I will translate your text from English to French
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Sold by Socopix Professional Total sales 1,369 Available on ComeUp Direct.
Get a quality translation for your English-French or French-English texts
Maybe you run an e-commerce shop and want to be seen by French-speaking customers? Or perhaps you need help with the translation of a professional document? Or you have written an e-book in English and would like to self-publish it to reach a wider audience?
The problem is that you don't speak French or maybe you have learned it at school but it was a long time ago and you need help to have your document, your website or your book perfectly translated. You might want to use an automatic translator, but you would lose out, because these translation tools are robots that don't care if the translation suggested is full of mistakes. Nothing will be better than the eye of a skilled translator who will take care of your English translations!
🎯 Why is it important to entrust your texts to a human translator?
Let me tell you a story: among the many translation projects I have carried out, some did not involve the translation of a document but the proofreading of texts. Indeed, thinking they would save money (after all, why pay a translator to translate texts when you can do it for free with an artificial intelligence?), some clients have asked me to check a text that they have had translated by a robot, asking me to check the (according to them, few) mistakes, if any. And here are some fun results... A client had created a website selling piggy banks. On the packaging card of one of his very specific items, it had to be specified what kind of coins the child could put in the piggy bank. The correct translation was "coins accepted", but with just this part of the sentence and no context, the automatic translator wrote "rooms accepted". Yes, in French, "coins" and "rooms" can both be translated by "pièces". Unfortunately, the robot did not choose the right one.
To convince you why it is so important not to rely on a robot, here is a second example: a British pensioner who has a holiday home near to me came to see me one day and told me that his daughter and French son-in-law were going to celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary and that he wanted to include a little note with his present. As he does not speak French, he wrote his text into a robot and just asked me to check whether it was correct. In one of his sentences, he wanted to say "I wish you many more years of happiness", and the robot translated into " je vous souhaite de jouir encore de nombreuses années". He was obviously unaware that in French, "jouir" most often was used to describe sexual pleasure. I told him that his sentence meant something like "may you still come sexually for many years". This made us laugh, but imagine the family's reaction if the sentence had not been amended.
For sure, such mistranslations are surprising and will make you smile. But as you can see, it is not at all professional or accurate. Would you still laugh if a huge mistake of this kind crept into the translation of YOUR e-book or website? Do you really think that customers would trust you? And I regularly see mistranslations or misunderstandings of this kind on the Internet. Don't be the laughing stock of your competitors!
So, if you want your customers to remember you in a positive way and to trust you, then put your texts in the hands of a real translator, not in an automatic translation tool. You will be more confident and you will have more visibility!
➡️ Leave me a message so that we can discuss your project
You can entrust me with:
✔️ product sheets
✔️ newsletters
✔️ mails
✔️ web articles
✔️ websites
✔️ video subtitles
✔️ professional reports
✔️ e-books
✔️ trainings
✔️ videos
✔️ etc.
What I do not translate:
❌medical documents
❌legal documents
❌user manuals in pdf format
For any question regarding your project, feel free to contact me via the messaging system on the site. I will answer you quickly.
☑️How to order?
1️⃣ Define the total number of words in your document
2️⃣ Tick the option corresponding to the number of words
3️⃣ Click on the blue "Buy Now" button
4️⃣ Send me your document in the chat
5️⃣ I will start working to provide you with quality content
⚠️NOTE⚠️: depending on my ongoing translations, the delivery of your order may be earlier than the date indicated, but I make it a point of honor to ensure that it will never be later.
👩Who am I?
My name is Sophie, I am a French native and I have a Master's degree in Foreign Languages. I have worked for more than 15 years for the website of a large French company that had an international visibility.
Twelve years ago, I left my comfort zone to follow a 6-month training course and, among other exams, I took the TOEIC test and got the score of 925/990.
Learning foreign languages has always been my passion. As a multilingual employee, I was the main translator for all documents that were published in several languages. Three years ago, I graduated in translation and now I can offer you high quality translation and proofreading services for all kinds of texts.
In addition to these translation skills, I am also a web content writer. These two hats allow me to guarantee that I won't let any typo or spelling mistake go unnoticed when you will be delivered the text you ordered.
🔍Why should you trust me?
I am 100% freelance and I am fully available to deal with your orders, without worrying about having to do it in the evening when I get home from work. I listen to your requests and I guarantee a very quick response to your messages. By entrusting me with your translation project, you can be sure that the delivery deadline will be respected. Moreover, I am very concerned about my clients' satisfaction, so you can be sure that I will do my utmost to ensure that you are totally happy with my service.
I have skills in these languages:
➡️ French (native speaking)
➡️ English (C1 level)
➡️ Italian (C1 level)
Any question? Contact me, I will answer very quickly.
❓ What do you get for €15?
