all your needs.
Feel free to take some time to go through the comments and feedback shared by my contented clients, who have left more than 1,390 positive reviews. I prioritize your satisfaction above all else, and you can trust that I will do my best to ensure that your needs are met.
Link to my profile https://comeup.com/@yuuc.
If you're facing any issues with Prestashop or need new features added to your website, I am here to assist you in finding the best possible solution.
For 30€ I can resolve a bug that doesn't require any debugging or analysis.
I am able to fix all Prestashop issues including:
✅ Theme issues
✅ Bug modules
✅ CSS issues
✅ Prestashop Errors
✅ Internal Server Error
✅Syntax error
✅ Error establishing database connection
✅ White Screen of Death
✅ Messages returning a 404 error
✅ White text and missing buttons in visual editor
✅ Out of memory error
✅ Locked out of back office area
✅ Login page refresh / redirect issue
✅ Image download problem
✅ Briefly unavailable for scheduled maintenance error
✅ Do not send email problem
✅ RSS feed errors
✅ 403 forbidden error
✅ Error when too many redirects
✅ Error Download: Failed to write file to disk
✅ This site contains harmful programs error
✅ Maximum execution time exceeded
✅ Wrong thumbnail issue on Facebook
✅ keeps logging out
✅ Mixed content error in Presatshop
✅ Fixed secure connection error
✅ Fix Destination Folder Already Exists Error
What is the reason for us working together to resolve your Prestashop issues?
I am a seller with a track record of over 1,523 completed services and more than 1,390 positive reviews.
Feel free to take some time to go through the comments and feedback shared by my contented clients, who have left more than 1,390 positive reviews. I prioritize your satisfaction above all else, and you can trust that I will do my best to ensure that your needs are met.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me, my inbox is always open for you.
☑️ Module integration
☑️ Amazon
☑️ Aweber
☑️ Clickbank
☑️ Facebook
☑️ Instagram
☑️ LinkedIn
☑️ PayPal integration
☑️ Stripe integration
☑️ Payblug integration
☑️ Klarna integration
☑️ Vimeo
☑️ W3 full cache
☑️ Youtube
☑️Yaost SEO
☑️ Add gatway payment
☑️ Install theme Prestashop
☑️ Add module Prestashop
☑️ Conflict Modules
List of bugs and issues that found on Prestashop
White screen of death: This occurs when your website shows a blank white page instead of your content. It can be caused by a variety of issues, such as a plugin conflict or a theme issue.
404 errors: These errors occur when a user tries to access a page on your website that doesn't exist. They can be caused by broken links, incorrect permalinks, or server issues.
Modules conflicts: Sometimes plugins can conflict with each other or with your theme, causing issues such as a broken website, slow page load times, or errors.
Login problems: Prestashop login issues can be caused by incorrect login credentials, a plugin conflict, or a corrupted database.
Site speed: Slow page load times can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings. This can be caused by issues such as a slow server, large image files, or poorly optimized code.
Broken images or links: This occurs when an image or link on your website is not working properly. This can be caused by incorrect URLs, deleted content, or a server issue.
Security vulnerabilities: Prestashop websites are vulnerable to hacking and malware attacks. Common security issues include weak passwords, outdated plugins or themes, and unsecured hosting.
Theme issues: Sometimes issues can arise with your Prestashop theme, such as broken layouts, incompatible plugins, or slow page load times.
Database connection errors: Prestashop uses a database to store and retrieve content. Sometimes, errors can occur with the database connection, such as a corrupted database, incorrect login credentials, or a server issue.
Cross-browser compatibility: Your website may display differently or not work properly in different web browsers, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Internet Explorer.
Mobile responsiveness: Your website may not display properly or be difficult to navigate on mobile devices, such as smartphones or tablets.
Spam email: Prestashop websites are susceptible to receiving spam emails, which can be frustrating to manage your emails.
Broken forms: Forms on your website, such as contact forms or registration forms, may not work properly, preventing users from submitting information.
SSL certificate issues: SSL certificates help secure your website and protect user data. Issues with SSL certificates can result in warning messages or prevent users from accessing your website.
Theme customization: Customizing your Prestashop theme can sometimes be challenging, particularly if you are not familiar with HTML, CSS, or PHP.
Media library issues: Sometimes issues can arise with the Prestashop media library, such as broken images or videos, slow loading times, or difficulty uploading files.
Redirects: Incorrect redirects can lead to broken links, which can negatively impact user experience and search engine rankings.
