I will write a high-quality ebook for you
Sales 4
Sold by Redac_Design Total sales 140
> SPECIAL LAUNCH OFFER... **-50% discount** on all PACKS!
> Please contact me for more information or assistance.
# Did you know that a quality ebook offered or sold can boost your conversion rate and propel your business to the next level?
Welcome! If you're looking to **achieve your marketing goals, make more sales and improve your relationship with your customers**, consider creating an ebook.
When designed with your target audience in mind, it's **a surefire way to gain followers** and show readers that your brand or business is worth investing in.
>There's nothing more appealing in an ebook than content that provides solutions, is well-written, well-presented and looks good enough to make you feel good while reminding you of the right decision to open it.
# "I know, but it's not so obvious..."?
You're probably here because:
* ► you want to **attract more leads and build a quality email list**
* ► you want to **propose an ebook that will sell thousands, even millions of times over several generations**
* ► you're having **difficulty materializing your idea**
* ► **you don't know how to write an ebook, but especially how to do it well**
* ► you **can't find the time to do it**
* ► you want to **stand out from the crowd**
* ► you want to **maximize your ebook's chances of success**
I know exactly what you mean... 4 years ago, I didn't know where to start either, nor what the best practices were for creating a successful ebook. Today, after more than a year spent acquiring ~skills~ (professional web writing, copywriting, storytelling, graphic design...) and 2 years acquiring ~experience~ (customer satisfaction and honing my skills), I offer ~one of the best ebook writing services~.
Most of my customers, who had the same issues as you, found this service to be a real "Eldorado". They've been seduced by the final rendering and pleasantly surprised by the results generated by their ebooks.
## + Positive reviews of our French-language service!
here are a few, translated verbatim for you:
>**AnneMaryDossou ** Wow wow wow, I didn't expect such quality work I'm blown away by Redac-Design's work. It's incredible!!! My ebook qualifies both in terms of content and design. You can request it with your eyes closed. It's simply excellent.
>**FrenchEcom77 ** That's really something! If you're looking for a provider who knows how to write an e-book and design it! You've come to the right place! I contacted several people and asked them to show me what they had already done and @Redac_Design really stood out! The ebook he delivered is perfect! Respect for instructions! We're very happy to have worked with you, and we know it won't be the last time. QUALITY WORK!
>**StephaneClerphon ** Really beautiful work. A beautiful pen, articulate writing and knows his field well. I am very satisfied with the work. I am placing my 2nd order. Thanks again!
>**ZULEMARO_ ** I'm pleasantly surprised by the work you've done, because I didn't know how to explain what I wanted and this is exactly what I wanted the result to be. Many thanks to you! And I highly recommend your services!
>**StephaneGancel ** Very very very good work, quality, very neat, very professional: I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! You can feel the meticulous work that has been provided by browsing and reading the ebook, and if I feel it my customers will feel it and appreciate the whole. So a professional partnership with Redac-Design is a solid and very profitable one, in my opinion.
~**Be one of the first to mark your experience on the English service :)**~
Your brand will be well represented and your instructions followed to the letter
If you believe that a quality ebook can be **a gold mine** in your business... **trust me!** I'm here to help you make your goal palpable, or should I say readable? Beyond being readable, **your ebook will be captivating!** Enough to arouse particular interest in your prospects.
# Stand out from the crowd with an ►UNIQUE◄ ebook
**Quality, Originality & Punctuality** are core values for me. In other words, **my satisfaction depends on yours** and for this reason, I am committed to providing the best of my skills for every order I accept
~Here you'll get **High Quality** ebooks at **Affordable**~ prices.
## My creation of your ebook guarantees you, depending on your objectives:
** Several sales and good reviews on platforms such as Amazon...
Definite improvement in lead generation
Enhanced credibility for your brand or company
Increased customer loyalty to your brand or company
Generate sales of your other products and services
Boost your affiliate marketing
Free advertising via "word-of-mouth "**.
Your prospects and customers will rave about you
> PS: My skills are available especially for those who want to bring real value to others through a quality ebook, whether it sells or not.
1. Exceptional front-page **(cover)** and beautiful **(mockup)** artwork included with every ebook ordered.
2. **50% discount and shorter delivery time by choosing a "pack".**
3. **Pages ranging from 1 to 20 pages, offered for multiple orders or additional pages via "additional pages".**
4. **Quality Content** to leave a lasting impression on your prospects, who will not hesitate to become loyal customers and friends!
5. **An Original Design** that will make your ebook one of the most atypical
>Do you still have doubts? Trust **my statistics** and the **opinions of your predecessors** (+70) on the French version of this service.
~**You win every time! **~
**The basic €5 offer** entitles you to a simple 1-page ebook with 1 royalty-free image.
A page is generally ~**between 150 and 300 words** (in the case of a designed layout with images added)~, ~**400 words maximum** (without design or image)~.
**The difference between additional pages and packs is** :
- By selecting ~**additional pages**~, you can ***divide them into several ebooks*** *(of different themes or not)* ***and options such as*** *"Add royalty-free or personal images", "design", "Summary" and "Additional retouching "* ***will be valid once for all ebooks resulting from the division***. You'll save more when you order several ebooks.
>Exceptional first page and beautiful 3D representation guaranteed for each of your ebooks!
- ~**Packs**~ are ***all-in-one** (01 ebook + added images + design + table of contents...) much less expensive, with **50% discount** on the whole package and **shortened delivery times** of several days depending on the pack chosen*. You'll save even more if you order just one ebook.
>Exceptional first page and beautiful 3D representation guaranteed for your ebook!
