I will write product descriptions that will skyrocket your sales

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Sold by Yasserr Professional 5,213 total sales Available on ComeUp Direct

🚀🔥 Skyrocket Your Sales with Highly Converting Product Descriptions

Are you tired of seeing your products gather dust on the virtual shelves? Are you wondering why customers seem to ignore your store, even though you have amazing products?

It's time to take a good, hard look at your product descriptions. Because let's face it: no matter how fantastic your products are, if your descriptions are lackluster, you're not going to make any sales.

That's where I come in. My name is Yasser, and I'm here to help you turn those boring, bland descriptions into persuasive, captivating copy that will skyrocket your sales.

► It's time to make a change. Let an expert copywriter work his magic and transform your product descriptions into irresistible sales magnets!

Stop Using Bad Product Descriptions. Let A Pro Write Ones That Sell!

Picture this: you've spent countless hours and resources on creating or sourcing the perfect product. You know it has the potential to do wonders for your customers, but somehow, they just don't seem to be biting. Sound familiar?

❌ The problem is, you can have the most amazing product in the world, but if your product descriptions aren't up to par, no one's going to give it a second glance. In today's fast-paced online marketplace, you only have a few seconds to grab your potential customer's attention – and if your descriptions aren't doing the job, you're losing out on sales.

✅ But fear not, my friend! I'm here to help you transform those dull, lifeless descriptions into engaging, persuasive copy that'll have your customers hitting that "Add to Cart" button faster than you can say "cha-ching!"

Let Your Expert Copywriter Do His Magic!

My approach to writing product descriptions involves using sales psychology, addressing customer pain points, implementing SEO marketing techniques, and drawing from my personal experience. My ultimate goal is to create content that reflects your brand voice consistently across all your online marketing channels - such as social media, organic traffic, and paid search - as well as any other interactions with customers.

But enough about me – let's talk about what I can do for you.

What Makes My Product Description Copywriting Service Stand Out?

Conversational, Persuasive, and Authentic Tone 🔥

Nobody likes to feel like they're being sold to. That's why I focus on crafting product descriptions that are conversational and authentic, while still being persuasive and engaging. I'll help you connect with your customers on a personal level, making them feel like they're having a chat with a friend who just happens to know all the ins and outs of your amazing products.

Clear Language and Storytelling 🧲

The secret to a great product description is making it easy for your customers to understand exactly what they're getting and why they need it. I'll use clear, concise language to paint a vivid picture of your product, weaving in storytelling elements that help your customers envision themselves using (and loving) your product.

A Touch of Humor ✨

Let's face it: shopping should be fun! And adding a touch of humor to your product descriptions can help make the experience more enjoyable for your customers. I'll sprinkle in some light-hearted wit and humor where appropriate, helping your brand stand out from the competition and making your customers smile as they browse your store.

SEO Marketing Techniques 🎯

Of course, it's not enough to simply have great product descriptions – they also need to be found by potential customers. I'll incorporate proven SEO marketing techniques into your descriptions, ensuring they rank well in search engine results and drive targeted traffic to your store.

Hands-On Experience 🏆

As an experienced copywriter who's written for countless brands across various industries, I know what works (and what doesn't) when it comes to writing product descriptions that convert. I'll put my expertise to work for you, creating descriptions that not only showcase your products but also drive sales and boost your bottom line.

Ready to let me take your product descriptions to the next level? Get in touch today and let's get started on crafting copy that customers won't be able to resist! 💪🏼

A writing service that fits your budget!

The achievement of high conversion rates is the outcome of an established copywriting strategy. I offer three different levels of product description copywriting services to fit any budget.

Name ⭐ Classic Product Description 🔥 Premium Product Description 🚀 Ultimate Product Description
Type of product description Short, Sweet, & Captivating Description Attention-Grabbing - Informative & Effective - SEO Optimized Description Sales Booster that Sells Like Crazy - SEO Optimized Description
✍️ Maximum word count 200 words 300 words 500 words
🧠 Persuasive writing and Emotional appeal ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
🔻 Funnel Lead Structure ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
🔎 In-depth analysis of your customer avatar to create the best possible copywriting ✔️ ✔️
🧲 Converting Framework Structure (AIDA, PAS, PASTOR) ✔️ ✔️
✨ Hn Titles with High-conversion rate ✔️ ✔️
⭕ Writing bulletpoint to highlight the benefits of your product ✔️ ✔️
🚦 SEO Integration (Essential to improve your Ranking) ✔️
🔥 SEO Keyword Research ✔️
⚙️ Effective Meta Titles & Descriptions ✔️
🌐 Store publishing (After your approval, I format and publish the product descriptions directly on your website) ✔️
📸 Free stock photos (adapted to your graphic charter) ✔️
✏️ Setting ALT text on images ✔️
🔐 Adding a Trust Badges to make the client feel more confident ✔️
🎁 Unlimited Revisions (Each edit request must be clearly justified) ✔️ ✔️ ✔️
📦 Delivery Time 2 Days 2 Days 2 Days
🛒 Price 5 10 55 20

✅ You can try my service with the basic option by scrolling down to the bottom of this page. To create captivating product descriptions that entice your customers and persuade them to make a purchase, you may be interested in my Premium Packs.

