I will enhance your company's image with an impactful logo, original and unique

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Sold by Lucie022 0 sales

**Do you need a professionally designed logo for your business
to stand out from the competition?**
**Do you want to create or enhance your brand image to attract
the attention of your
target audience?**
**Are you looking for a logo design specialist to help you
and assert your visual identity?**


The visual identity of your business is not something to be taken lightly. It is that reflects your company's values. Its design must therefore to your expectations.
Let me take care of the design of your modern and unique logos to boost your business.

**What's a logo?**

Logos are used to represent a given organization or company through a visual image that can be easily understood and recognized. A logo usually consists of symbols, stylized text
or both. Logos are often created by a graphic designer in consultation
consultation with a company and marketing experts. As a key element of an organization's identity, a logo should attempt to
communicate the essence of a company's brand or what the organization
organization represents. The design of a logo is therefore an essential task for a graphic designer and is often a creative process that requires a great deal of research and consultation. For international organizations, cultural differences in symbolism or color associations must be
color associations.

**What's the point of a logo?**

When you consider all the factors involved in creating a company the creation of a company, a logo may not seem like a top priority.
a top priority. "Maybe I don't even need a logo at all," whispers a little voice in the back of your mind. Don't listen to that voice; it couldn't be more wrong. A logo is as much a part of your brand's success as quality products quality products and positive references.

**So why is a logo important?**

Because it attracts attention, makes a strong first impression, forms the basis of your brand identity, is memorable, distinguishes you from the competition, promotes brand loyalty and is expected by your audience.

**why call in an expert to design your logo?**

It's essential to entrust the creation of your logos to professional designers.
The basic principle in logo design is relevance and quality of content. These two characteristics are fundamental if you want to attract attention, stand out and be attractive. It goes without saying that effective visual communication
requires the intervention of professionals in the field. In order to services, I've decided to take on the task of creating the creation of your unique, modern logos. The core of my
communication and graphic design. By way of
design, webmarketing, graphic design and brand managment.

**Here are the different types of logo I can create
for you:**

✓ Ideograms - free-form images that can be
entirely abstract.
Ex: Airbnb, Pepsi, Microsoft, Nike, Chase

✓ Pictograms - symbolic, representational images.
Ex: Pizza Hut, Puma, Mastercard, CVS, Toblerone

✓ Logotypes - simple textual representations, such as a company's initials.
initials of a company.
Ex: Subway, Uber, Coca Cola, ToysRUs, Tiffany and Co.

**WHO AM I?**

My name is Lucie QUENUM, and I'm a leading expert in graphic design, renowned for my impeccable mastery of the visual arts. My exceptional background in the field has earned me an enviable reputation, as well as unrivalled expertise. My perceptive and creative eye enables me to capture the essence of each graphic project, transforming abstract concepts into breathtaking visual realizations. My ability to combine technique with aesthetics is praised by my peers, and my creations are admired for their sophistication and visual harmony. As an expert in graphic design, I strive to push the boundaries of creativity, using the latest trends and integrating innovative elements into my designs, to offer my customers an unforgettable visual experience and undeniable visual impact.

My versatile skills and innate sense of aesthetics make me a valuable asset in the field of graphic design. My mastery of graphic design software is exemplary, and I excel in using digital tools to create exceptional illustrations, typographic compositions and layouts. I'm also a master of color and composition, able to deftly play with contrasts, textures and shapes to evoke emotion and tell a visually captivating story. My meticulous and meticulous approach to work enables me to deliver impeccable results, meeting the tightest deadlines while maintaining an incomparable level of quality. As an expert in graphic design, I'm constantly on the lookout for new trends and technological developments, so I can stay at the cutting edge of my field and offer my customers innovative, high-impact graphic creations.

**Who am I and why use my services to create
your logos?**

I'm constantly on the lookout for visual marketing solutions. My primary objective is to help you find a design solution to your problem, and I always deliver a quality design. Call on me to create or design your logos, is to be assured of quality work and on-time delivery. on time delivery. The other added value you'll benefit from is that your orders will be handled by a seasoned, ingenious, responsive and creative. In order to offer you content that matches your image and visual I don't pixelate logos. I don't disorganize them either, and I don't use existing templates . All my work is done on a professional design tool to deliver orders that meet your expectations and expectations. your expectations and hopes. The advantages of entrusting me with the creation of your logos. First of all, I'd like to emphasize my proven professionalism by
creating modern and unique logos. Secondly, the logos I offer are personalized and made-to-measure.
Third, I'm available at any time. Fourth, I respond instantly and deliver your logos quickly.

