I will deliver a pack of e-books with resale rights to optimize your online business & ComeUp
Sales 3
Sold by _Aurelien_ Professional Total sales 77 Available on ComeUp Direct.
LAUNCH OFFER: up to 98% off!
💬 How can I strengthen my brand image and the quality of my services, being more credible and exceeding customer expectations?
➡️ With ✨E-books✨!
Read them, listen to them, resell them, add them as gifts, to reinforce one of your services on ComeUp or other online business platforms.
✨ Don't miss this opportunity to shine ✨
💪 Enhance your brand image and customer satisfaction
If you have E-books, we don't know if you've read them or not.
Maybe it's even you who wrote them exclusively?
But if you're in a niche, for example "you offer a service on sport" and **as a bonus, you offer e-books on this theme. **
✨ Your customers are bound to think the world of you.
And you'll be able to stand out from the competition!
🧠 Strengthen your knowledge
Having a single opinion is not necessarily the best option.
It's better, in life and at all levels, to have several versions, to get the 'big picture'. The more different versions you have, the more you can bounce back and adapt.
Let's go back to the example of sport, if you exclusively recommend one type of diet, to people who are incompatible with it and who have the perfect profile for a different diet, you'll miss out completely.
📈 The greatest investment is investing in yourself
W.Buffet (Billionaire Investor): *"My best investment was $100 to take part in a seminar on public speaking.
➡️ What you learn will stay in your head, no one can ever take it away from you, and you can turn it into a business in the long term. You can use it to argue your ideas, defend your positions and win your conflicts. Anyone who speaks out without having an "informed" opinion on the subject can only increase their chances of making a fool of themselves.
💎 It's a value that only 0.1% of the population has.
👌 And I doubt you're in the other 99.9%, otherwise you wouldn't be here, on this page, reading me.
🤡 Free for you to buy packs of 10,000 E-books and I don't know what, that you'll never read, let's be realistic. It's hard to realize, but imagine, 10,000 20-page E-books. That's 200,000 pages. The equivalent of reading 32 times the entire Harry Potter saga ... 224 books... and if they're 40 pages long, 64x Harry Potter. 448 books.
🏛️ The average public library holds 1,600 books.
See the library nearest you?
Take 1/4 of the books and it's yours.
❓ So that's what you want to buy? Where do you sell?
🧠 On the other hand, buying 10 E-books in a theme is smart. Your customer will have a quick look and maybe read the one they like. It doesn't matter after all, they can resell them themselves and that's real added value for your service.
✨ Don't miss this chance to add value and make a difference.
🔎 Breakdown of the d-e books pack
Name of thematic | Number of e-books in French | Number of e-books in English | Price per e-book |
💸 Affiliation | 11 | 1 | 0.42€ |
💸 Silver | 29 | 3 | 0.16€ |
💸 Business | 34 | 25 | 0.08€ |
💸 Copywriting | 11 | 5 | 0.31€ |
💸 E-commerce | 14 | 9 | 0.22€ |
💸 Corporate | 26 | 4 | 0.17€ |
💸 Infoprenariat | 4 | 1.25€ | |
💸 Investment | 9 | 0.28€ | |
💸 Mailling | 12 | 7 | 0.26€ |
💸 Marketing | 37 | 19 | 0.09€ |
💸 Sports betting | 1 | 5€ | |
❤️ Animals | 6 | 0.42€ | |
❤️ Wellness | 63 | 26 | 0.06€ |
❤️ Seduction | 27 | 15 | 0.12€ |
🧠 Learning | 17 | 0.15€ | |
🧠 Communication | 12 | 7 | 0.26€ |
🧠 Employment and recruitment | 13 | 8 | 0.24€ |
Personal development | 25 | 4 | 0.17€ |
🧠 Language | 2 | 1 | 1.67€ |
💪 Martial arts & survival | 4 | 4 | 0.63€ |
💪 Nutrition | 19 | 10 | 0.17€ |
💪 Health | 22 | 13 | 0.14€ |
💪 Sport | 10 | 9 | 0.26€ |
🌐 Web Activity | 64 | 32 | 0.05€ |
🌐 Photo and video | 3 | 3 | 0.83€ |
🌐 Advertising | 14 | 10 | 0.21€ |
🌐 Social network | 17 | 13 | 0.17€ |
🌐 Technology | 21 | 20 | 0.12€ |
🎁 Miscellaneous | 9 | 8 | 0.29€ |
❓ Definition
I need to make sure we're talking about the same thing, though, so we're going to define a few terms for the rest of this.
- ☑️= New compared to previous offers
➡️ Unlike "✅" which is already present and unchanged.
🚀 LAUNCH OFFER up to 2 cents per e-book **💎 classic pack
✅ Receive e-books on a single theme of your choice |
✅ French & English if available |
✅ Fast delivery |
✅ Sales licence |
💎💎 FULL PACK 🚀 |
☑️ Receive e-books for a group of themes (💸❤️🧠💪🌐) |
✅ French & English if available |
Fast delivery |
✅ Sales licence |
☑️ All e-books (536 French e-books, 306 English e-books) |
✅ French & English if available |
✅ Fast delivery |
✅ Sales licence |
🎁 Receive the exclusive gift theme on this pack |
You'll see that there are more than 812 E-books, because I've duplicated the ones that belong in more than one theme.
🤝 Did you find what you were looking for?
