I will make architectural sketch drawing

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Sold by AndriiBondarenko Total sales 0

I make sketch/illustration/drawing using digital tools - I use Sketch Up and Procreate app to imitate graphite pencil, ink pen, markers, watercolor technique depending of customer needs. Basic price means black and white sketch with shades.
I offer 2 revisions for the project
Delivery is 1 hi-res JPEG file

Usually I need a few house photos to understand its dimensions and style. House elevation/layout is perfect to get and it really help.
So, if you have this please send me it.
Usually I make a rough preview at the start of the project, discuss it, change something if needed and finalize the sketch

Please note, the offer consists of one single sketch/drawing.
If you need some specific conditions for sketch/drawing please describe it using reference images/link to pinterest board or something else

I will make architectural sketch drawing

  • €142.90

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Orders in progress 0 Total sales 0 Seller since Sep 2023
Orders in progress 0 Total sales 0 Seller since Sep 2023

Architectural and interior sketches/illustrations

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