I will translate your Document English - French Perfectly

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Sold by WebStella Professional 26 total sales

# **Breaking down language barriers: A top-of-the-range English-French translation service**

Do you need to translate important documents from English into French or vice versa?

***I am a native French person (level C2) and have study in English (level C1). I have great skills in expression and speaking in English and French.***

Whether you're a professional, a student or an individual, clear and precise communication is essential to your success. However, language barriers can make it difficult to convey your messages and understand crucial information. That's where our premium English-French translation service comes in, designed to give you a smooth, effortless language experience.

**Our expertise at your service**

Our team of experienced professional translators have a perfect command of both English and French, as well as in-depth knowledge of a wide range of subject areas, including :

**Business** : Translate your contracts, presentations, financial reports and other business documents for clear and effective communication with your international partners.
**Legal** : Ensure that your contracts, legal deeds and other official documents are translated accurately and precisely to guarantee their legal validity in both languages.
**Technical** : Translate your user manuals, installation guides and other technical documents to ensure a clear and accurate understanding of specifications and procedures.
**Marketing** : Adapt your marketing campaigns, slogans and other marketing materials to a French-speaking audience to maximise impact and engagement.
**Literature** : Translate your novels, short stories, poems and other literary works to reach an international audience and share your passion for writing.

**Commitment to quality**

We don't just do word-for-word translations. We are committed to delivering accurate, fluent and culturally appropriate translations, taking into account the nuances and subtleties of each language. Our rigorous translation process includes:

A thorough analysis of the source text to understand its context, purpose and target audience.
Careful selection of the translator best suited to the subject matter and style of the text.
A meticulous translation that respects the original meaning while adapting to French linguistic conventions.
Careful proofreading by another experienced translator to ensure the accuracy and consistency of the final translation.

**A service tailored to your needs :**

Whether you need an urgent translation for an imminent project or ongoing support for your ongoing language needs, we're here to help. We offer flexible, customised solutions to meet your specific requirements, including :

**Fast translation** : Get your translations in the shortest possible time, even for urgent requests.
**Specialised translation** : Benefit from the expertise of translators specialised in your field of activity for accurate and appropriate terminology.
**Editing and proofreading services** : Ensure that your translated texts are error-free and meet the highest quality standards.
**Localisation solutions** : Adapt your content to the cultural and linguistic specificities of the French market for greater resonance with your target audience.

# **Contact us today**

Don't let language barriers stand in the way of your communication and success. Contact us today for a free quote and find out how our premium English to French translation service can help you achieve your goals.

The basic €5 offer :

This offer is primarily a preview of my work. You can see for yourself the quality of my translations.
You will receive a translation for a text of up to 300 words in word File.

➤ 301 to 1000 words, €25
➤ 1001 to 2000 words, €45
➤ 2001 to 3000 words, €65
➤ 3001 to 4000 words, €85
➤ 4001 to 5000 words, €100
➤ 20,000 to 25,000 words, €450
➤ 30,000 to 40,000 words, €700
➤ 40001 to 55000 words, €1000

I could easily accept your order if the content of your document corresponds to one of the following themes:
Sales and marketing
Digital communication
Product description
Entire website
Emailling campaign
Powerpoint presentation
Legal document
User manual
Fitness and nutrition
Cosmetic products
Personal development products
Medical products
Scientific articles
Economic article
Fiction text
Cover letter
Conceptual or artistic text
Travel guide
Luxury product description
Restaurant menu
Song lyrics

All you have to do is click on the 'order' button to get your translation as soon as possible!

See you soon,

**Stella, your professional translator**

I will translate your Document English - French Perfectly

  • €5.00

Extra options

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

  1. Order
    your preferred service
    from one of our sellers
  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

About the seller

WebStella 1 day ago

“Bienvenue sur le profil de la dame aux services couleur jaune d'or !

**Imaginez une magicienne du web**, une virtuose de la créativité, un véritable couteau suisse du design. Oui, il s'agit bien de moi, Claudia Noutais, la freelance aux talents multiples, prête à transformer vos projets les plus fous en réalités éblouissantes.

Vous rêvez d'un site internet qui capte l'attention au premier clic ? Claudia ne se contente pas de coder, elle tisse des pages web comme une araignée fabrique sa toile, élégamment et efficacement. Chaque pixel, chaque ligne de code est soigneusement placée pour que votre site soit aussi beau qu'intuitif.

Mais attendez, ce n'est pas tout ! Vous avez besoin d'un logo qui en jette, d'une couverture de livre qui donne envie de dévorer le contenu, de cartes de visite mémorables , d'illustrations AI ou d'affiches qui captent tous les regards ? je suis là pour ça aussi. Avec son œil affûté et sa palette créative, elle transforme vos idées en œuvres d'art graphiques. Vous ne croyez pas aux miracles ? Attendez de voir ce je peux faire avec une souris et un clavier.

Et pour les auteurs en herbe ou confirmés, Claudia propose un service clé en main de publication sur Amazon. De la mise en page à la couverture, jusqu’à la publication en ligne , elle s'occupe de tout. Votre livre prendra son envol, prêt à conquérir le monde, sans que vous ayez à lever le petit doigt.

Mais je ne m'arrête pas là. Besoin de corriger un texte, de s'assurer qu'il n'y a pas une faute qui traîne ? je relis, corrige, et perfectionne vos écrits avec la minutie d'un horloger suisse forte de mon excellence formation de niveau Master en management et de ma longue expérience en entreprise, plus de 15 ans . Et si vous avez des textes à traduire, elle jongle avec les langues comme un acrobate, rendant chaque mot avec une précision chirurgicale avec l'aide de son équipe.

Avec moi, Claudia Noutais, c'est la garantie d'un travail impeccable, livré avec le sourire et une petite touche de magie ;). Alors, prêt à donner vie à vos projets avec la fée des freelances ? Contactez moi et laissez-vous surprendre !”

  • Professional seller
  • Average response time 5 h
  • Orders in progress 0
  • Sales in total 26
  • Seller since May 2019