I will make a premium Spanish / English translation

0 sales

Sold by Del_Redaction Professional 15 total sales

# Increase your audience by expanding into the Hispanic market!

> **RELEASE OFFER (until 07/23/2023): - 50% off for the first 10 orders, on all translations**


Are you looking for a translator to **boost your credibility** in the eyes of recruiters or your prospects?

You are in the **right place**!

If you are reading these lines, you have probably understood that a quality translation is the **bonus** that will allow you to stand out in the Hispanic market.

But maybe you don't want to pay for this service when a robot translates your document for free?
It's up to you! However, you run the risk of being left out in favour of competitors who show their **real mastery of the language** and consequently manage to **sell themselves better**.
Think of it as an **investment**: thanks to an authentic and manual translation, you will boost your profile and your credibility.

Let's say you've translated your website or cover letter using an automatic translator. The translation will probably have **some mistakes**. Doesn't that seem so disturbing to you?
Put yourself in the prospect's shoes: *Would you buy from a website full of English mistakes? Or would you accept the application of a qualified person who uses an automatic translator?

Now, let's imagine the opposite situation: you don't yet master the subtleties of Spanish from Colombia, where you want to apply. You decide not to take any risk and to put all the chances on your side **by calling on an expert** to translate your cover letter.
As a result, *the recruiter will put your application aside and you will have gained points over the competitors with equal qualifications*.

As you can see, a simple translation can make **all the difference**!


# If you're here, it's probably because :

You have found the job of your dreams in Spain and you want to put all the **chances on your side** during the recruitment process.

You want to move to Latin America but you are afraid that your CV and cover letter translated by a robot will look **bad**.

You sell products that may be of interest to the Hispanic market but you don't know where to find an **authentic translation**.

Whatever your situation, I can help you get over that hurdle that is preventing you from **moving on**!


# My little "extra" that will appeal to your recruiter or prospect

Do you want to **get ahead of the foreign competition** who, like you, want to conquer the Hispanic market?

I'm giving you **a gift of a service normally charged** by "classic" translation agencies.

If we take the example of Spanish, we might think that in Latin America, the same language is used in all countries. But if you are fluent in Spanish, you will realize that this is not the case!

> Take this sentence: **"What's your name? "**. In fluent Spanish, this translates into the classic **"¿Cómo te llamás?"**. If we go to Colombia, we would say instead: **"¿Cómo se llama usted?"**, in Chile: **"¿Cómo te llamái?"** and in Argentina: **"¿Vos cómo te llamás?"**.

You notice that for such a simple sentence, there are many subtleties. You are probably beginning to understand that each country has its **own linguistic characteristics**.

Mastering them will allow you to show the recruiter or prospect that you have truly immersed yourself in their culture. This will probably **differentiate you from a competitor at the same level as yours**.

Thanks to my different experiences and contact with Spain (during my apprenticeship) and several Latin American countries (during my travels and exchanges with locals), I am able to **identify the cultural differences between each region and country**.

In order to provide you with a translation that is as authentic as possible, I also strive to respect the **punctuation rules** of the country of translation.


# Why would I be the right professional for you?

My name is Delphine, I am a specialist in **Editing, Proofreading and Translation** of documents and an entrepreneur. I am fluent in French (native speaker), Spanish (C2 level) and English (C1 level).

I became passionate about Spanish translation as soon as I discovered the language. And more importantly, I've been developing this skill professionally since I realized that it was the **key to reaching a large audience in a foreign** and widespread market.

I had the opportunity to travel to Latin America, during which I was able to put my skills to use in an immersive setting. During my stay, I traveled to several countries, which allowed me to identify the **cultural and linguistic differences** between each Latin American country. In particular, I learned a lot about the differences in language between Spain and Latin America, which are two very different languages (vocabulary, conjugation, syntax...).
I will be able to advise you on the cultural specificities of the country you are visiting.

In America, I had the opportunity to translate **many administrative documents requiring fine translation** in order to adapt to the customs of each country. This experience opened me up to translation work and made me want to go even further.

Meticulous and above all **perfectionist**, I hate sloppy work. I offer you a **personalized assistance** to understand your needs: if your translation requires a specific adaptation, I can meet your expectations.

Currently, I continue to educate myself and develop my skills through **daily practice and training** of Spanish.

Today, I share my expertise through my services with the **goal of accessing the Hispanic market**.

To date, I have accompanied different people on various projects, each one very different from the other...


# My introductory offer

For the release of this new service, I am offering the **first 10 customers** an introductory offer **of more than 50% for 3 weeks** (until 07/23/2023).

