I will design your professional logo

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Sold by Ter_Stann 0 sales

A logo is a graphic element representing a company, brand, organization or product. It is a visual symbol designed to identify and differentiate one entity from others. Logos are usually carefully created to convey the values, brand image and identity of the entity they represent.
A logo can take many forms, including combinations of symbols, letters, words or specific graphic elements. It can be a simple abstract design, an emblem, a stylized word or a combination of these elements.

Logos play an important role in marketing and communications, as they are used to create visual recognition and promote brand recall. They are often placed on products, packaging, advertising, websites and other communication media to represent the company or brand in a consistent and distinctive way.

A good logo should be easily recognizable, unique, memorable and adaptable to different formats and media. It must also reflect the identity of the entity it represents and establish a connection with the target audience.

**What are the roles of a logo?**

*1-Identification*: A logo identifies and differentiates a company, brand or organization from others.

*2-Corporate image*: It represents a company's brand image and conveys its values, personality and philosophy.

*3-Recognition*: A well-designed logo enables quick and easy recognition of the company, even without reading the name.

*4-Memorability*: An effective logo is easy to remember, which helps retain the company or brand in consumers' minds.

*5-Professionalism*: A well-crafted logo reinforces the company's image of professionalism and credibility.

*6-Communication*: The logo visually communicates the essence of the company and its values to customers, partners and employees.

*7-Differentiation*: It helps you stand out from the competition and create a unique identity.

*8-Consistency*: The logo helps maintain the visual consistency of all the company's communication media, such as business cards, websites, brochures, etc.

*9-Flexibility*: A good logo is adaptable and can be used on different media and formats, such as websites, printed products, signs, etc.

*10-Durability*: A well-designed logo has a longer lifespan and doesn't require frequent modification.

*11-Emotional evocation*: A logo can evoke positive emotions in consumers, strengthening brand loyalty.

The logo plays an essential role in the visual identity and communication of a company or brand.

Calling on a professional graphic designer to create your logo is essential to developing a solid visual identity that is representative of your company. I use software such as Adobe Illustrator to create vector-based designs, guaranteeing professional quality and adaptability to different formats.

As a professional designer I need to understand your brand identity and will create a customized logo, taking into account elements such as typography, fonts, colors and graphic elements relevant to your industry. I can also design business cards, flyers and other communication materials to reinforce your brand image.

When you work with me, you benefit from my expertise in graphic design, my creativity and my ability to create an original and memorable logo. I'll be with you every step of the way, from initial brainstorming and logo proposals, to retouching and fine-tuning for optimal results.

I'll provide you with high-resolution files in various formats such as PNG and SVG, ensuring optimal use on various media and minimal loss of quality. I'll also ensure that your logo is legible, recognizable and fits in with your overall graphic identity.

It's important to emphasize that using automated design tools or online logo generators can lead to generic, undistinguished results. By contrast, calling in a professional graphic designer will give you a unique logo that truly reflects your company and sets you apart from the competition.

When creating your logo, I'll take into account all the necessary elements, such as color choices, color combinations, typography, shapes and icons, to create a coherent and identifiable design. I'll propose different variations of the logo for different communication media, ensuring that it works equally well on your website and your printed documents.

In conclusion, working with me to create your logo means you get a personalized, professional-quality design that accurately represents your brand and is suitable for all communication media. It's a wise investment in establishing a strong, memorable brand identity.

***WHO AM I?***

I'm Pharès, with a Master's degree in Computer Analysis and Programming. In the course of my training I acquired a number of skills, including graphic design.
As a graphic designer specializing in logo creation and with expertise in graphic design, I can help you design a professional and original logo to represent your company. Thanks to my mastery of software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, I can create logos in vector format, guaranteeing optimum quality and easy adaptation to all your communication media.

Whether you need a logo for business cards, print materials, websites or social media, I can create a customized logo that aligns perfectly with your brand image. I pay attention to the smallest details during the design process, paying particular attention to the choice of colors, fonts and graphic elements. My goal is to create a legible, memorable logo that effectively conveys your corporate identity.

If you're looking for a complete visual identity, I can also design a graphic charter including the different variations of your logo, the color combinations, the typefaces used and the rules of use. This will ensure graphic consistency across all your communication media.

Throughout the creative process, I'll listen to your preferences and ideas. We'll work closely together to create a logo that perfectly matches your expectations.