👏 Once you've chosen the offer of your choice, place your order with me on the ComeUp platform. I'll ask you for a few details to offer you a tailor-made service. Then I'll get back to you, and if necessary I'll go back to the drawing board with more information.
Do you have any questions about the service? Or can't decide what's right for you?
Don't hesitate to contact me, I'll do my best to answer your question as soon as possible. I'll post it here afterwards.
💬 What legitimacy do you have for this service ?
➡️ I got these e-books to make perfect gifts for my services. And even make them a service in their own right. So you can do the same! 👌
💬 What's in it for me ?
➡️ What's in it for you is that I'm offering a competitive rate ... 2 cents per e-book, for a quality of service that I want to be "top of the range" or "high ticket". I'm offering you a service that will increase your sales and your clicks, and therefore your turnover, to maximize your additional source of income with ComeUp.
💬 What are the results ?
➡️ Aren't you happy with your new e-books? Your customers will be happy too!
💬 Do you have any guarantees ?
➡️ You can do whatever you like with these e-books, they're yours now and you have the right to resell them. However, you cannot modify them.
💬 What are you looking for personally ?
➡️ I'm looking to establish a relationship of trust between myself and my customers. The aim is to build loyalty in you, the person reading this answer.
This directly echoes the previous question. I'm aiming for the long term and trust, so I'm going to provide a premium service so that you can visually claim "High Ticket" services.
💬 What's your language level ?
➡️ I'm French by birth and have a very good level of English (several trips, work in an English-speaking environment, TOEIC B1 (865/995)).
💬How do I place my order ?
➡️ Once you have chosen the service that suits you best, you will receive a Google-drive link to download your pack directly into ComeUp.
Other services that might interest you ⬇️
Find all my services on my profile, available in French (left) and English (right)
👏 The last word
You're not just placing an order, you're making an investment! 📈
An investment yields results.
You're increasing your customer satisfaction, so you're going to increase your sales! 📈
It's up to you to decide whether you want a high-quality service for the success of your services and the creation of your own additional source of income. It's up to you and your decisions.
I look forward to working for you!
your preferred service
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Buyer reviews
Assez contente des ebooks reçus. encore merci !!!
Merci beaucoup ! :)
About the seller
🌐 Transformez votre business grâce à des stratégies digitales innovantes et sur mesure !
👋 Bienvenue sur ma page ! Je suis Aurélien, un professionnel expert en marketing digital, gestion des réseaux sociaux et e-commerce.
🚀 Mon objectif ? Vous aider à atteindre vos ambitions en vous offrant des solutions sur mesure, alliant qualité exceptionnelle, excellence stratégique, et confiance mutuelle.
🎯 J’accompagne les entrepreneurs, influenceurs, start-ups, et entreprises pour transformer leurs idées en succès mesurable.
🎁 J'ai un cadeau pour vous !
🎁 Livraison expresse offerte sur tous mes services ! : C'est ma plus-value par rapports aux autres vendeurs.
Je travaille efficacement, et si je termine votre commande avant les délais, je ne vous fais pas attendre.
Regardez mes avis, ils sont nombreux à le dire.
🌟 Pourquoi travailler avec moi ?
✔️ Résultats garantis : Mon expertise se traduit par des stratégies orientées ROI pour maximiser vos résultats.
✔️ Savoir-faire reconnu : De la création de contenus impactants à la gestion de communautés, j’ai une expérience éprouvée.
✔️ Accompagnement personnalisé : Chaque projet bénéficie d’un suivi sur mesure, pour une collaboration fluide et efficace.
✔️ Excellence au cœur des services : J’élabore des stratégies précises pour un avantage concurrentiel durable.
🎯 Mes services pour vous démarquer :
1️⃣ Création et montage de vidéos publicitaires et virales pour captiver et convertir vos audiences.
2️⃣ Community management : Engagez, fidélisez, et développez votre audience avec des stratégies percutantes.
3️⃣ Stratégies réseaux sociaux sur mesure : Boostez votre visibilité grâce à des campagnes adaptées à vos besoins.
4️⃣ Marketing d'affiliation : Développez de nouvelles sources de revenus avec des partenariats stratégiques.
5️⃣ Création de tunnels de vente optimisés : Transformez vos prospects en clients grâce à des parcours intuitifs et performants.
🔑 Les piliers de mon expertise :
🏆 Excellence opérationnelle : Des prestations premium à la hauteur de vos attentes.
🤝 Confiance et transparence : Une relation durable, basée sur l’honnêteté et la collaboration.
📈 Résultats mesurables : Chaque stratégie est conçue pour des performances concrètes et vérifiables.
🎨 Créativité sur mesure : Des solutions uniques pour refléter votre identité.
🌍 Flexibilité globale : Adaptabilité aux marchés locaux et internationaux.
✨ Mes engagements envers vous :
Respect des délais : Parce que chaque jour compte pour votre projet.
Communication proactive : Vous êtes informé à chaque étape de la collaboration.
Solutions adaptées à vos besoins : Je m’assure que chaque action est alignée avec vos objectifs.
Amélioration continue : Une optimisation constante pour rester à la pointe du digital.
📩 Transformons vos idées en succès dès aujourd’hui !
👉 Contactez-moi en cliquant sur le bouton "Me contacter" sur votre gauche. Nous discuterons de vos projets, de vos objectifs et de la meilleure stratégie pour les atteindre !