As part of this offer, for **5 euros**, I offer you a professional translation of **1000 words** (from Spanish to English or English to Spanish), which respects the original style and tone.

Take advantage of this offer to get a **premium translation at an exceptional price** for 3 weeks!


# My different offers

Introductory Offer Price
+ 500 words **5 €** ~~15 €~~
+ 1000 words **10 €** ~~20 €~~
+ 2000 words **15 €** ~~35 €~~
+ 3000 words **20 €** ~~45 €~~
+ 5000 words **35 €** ~~70 €~~
+ 10 000 words **55 €** ~~115 €~~
+ 20 000 words **100 €** ~~200 €~~
+ 40 000 words **180 €** ~~365 €~~
+ 50 000 words (up to 70 000 words) **220 €** ~~450 €~~
Conservation of complex layouts **5 €** ~~15 €~~
Written translation of a video - 1-5 min **10 €** ~~25 €~~
Written translation of a video - 6-10 min **20 €** ~~45 €~~
Written translation of a video - 11-15 min **30 €** ~~65 €~~
Written translation of a video - 16-20 min **40 €** ~~80 €~~
Written translation of a video - 21-40 min **50 €** ~~105 €~~


# Additional benefits

## Resume Translation
Do you need your CV translated to get a job in Spain or Latin America?
I offer a specialized service in the translation of English-Spanish CVs. I am particularly concerned with respecting the **norms and linguistics of the country** you are interested in (equivalence of diplomas and training, for example).
I invite you to go to this link to benefit from my CV translation service: *the service is under construction*.

## Video translation
You have made a **video promoting your products or services**, and you want to translate it in order to reach an **audience 7 times larger** than your current audience?
You are in the right place! If the video has a **script**, I will translate it the same way as a text document. If there is no script, I invite you to look at the **options** at the bottom of the page, depending on the length of your video.

## Layout
Does your original document have a **specific layout** and you want to keep it in your translated document?
If the layout is simple, **I will do it for free**.
If the layout is complex and you want to keep it, you will find the corresponding option at the bottom of the page.

## Touch-ups
In case my translation does not suit you, and after having explained the reason, I will correct it for you until you approve it, and this **free of charge**.

## Express delivery
Are you in a (very) hurry and need a **translation as soon as possible**? I offer you an **express delivery**, details of which you will find at the time of ordering.


# Questions/Answers

**Why not use an automatic translator or use a translation agency?**

*An automatic translator will translate sentences and expressions literally, which creates translations that make **little sense**. In addition, the writing style will not be respected. As for a translation agency, the prices are **multipled up to 10**, for an equal or even inferior quality.*

**Can you translate a video?**

*If you have the script of the video, I will translate it in the same way as a text. If it is a non-scripted video, I invite you to consult the **options for video translation**.

**What are you going to do with my document once it is translated?**

*Once the order is delivered, I will permanently delete your document; I advise you to **keep the translation**, of which I will not have a copy. I also guarantee the **confidentiality of the content** of your document.

**¿Deseas intercambiar en español porque no dominas bien el inglés?**

*No, there is no problem! We can communicate in Spanish as well as in English.


# Do you have any additional questions?

Do you have any questions about the service? You can contact me whenever you want by clicking on the white button **"Contact"**. I will answer you as soon as possible!

Thank you for your confidence!

I will make a premium Spanish / English translation

  • €5.00

Extra options

All prices are excluding tax and bank fees. The total amount will be calculated during payment.

  1. Order
    your preferred service
    from one of our sellers
  2. Communicate securely via the website’s chat box
    from start to finish
  3. Sellers only get paid
    once you have validated the delivery

About the seller

Del_Redaction 3 sept. 2024

“Passionnée de Rédaction et de Langues, entrepreneuse depuis 2 ans, je suis là pour vous accompagner au mieux dans vos projets !

  Je m’appelle Delphine, spécialiste en Rédaction, Correction et Traduction de documents.

  Je vous aide à améliorer et à traduire vos textes de façon professionnelle et unique pour vous permettre de gagner en légitimité dans vos différents projets.

J’ai acquis pendant mes 5 ans d’études une parfaite maîtrise du français comme de l’espagnol et je m’attache à développer continuellement mes compétences grâce à une formation quotidienne dans ces domaines.

  Contactez-moi grâce au bouton "Contacter".

Au plaisir de vous accompagner dans vos projets !”

  • Professional seller
  • Average response time
  • Orders in progress 0
  • Sales in total 15
  • Seller since Apr 2023