I will improve your score under mail-tester

0 sales

Sold by JeromeDel Professional 19 total sales Available on ComeUp Direct

You've invested time and energy in creating a powerful email campaign, but after testing it on the mail-tester.com website, you were faced with a disappointing score and authentication issues.

Mail Tester is the go-to reference used by marketers before launching a campaign :)

You may be wondering what the reasons behind these difficulties? Don't worry, you're in the right place.

Who am I to offer you this service? I'm an IT professional with 20 years' experience, specialising in securing messaging systems.

With my expertise, I have a thorough understanding of message authentication and integrity mechanisms. I regularly collaborate with teams using tools such as MailChimp, MailGun, and Amazon SES, and I'm here to guide you technically and ensure the maximum deliverability of your campaigns.

Basic Package
If your test score is affected by SPF or DMARC, I will fix the problem.

I correct and implement SPF and/or DMARC.

In addition, you will receive a complete document describing SPF, DKIM and DMARC with concrete examples to make it easier to understand.
I am the owner, you can not sell the content.

You will receive a detailed report with screenshots before and after the DNS changes, as well as the results of the mail-tester.com result.
The word document will contains less than 5 pages.


Don't hesitate to contact me now to take advantage of this complete email authentication service.

Please note that I will need access to your DNS console to carry out these operations.

Exclusions and Points of Attention :

Exclusion 1:
DKIM: I only implement DKIM on known solutions such as MailGun, Mailchimp , Amazon SES.
I do not support activation on sites hosted on Wordpress and others.

Exclusion 2:
I concentrate my service on authenticating your messages, not handling their content or managing the "unsubscribe" parts.

I will improve your score under mail-tester

  • €50.00

Extra options

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

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  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
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  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

About the seller

JeromeDel 1 hour ago

“Avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans le domaine de l'informatique, j'ai pu constater que de nombreux dirigeants se retrouvent isolés, sans accès à des services de proximité et fiables.

En tant qu'expert, je me tiens à vos côtés, entrepreneurs et dirigeants de TPE-PME, en vous offrant des services à forte valeur ajoutée.

Désormais, vous ne serez plus livrés à vous-mêmes dans vos projets informatiques.

Grâce à mon assistance et mon savoir-faire, vous pourrez bénéficier d'un soutien solide pour atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux.

N'hésitez pas à me contacter dès maintenant pour découvrir en détail mes services et discuter de la manière dont je peux vous aider à réaliser vos ambitions professionnelles.

EN Version
With over 20 years of experience in the field of computer science, I have observed that many executives find themselves isolated, without access to nearby and reliable services.

As an expert, I stand by your side, entrepreneurs, and executives of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs), offering you high-value-added services.

Now, you won't be left to fend for yourselves in your IT projects.

With my assistance and expertise, you can benefit from robust support to achieve your business objectives.

Feel free to contact me right away to discover the details of my services and discuss how I can help you realize your professional ambitions.”

  • Professional seller
  • Average response time 4 h
  • Orders in progress 0
  • Sales in total 19
  • Seller since Jun 2021