I will boost your website's DA, DR or TF with powerful backlinks
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Boost your ranking on the first pages of Google
Pay less for more results
In the world of SEO, netlinking is one of the 3 main SEO levers used by digital marketing experts to propel a website to the first page of Google for a query containing one of its keywords.
In fact, once your site has been optimized in terms of coding (improved performance, accessibility and best practices) and its content has been correctly created, taking into account the targeted keywords and the absence of plagiarism, all that's left to do is concentrate on the last, but not least important, part of your SEO strategy. Netlinking.
You can't hope to get closer to the first page of Google if you've neglected this vital step, even if your site is 100% optimized. Google attaches great importance to your URL being as popular as possible, in the sense that the more your URL is mentioned on other sites or blogs with a good reputation, the more Google will see fit to move you up the search results rankings as long as people are talking about you.
These links, known as backlinks and which redirect to your website, must also respect precise rules, otherwise Google may ignore them or even penalize you. That's why, these days, netlinking has become both a science and a double-edged sword. Some even use it in negative SEO to sink a competitor's site into the abyss of Google's results...
Fortunately, these days, there are a number of experts who specialize in this field, and who can help you successfully carry out your netlinking operations.
How do you assess a website's netlinking ?
Nothing could be simpler ... Netlinking is measured using 3 key indicators :
🟢 The (DA) abbreviation for Domain Authority which, as its name suggests, evaluates your presence in queries made through the major search engines. It was developed by MOZ, whose URL is below :
🟢 Domain Rating (DR) is a score designed to measure the quality and power of your backlinks. The URL of their site is https://ahrefs.com/fr/website-authority-checker
🟢 The (TF), which stands for Trust Flow, was created by MAJESTIC and evaluates your website's trust index. To measure it, go to
These 3 indicators are in fact percentages, giving you a score ranging from 0 to 100.
The higher your scores for all 3 indicators, the higher your website's ranking in search engines.
What are my main competitive advantages over other netlinking offers ?
✅ I offer you my 20+ years of experience in Netlinking at ComeUp's unbeatable prices.
✅ The Netlinking techniques I use are 100% natural and therefore risk-free.
✅ I promise that at the time of delivery all scores will be achieved as described in your order.
✅ My turnaround times are among the fastest on ComeUp in terms of netlinking.
✅My service is suitable for all types of sites or blogs, regardless of language or architecture.
✅ I've had over 100 positive reviews on all my sales. A token of confidence in a field where mistakes are unforgivable.
I can also offer you other customized SEO services on ComeUp if you ask, such as the creation of entirely hand-coded websites or the optimization of an existing website to improve performance, accessibility and SEO best practices, with minimum scores of 95%. So please don't hesitate to contact me for all your SEO needs.
Take action now with these great offers
For 35 euros I'll boost your website's DR 30+ Guaranteed with powerful backlinks.
Upon delivery I will provide you with proof of completion of the service, which will be evidenced by sending a screenshot via the online tester(s) of the site(s) corresponding to the improvement in the score(s) ordered, the links to which are below :
🟢Domain Authority (DA) :
🟢Domain Rating (DR) :
🟢Trust Flow (TF) :
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Parfait, deuxième commande passée chez ce vendeur, je recommande!
C'est toujours un plaisir de pouvoir vous rendre service. A très bientôt ! 🙏🏻
About the seller
🏆 Agence de Marketing Digital n°1 sur ComeUp
20 ans d'expérience à votre service et plus de 2 000 clients satisfaits !
Création et Développement de Sites Web en CMS ou entièrement codés Sur-Mesure :
✅ Sites Carte de Visites
✅ Sites Vitrines
✅ Sites E-Commerces
✅ Sites Communautaires
🎖️ Certification WIX / Wordpress / Prestashop / Shopify / Woocommerce / Laravel et Joomla!
Vente de Fichiers Complets avec Emails 100% Valides provenant d'Annuaires Officiels :
✅ Pages Jaunes (France)
✅ Pages d'Or (Belgique)
✅ Local (Suisse)
✅ Editus (Luxembourg)
✅ Yellow Pages (USA)
✅ Pages Jaunes (Canada)
✅ Plus de 86 Pays disponibles
Scraping de Données Sur-Mesure :
✅ LinkedIn
Vérification de vos Listes d'Emails :
✅ Elimination des doublons
✅ Vérification des syntaxes
✅ Vérification des DNS
✅ Elimination des Hard Bounces
✅ Détection des Full Inbox
✅ Elimination des Emails temporaires
✅ Détection des Catch-All
✅ Elimination des Spam Traps
✅ Détection des Bots
Création et Envoi de vos Campagnes Emailing :
✅ Garanti à 90% minimum en Boite de Réception
✅ Newsletter Personnalisée et Responsive
✅ A/B Testing : Envoyez 2 messages pour comparer leurs résultats
✅ Optimisation des horaires d'envoi assistée par IA
✅ de vos pages web et suivi comportemental
✅ Formulaires d'inscription personnalisables
✅ Données de Géocalisation de vos clients
✅ Statistiques relatives aux Appareils utilisés
✅ Carte de chaleur pour visualiser où vos contacts ont cliqué
✅ Statistiques complètes de votre campagne
✅ IP dédiée pour contrôler pleinement votre réputation d'expéditeur
Augmentation de vos Scores de Netlinking :
✅ Domain Authority (DA)
✅ Domain Rating (DR)
✅ Trust Flow (TF)
Création de Trafic 100% Naturel :
✅ Visiteurs 100% réels donc Trafic naturel garanti du SERP.
✅ 1 à 5 mots clés seront inscrits par les visiteurs dans le moteur de recherche avant de parcourir les différents résultats jusqu’à parvenir sur votre site internet afin de le visiter.
✅ Visites ciblées géographiquement par pays (Google favorise les visites provenant du même pays d’hébergement que celui de votre site web).
✅ Nombres des visites réparties aléatoirement dans le temps (Google n’accepte que les visites 100% naturelle).
✅ Durée des visites aléatoires avec une durée minimum de 10 secondes afin d’améliorer favorablement vos statistiques auprès de Google.
✅ Différentes IP sont utilisées ainsi que différents Navigateurs et OS.
✅ Taux de rebond très faible puisque chaque visiteur visitera plusieurs pages de votre site web (option Mots-clés uniquement).
✅ Augmentation naturelle des positions dans le classement de Google.
✅ Evolution haussière du CTR du mot-clé.
✅ Possibilité de suivre l’opération via Google Analytics, si ce dernier a été correctement paramétré.
✅ Pas de Proxies utilisés, d'Adblock, ou d'Iframes.
✅ Garanti 100% SEO compatible.