**You can extend the number of pages in your pack with additional pages.**
**I deliver mainly as a PDF file** as well as a Word file (available by selecting the "Your ebook in Word format on delivery" option).
**High Quality Service and Bonuses at Affordable Prices**
**START BOOK** *(5-page e-book: 1ʳᵉ PRO page + addition of images + excellent design and layout + 1 mockup - 50% on total - 1 day on delivery time)* : ~~€80~~ ; **€40**
**BRONZE BOOK** *(10-page e-book: 1ʳᵉ PRO page + simple summary + added images + excellent design and layout + 1 mockup - 50% on total - 2 days on delivery time)* : ~~€150~~ ; **€75**
**SILVER BOOK** *(20-page e-book: 1ʳᵉ PRO page + simple table of contents + images added + excellent design and layout + 1 mockup - 50% off total - 2 days delivery)* : ~~€220~~ ; **€110**
**GOLDEN BOOK** *(30-page e-book: 1ʳᵉ PRO page + clickable summary + added images + excellent design and layout + 2 mockups - 50% off total - 3 days delivery time)*: ~~€300~~; **€150**
**PLATINUM BOOK** *(40-page e-book: 1ʳᵉ PRO page + clickable summary + added images + excellent design and layout + 2 mockups - 50% on total - 4 days on delivery time)*: ~~€400~~; **€200**
**DIAMOND BOOK** *(50-page e-book: 1st page PRO + clickable table of contents + additional images + excellent design and layout + 3 mockups - 50% off total - 5 days delivery)* : ~~€500~~ ; **€250**
**BEST-SELLER** *(75-page e-book: 1ʳᵉ PRO page + clickable summary + added images + excellent design and layout + 3 mockups - 50% on total - 6 days on delivery time)* : ~~€700~~ ; **€350**
**STAR BOOK** *(100-page e-book: 1ʳᵉ PRO page + clickable summary + added images + excellent design and layout + 3 mockups - 50% off total - 6 days delivery time)* : ~~€900~~ ; **€450**
**3-20 additional pages:** + [1 to 5] bonus pages
**30-60 additional pages:** + [6 to 10] bonus pages
**70-100 additional pages:** + [12 to 20] bonus pages
Here's a list of the elements and information I'll need before you place your order:
* The theme or topic for each ebook
* The title, subtitle and author's name, if defined, for each e-book.
* Number of pages for each ebook
* Personal images, author photo and logos if desired.
PS: High-quality .png images and .svg or .png logo preferred.
* Graphic guidelines (preferred colors, typography, etc.) for each ebook.
* A brief description of what you expect for each ebook.
1. Make sure you've got everything listed above (if you've chosen a package, you can leave the image search to me).
2. Find out exactly what you need, then tick the appropriate options.
3. Click on "order" and pay by credit card or PayPal.
4. If you haven't already done so, please send me the necessary information in the order form.
5. I check whether your expectations correspond to your order. If so, I'll confirm my acceptance of your order. If not, your order will be refused.
6. Once your order has been accepted, I'll work on it and make you a proposal within the allotted time.
7. You can contact me at any time during the execution period to take note of progress.
8. Once delivered, you'll be able to check the work done.
9. Generally speaking, the proposal is satisfactory. In this case, I invite you to close the order and leave a note, if possible, for those who will come after you.
10. If you would like to see one or more elements added, modified or deleted, you can request a retouch.
Ps: You are entitled to one free touch-up request. For more you'll need to add the "Additional touch-up" option to your order.
~**It's a real pleasure for me to work with you **~
> Please contact me for further information or assistance.
your preferred service
from one of our sellers -
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Buyer reviews
Très satisfait du résultat comme d’habitude, je recommande vivement, vous ne serez pas déçu.
Travail très professionnel, échange facile, délai respecté. Ma demande a très bien était cernée. Je suis conquise. Merci
the videos and images you created for me are truly magnificent. They increased my number of views on my social networks. I recommend you without hesitation.
About the seller
Bienvenue sur Rédac Design, le service 5euros qui vous accompagnera dans la réussite de vos projets de rédaction, de design et de graphisme.
Je me présente : Elkana, titulaire d'un bachelor en Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (T.I.C), passionné par la rédaction, le dessin et le graphisme. J’allie en Rédac Design école et passions afin de vous satisfaire au maximum.
Je suis natif d’un pays bilingue (français et anglais sont nos langues officielles), et le fait que je sois parfaitement bilingue rend la totalité de mes services disponibles dans ces 02 langues.
Rassurez-vous, j'ai les compétences et l'expérience pour chacun des micro-services qui vous sont proposés sur Rédac Design.
La qualité, l'originalité et la ponctualité sont pour moi des valeurs fondamentales. En d’autres termes ma satisfaction dépend de la vôtre et pour cette raison, je m’engage à fournir le meilleur de mes compétences pour chaque commande que j’accepte.
Je suis ouvert à toutes questions (même celles que vous trouvez banales) et disposé à vous accompagner dans le processus complet de réalisation de vos projets.
Vendre mes services sur 5euros.com n'est pas ma seule activité. De ce fait, il y'aura des moments où je vous répondrai en quelques minutes seulement (ce qui est très fréquent ces temps-ci) et d'autres après plusieurs heures (généralement le week-end). Soyez patients si le service de qualité est réellement ce que vous désirez obtenir. Ça serait dommage de laisser filer l'opportunité que j'ai à vous offrir pour un temps qui peut être rattrapé dans le processus de réalisation. Je vous dis ceci, en raison de ma sincérité.
Maintenant que vous êtes au bon endroit, confiez-moi vos projets et détendez-vous. Le reste j'en fais une affaire personnelle :)