For just €15, I can translate a text of up to 500 words, either from English into French or from French into English (please see options below for longer texts).
up to 500 words | €15 (4 days) | €25 (1 day maximum) |
up to 1,000 words | €30 (5 days) | €50 (1 day maximum) |
up to 2,000 words | €50 (5 days) | €85 (2 days maximum) |
up to 3,000 words | €75 (6 days) | €110 (2 days maximum) |
up to 4,000 words | €100 (7 days) | €135 (3 days maximum) |
up to 5,000 words | €120 (8 days) | €160 (4 days maximum) |
up to 6,000 words | €140 (9 days) | €185 (5 days maximum) |
up to 7,000 words | €165 (10 days) | €210 (5 days maximum) |
up to 8,000 words | €185 (11 days) | €235 (6 days maximum) |
up to 9,000 words | €205 (12 days) | €260 (6 days maximum) |
up to 10,000 words | €225 (13 days) | €290 (7 days maximum) |
up to 12,000 words | €270 (15 days) | €360 (8 days maximum) |
up to 14,000 words | €310 (17 days) | €410 (9 days maximum) |
up to 16,000 words | €350 (20 days) | €460 (10 days maximum) |
up to 18,000 words | €390 (23 days) | €515 (12 days maximum) |
up to 20,000 words | €430 (27 days) | €565 (14 days maximum) |
up to 25,000 words | €540 (30 days) | €710 (16 days maximum) |
up to 30,000 words | €650 (34 days) | €845 (18 days maximum) |
up to 35,000 words | €760 (34 days) | €980 (20 days maximum) |
up to 40,000 words | €870 (34 days) | €1.110 (22 days maximum) |
⚡ What is express delivery?
By placing your translation order with an "express delivery" option (available at the payment stage), regardless of the number of words, you can be sure that I will handle it with priority over my other standard delivery orders. The deadline specified for this service is a maximum one. With an express delivery, you are very often delivered much faster than the mentioned deadline (sometimes in just a few hours for the shortest texts). With these options, you become MY NUMBER ONE priority.
❓ F.A.Q.
❔ "Can you deliver earlier than the scheduled time?"
Of course, you just need to add the express delivery option (available at the payment page). For an additional fee, you are guaranteed that your order will be processed first.
❔ "Do you keep my text once you have translated it?"
I undertake to delete your document as soon as you have validated the delivery. Furthermore, I guarantee total confidentiality regarding the content of the document you had entrusted to me.
❔ "Can you translate my website?"
Yes, I am able of translating a wide range of texts and media. However, in order to know the price of the service, I need to know the exact number of words to be translated. You can copy paste these elements in a Word or Open Office document that will direclty indicate the number of words.
I look forward to working with you to help you gain international exposure.
See you soon.
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Buyer reviews
Toujours réactive et investie dans son travail ! Sophie est irremplaçable
Merci beaucoup Michael. C'est toujours un plaisir de travailler avec vous :)
About the seller
👍Vendeuse professionnelle depuis 2019
🥇N° 1 au classement des traducteurs sur l'ensemble du site
🚀Prestations de qualité pour augmenter votre visibilité à l'international
✔️Plus de 1 000 clients satisfaits sur ComeUp
Bonjour et bienvenue sur mon profil
Je m'appelle Sophie et je suis vendeuse sur ComeUp depuis 4 ans.
➡️Diplômée d'une Maîtrise de Langues Etrangères Appliquées ainsi que d'une formation en Traduction, je mets à votre service mes compétences de traduction en anglais et en italien pour vous permettre de faire décoller votre visibilité, et donc, vos ventes, à l'international.
Je suis inscrite sur ComeUp depuis 2019 et je vous propose des prestations de traduction. J'ai aidé plusieurs centaines de clients à se développer sur les zones anglophones et sur l'Italie et à générer des milliers d'euros de chiffre d'affaires. Aujourd'hui, mon professionnalisme, ma réactivité et mes compétences me permettent d'être classée en tant que TRADUCTRICE N°1 parmi tous les traducteurs de ComeUp.
✍️Également formée à la rédaction web et au copywriting, je suis aussi en mesure de vous proposer la rédaction d'articles pour votre site, ainsi que des pages de vente qui convertissent. Ma très bonne maîtrise de la langue française, de son orthographe et de sa grammaire me permet de vous rendre un contenu qualitatif, garanti sans aucune faute.
Je suis aujourd'hui freelance à 100%, ce qui veut dire que je m'occupe de vos prestations à temps plein, et pas seulement le soir après une journée de travail bien remplie. Je suis donc entièrement disponible et à l'écoute pour vous rendre un travail de qualité.
🎯La satisfaction du client est ma priorité et je mets un point d'honneur à vous rendre un travail de grande qualité et dans les délais fixés. Si vous avez des questions sur l'un de mes services ou un projet à me soumettre, il vous suffit de cliquer sur « Contacter le vendeur » et je vous répondrai très rapidement.
A très vite pour notre future collaboration 🚀