Broken permalinks: Permalinks are the URLs that Prestashop uses to identify individual pages and posts on your website. Sometimes, permalinks can become broken, leading to 404 errors or incorrect page redirects.
Memory issues: Prestashop can consume a lot of memory, particularly if you have a lot of plugins or a large database. If your website runs out of memory, it can cause issues such as slow page load times or server errors.
503 service unavailable errors: This error can occur when your website's server is temporarily unavailable. It can be caused by server overload, maintenance, or configuration issues.
XML-RPC attacks: XML-RPC is a protocol used by Prestashop to allow remote access to your website. However, it can also be exploited by hackers to carry out DDoS attacks, brute-force attacks, or other malicious activities.
Modules vulnerabilities: Modules can be vulnerable to security exploits or hacking attempts. It's important to only use reputable plugins from trusted sources, and to keep your plugins up-to-date.
Malware infections: Malware can infect your Prestashop website, causing issues such as spam injections, redirects, or data theft. Regularly scanning your website for malware and keeping your software up-to-date can help prevent these issues.
DNS issues: Domain Name System (DNS) issues can prevent users from accessing your website. Common DNS issues include incorrect DNS records, expired domains, or DNS propagation delays.
Content scraping: Sometimes, other websites may scrape your content and publish it on their own website without permission. This can negatively impact your website's search engine rankings and can be difficult to manage.
Here are several steps that I follow as a methodology for fixing bugs Prestashop:
Step 1: Reproduce the bug to better understand the problem.
Step 2: Determine the expected behavior of the system.
Step 3: Identify the root cause of the issue.
Step 4: Develop an optimal solution to resolve the problem.
Step 5: Thoroughly test the solution to ensure its effectiveness.
Step 6: Perform code cleanup to enhance system efficiency.
Step 7: Repeat the testing process to validate the solution.
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Buyer reviews
Parfait ! Comme d’habitude
Travail impeccable livré en un temps record, merci
Merci : )
Le travail est fait , aucun problème , je souhaite régler
Merci : )
About the seller
Je suis développeur web et desktop, ainsi que designer expérimenté, passionné par la création de solutions digitales innovantes et sur mesure. Avec une expertise approfondie en PHP, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, MySQL, et une maîtrise des plateformes et CMS populaires tels que WordPress, PrestaShop et Shopify, je propose des services complets allant de la conception à la mise en production.
💻 Mes spécialités techniques :
Développement web sur mesure : Création de sites vitrines, e-commerces, et extensions web performantes.
Intégration et personnalisation de thèmes & plugins : Adaptation complète aux besoins spécifiques de votre projet.
Développement desktop : Conception d'applications robustes et adaptées à vos besoins métier.
Frameworks avancés : Solide expérience avec des frameworks comme Laravel, React.js, Vue.js et Bootstrap pour des solutions modernes et évolutives.
Bases de données : Conception, optimisation et gestion efficace de bases de données MySQL.
🎨 Mon expertise en design :
Design d'interfaces utilisateur (UI/UX) : Création d’expériences utilisateur intuitives et attrayantes.
Graphisme et branding : Logos, bannières, et supports visuels adaptés à votre identité de marque.
Design responsive : Sites et applications optimisés pour tous les appareils (mobile, tablette, desktop).
🚀 Ce qui me distingue :
Approche orientée solutions : Je transforme vos idées en applications concrètes et fonctionnelles, adaptées à vos besoins.
Polyvalence et maîtrise technique : Une combinaison unique de compétences en développement et design pour des projets complets et harmonieux.
Passion pour la livraison : Je m’engage à respecter les délais tout en garantissant un travail de qualité irréprochable.
Curiosité et apprentissage continu : Toujours à l’affût des dernières technologies et tendances pour vous offrir le meilleur.
🌟 Pourquoi me choisir ?
Une expérience solide dans divers projets, allant de petites entreprises à des clients internationaux.
Une communication claire et réactive pour garantir une collaboration fluide et efficace.
Des solutions évolutives et personnalisées pour répondre à vos objectifs à long terme.
Un souci constant de la satisfaction client et de la création de valeur.
📈 Mes réalisations récentes :
Développement des sites e-commerce sous Wordpress, prestashop et shopify.
Création des plugins WordPress sur mesure.
Refonte complète d’un site sous PrestaShop.
📩 Vous avez un projet ?
Que ce soit pour un site web performant, une application desktop robuste, ou un design attrayant, je suis là pour vous accompagner à chaque étape. Parlons-en dès maintenant et transformons vos idées en réalité !