My basic offer and additional options for creating
your logos
For 5€, you get the following services:
02 logo proposals (design and text)
PNG format on white background
PNG format on transparent background
Optimal image quality 300 dpi
02 modifications (color and font only) to the selected
selected proposal.
If you'd like to have a customized logo for your company, I offer
various packs in the additional options.

**STANDARD PACK - 25 €**

-2 Professional and unique logos
3 Revisions on selected logo.
Source File Includes PSD.
2 Logos Mockups (Final Logo in different Special Style).
JPG + PNG Transparent + PDF format.
Quality 200 dpi HD.

**ADVANCED PACK - 40 €**

-2 Professional and unique logos.
4 Revisions on selected logo.
Source file includes PSD.
3 Logos Mockups (Final Logo in different Special Style).
Format JPG + PNG Transparent + PDF + FAVICON siteweb.
Quality 300dpi HD.

**VIP PACK - 60 €**

-3 Professional and unique logo.
5 Revisions on selected logo.
Source File Includes PSD.
Vector files: AI + EPS + WEB SVG format.
4 Logo Mockups (Final Logo in different Special Style).
Format JPG + PNG Transparent + PDF + FAVICON siteweb.
Quality 300dpi HD.
In-depth analysis during logo design and creation.

**GOLD PACK - €150**

-5 Professional and unique logo.
Unlimited revisions on the chosen logo.
Transfer of rights (simplified pdf document).
Simplified PRO graphic charter.
Source file including PSD.
-Vector files: AI + EPS + WEB format: SVG.
0 Logos Mockups (Final Logo in different Special Style).
Format JPG + PNG Transparent + PDF + FAVICON siteweb.
Quality 300dpi HD.
In-depth analysis during logo design and creation.

**How do I place an order?**

To place an order, choose the option you wish to purchase and click on the "order" button at the bottom of the page.

**Do you have experience? Or have you already made something?**

Of course I do! I've already worked with lots of agencies and individuals. If you'd like to see them, contact me! I'll be happy to send you to send you my work. It takes less than 5 minutes.

**What information do I need to get you started?

Once you've placed an order, you'll need to tell me more about your or your project. What you do there, what values you want to share...
I may provide you with a short questionnaire to guide you.

**How can I be sure I'll like your work?**

You have the opportunity to follow the progress of your work closely with me
step by step. I'm a good listener and quick to understand and
understanding and perception.
If you have any further questions about the services I offer, please feel free to
before placing your order. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Let's bring all your projects to fruition.

I will enhance your company's image with an impactful logo, original and unique

  • €5.00

Extra options

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

  1. Order
    your preferred service
    from one of our sellers
  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

About the seller

Lucie022 2 days ago

“Bonjour chers clients potentiels. Je me présente, je suis Lucie, développeur web freelance titulaire d'un Master en Analyse informatique et Programmation. Grâce à mes compétences en rédaction et en développement, je suis en mesure de proposer un service complet à mes clients.

Ma solide expertise englobe plusieurs langages de programmation tels que PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, et bien d'autres. De plus, je suis à l'aise dans l'utilisation de frameworks tels que ReactJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, Laravel, ce qui me permet de concevoir des applications web à la fois performantes et esthétiquement attrayantes.

Outre mes compétences en développement, j'ai également acquis une grande expérience en tant que rédacteur web. Je me spécialise dans le référencement et le marketing digital, ce qui me permet de rédiger du contenu optimisé pour les moteurs de recherche (SEO) tout en étant attrayant pour les utilisateurs. Je suis capable de créer du contenu de qualité pour les sites internet, les blogs, les boutiques en ligne, et je peux même rédiger des fiches produits convaincantes.

Grâce à ma double expertise, je suis en mesure de vous aider à concevoir un site web complet, depuis la phase de conception initiale jusqu'à la rédaction du contenu et au développement technique. Je suis prêt à collaborer étroitement avec vous afin de comprendre vos besoins, définir une stratégie éditoriale et développer un site web fonctionnel et esthétiquement plaisant. Mon objectif ultime est de vous aider à accroître votre visibilité en ligne et à offrir une expérience utilisateur optimale.

Que vous ayez besoin d'un développeur web pour créer un site responsive, intégrer des fonctionnalités spécifiques ou optimiser votre site pour les moteurs de recherche, je suis en mesure de vous offrir mes services. Ma polyvalence me permet de m'adapter à différents projets et d'utiliser les techniques et bonnes pratiques les plus récentes en matière de développement web.

N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour discuter de vos besoins spécifiques en développement et en rédaction web. Ce serait un réel plaisir pour moi de collaborer avec vous afin de concrétiser votre projet et de vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs en ligne.”

  • Average response time
  • Orders in progress 0
  • Sales in total 0
  • Seller since May 2023