➡️ Go to the bottom of this page to place an order.

Number of product descriptions ⭐ Classic Pack 🔥 Premium Pack 🚀 Ultimate Pack
5 product descriptions 25 50 100
10 product descriptions 50 100 200
20 product descriptions 100 200 400
50 product descriptions 250 500 1,000

⚠️ If you order several "Premium or Ultimate" Product descriptions (minimum of 20), you will receive one description per day.

How My Product Description Copywriting Service Works?

🔰 I handle every order with individual attention and meticulous care. I prefer artisanal craftsmanship over mass production methods commonly used in a factory setting.

➡ Step 1: Understanding Your Brand and Products

I start by getting to know your brand, products, and target audience. This helps me create product descriptions that resonate with your customers and showcase the unique benefits of your offerings.

➡ Step 2: Market Research

To gain a better understanding of your target market and identify key benefits, I thoroughly research your competitors, such as their customer reviews, consumer demands, and blog posts in your niche.

➡ Step 3: SEO Keyword Research

To find keywords with the highest search volume, I use Ahrefs and SEMRush, which are top-notch tools in the market. Along with manual analysis, these tools assist me in providing the best results.

➡ Step 4: Crafting Persuasive and Engaging Descriptions

I use my proficiency and knowledge as an expert copywriter to craft product descriptions that are :

  • Persuasive
  • Informative
  • Engaging
  • SEO-friendly

I focus on highlighting the features and benefits of your products while addressing potential pain points and objections.

➡ Step 5: Review and Revision

Once I've crafted your product descriptions, I'll send them to you for review. I offer unlimited revisions, ensuring you're completely satisfied with the final result.

➡ Step 6: Watch Your Sales Soar

With your new, captivating product descriptions in place, you'll start to see an increase in sales, conversion rates, and overall customer satisfaction.

Are You Ready to Skyrocket Your Sales? 📈

Don't let poorly written product descriptions hold your business back any longer. Invest in my expert product description writing service and watch your sales take off like never before!

👉 Take action now! Contact me today to get started on transforming your product descriptions and boosting your sales.

❓ Just let me know if you have any questions

Whether you're looking for advice or just have a simple question, don't hesitate to click that blue button at the top right of this page. I'll be happy to start a conversation and help you out in any way I can. So go ahead and ask, I'm all ears!

✅ Don't miss this express and competitive offer, proposed by an experienced, serious and professional copywriter.

I will write product descriptions that will skyrocket your sales

  • €5.00

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About the seller

Yasserr 3 hours ago

“Hello, je suis Yasser !

J’utilise le pouvoir des mots pour aider les professionnels à rédiger du contenu qui parle à leur audience. 🎯

Je suis copywriter passionné par cette discipline depuis 9 ans.

Mon expertise dans le Marketing, SEO & Copywriting permet d'augmenter les ventes des entreprises que j'accompagne.

J'ai travaillé auparavant dans une agence digitale avant de me lancer en freelance en tant que copywriter / concepteur rédacteur web.

Ce que je vous propose : Un contenu clair, unique et sourcé :

✅ Rédaction SEO, stratégie de communication pour être visible sur la 1ère page de google :

- Rédaction d'articles de blog optimisés SEO (avec mots clés, balises meta, Hn, alt des images, etc.)
- Inbound marketing (création de contenu pour les réseaux sociaux)
- Contenu site web optimisé SEO (pages web, site vitrine, fiches métiers...)
- Stratégie SEO : Cocon sémantique et planning éditorial (blogs, sites PBN...)

🔥 +3000 articles SEO rédigés

✅ Copywriting & conception rédaction :

- Rédaction et conception de tunnels de vente (landing page, page de vente, page de capture, scripts VSL, etc.)
- Copywriting e-commerce (boutique en ligne, site e-commerce, Amazon)
- Rédaction d'email marketing (cold e-mailing, séquence email, newsletter, lead nurturing, lancement produit)
- Copywriting publicité (creatives, AD copy, Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, YouTube Ads, Amazon Ads)

✨ Secteurs d’activités de prédilection :

- Agence web
- Logiciels et SaaS
- E-learning, formations en ligne
- B2B
- IT
- E-commerce, Amazon
- Investissement
- Cryptos & Blockchain
- Santé, bien-être
- Sport, fitness, perte de poids
- Marque employeur
- Réglementation
- Luxe
- Culture et Loisirs
- Environnement
- Data marketing
- Tourisme
- Automobile
- Artisanat
- Immobilier
- Énergies

Je crois fermement qu'un bon texte peut faire une réelle différence quant au succès d'une campagne marketing ou d'un site web.

Si vous souhaitez déléguer à un rédacteur web consciencieux, autonome et doté d'un processus de rédaction aiguisé, contactez-moi dès maintenant !

👉 Je réponds vite et livre dans les plus brefs délais (petits & gros volumes)

Vous avez un projet ?

Parlez-moi en détail en cliquant sur "Contacter"

Hâte de vous lire :)

Yasser - Copywriter”

  • Professional seller
  • Average response time 4 h
  • Orders in progress 11
  • Sales in total 5,213
  • Seller since Aug 2018