Here are the types of logo I can create for you:
As a graphic designer specializing in logo creation and graphic design, I can help you develop a strong visual identity for your company. Thanks to my expertise in logo creation, I use software such as Adobe Illustrator to create logos in vector format, offering professional quality and adaptability to all communication media.

Whether you need a logo for business cards, printed materials, websites or social media, I can create a customized logo that reflects your brand image. I pay particular attention to the choice of fonts, typography and graphic elements to create a logo that is unique, legible and memorable.

If you're looking for a complete visual identity, I can also design a graphic charter including different variations of your logo, color combinations and rules of use. This will ensure graphic consistency across all your communication media.

I listen to your needs and preferences throughout the creative process. We can work closely together to create a logo that perfectly matches your expectations and stands out in your industry.

To make it easier for you to create your logo, I can also provide you with files in different formats, such as PNG, JPEG, SVG, for unlimited use on various media. This gives you the freedom to place your logo on your website, business cards, flyers, signs and more.

Please contact me to discuss your customized logo design project. Together, we'll create a unique and attractive visual identity for your company.


Our basic offer is the initial €10 pack.
-1 logo proposal according to your brief
-1 retouching (text, colors)
Delivery in JPEG on white or colored background.
(This offer does not include a logo from a sketch and no complex mascot-type design).

Here are your other options :
-3 logo proposals
-2 retouching options (text, colors)
-Delivery in JPEG and PNG

Redesign your logo from your sketch or from an existing image 3 touch-ups
-Delivery in JPEG and PNG

-3 logo proposals
-3 touch-ups (text, colors)
-Logo adapted to social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube Delivery in JPEG and PNG

-3 logo proposals
-5 retouching ( texts, colors)
-Delivery of HD and printable source files ( Ai, Eps, Svg, Pdf and Png)

-3 logo proposals
-7 retouches ( texts, colors)
-Logo adapted to social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube Logo favicon
-Delivery of HD and printable source files ( Ai, Eps, Svg, Pdf and Png)

-5 logo proposals
-Unlimited retouching (text, colors)
-Logo adapted to social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube Graphic charter with color codes and fonts used
-Black and white version of the logo
Logo favicon
-Delivery of HD and printable source files (Ai, Eps, Svg, Pdf and Png).
If you have something bigger, we can discuss it and I'll create a special order for you .
I will be very happy to work with you .*

I will design your professional logo

  • €10.00

Extra options

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

  1. Order
    your preferred service
    from one of our sellers
  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

About the seller

Ter_Stann 23 juil. 2023

“"Bonjour à tous ! Je m'appelle Pharès et je suis ravi de vous accueillir ici. Je suis un professionnel passionné, spécialisé dans la traduction de texte, correction de texte, le montage de vidéo, la rédaction web et la programmation. Mon objectif principal est de vous aider à atteindre leurs objectifs et à concrétiser leurs projets.

Avec mon diplome de Bac+5,idéalement dans une école d'ingénieurs, j'ai développé une expertise solide dans la programmation , la linguistique. Je suis déterminé à fournir des solutions créatives, personnalisées et de qualité supérieure à mes clients. J'accorde une grande importance à comprendre leurs besoins spécifiques, afin de leur offrir des résultats qui dépassent leurs attentes.

Ce qui me distingue, c'est mon approche axée sur le partenariat. Je crois fermement à la collaboration étroite avec mes clients, en tant que véritable équipe, pour garantir le succès mutuel. J'apporte également une grande attention aux détails, à la ponctualité et à la satisfaction totale de mes clients.

Si vous recherchez un professionnel engagé, passionné et fiable pour vos besoins en de texte, en correctionde texte, en cretion de bot, en rédactionweb, je suis là pour vous. N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour discuter de votre projet et découvrir comment je peux vous aider à atteindre vos objectifs.

Je suis impatient de travailler avec vous et de faire une réelle différence dans votre succès. Merci de m'avoir accordé votre attention et je serais ravi de répondre à toutes vos questions. À bientôt !"

Je n'hésite pas à personnaliser cette présentation en fonction de mes services spécifiques et de mon style personnel. L'essentiel est de transmettre ma passion, mon expertise et mon engagement envers mes clients potentiels.

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  • Sales in total 0
  • Seller since May 2023