I will provide a translation of a 500-word text in French, English or Spanish

Sales 0

Sold by Pdewa_B Professional Total sales 0

Do you need to translate documents into French, English or Spanish?

Are you looking to expand internationally?

**My offer**

French is my mother tongue.
I'm also a language teacher and have a degree in applied foreign languages. I speak English (C1 level) and Spanish (C1 level).

As a result, I have a very good understanding of English and Spanish on a variety of topics and situations and across different cultures.

I also have an MBA in marketing and business development and a certificate in human resources management, so I can provide translations on these subjects: marketing, communication, business, human resources, training, employment, recruitment and employer branding.



Basic Offer, 30€ : Translation of 500 words

Premium Option, 50€ : Translation of 1500 words


You confirm your order.

You send me the documents.

I take care of the translation.

I send you the translated document in pdf format.

**Additional information**

Service results may vary and are not guaranteed.

## Order your project now.

Are you interested by others services : translation, transcription, HR marketing, LinkedIn, etc.?

You can find all my offers available in French, English and Spanish, here :


I will provide a translation of a 500-word text in French, English or Spanish

  • €30.00

Customize service

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

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    from one of our sellers
  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

About the seller


Professional Orders in progress 0 Total sales 0 Seller since May 2024
Professional Orders in progress 0 Total sales 0 Seller since May 2024

Bilingue en anglais et en espagnol, je suis formatrice en langues depuis plus de 10 ans et je propose des services linguistiques.
Également diplômée de marketing et de gestion des ressources humaines, je propose des services business, notamment sur les thèmes de la formation et l'emploi.
Mes qualifications :
MBA Marketing et développement commercial
Certification Responsable de la stratégie digitale
Certification Direction des ressources humaines
Licence Langues étrangères appliquées : anglais et espagnol
Mes services pour les particuliers, entreprises et écoles :
-> Langues : cours, traduction, transcription, rédaction
-> Marketing : rédaction de contenu, copywriting en français, anglais et espagnol
-> Ressources humaines : recrutement, marque employeur, rédaction d'offre d'emploi
-> Emploi et formation : conseil en formation et métiers, relecture du CV, de la lettre de motivation, entretien, profil Linkedin, candidature en anglais et en espagnol
Pourquoi moi ?
Double compétence en marketing et ressources humaines
Spécialisation en formation et emploi
Bilingue en anglais et espagnol
Contactez-moi pour démarrer votre projet.

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